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1、专题三冠词,考点突破,考点一不定冠词及定冠词,考点突破,1.不定冠词(a,an)的基本用法,2.不定冠词a,an的区别,注意:判断是用a还是an,要看冠词是在辅音前还是在元音前,而不是看它是在辅音字母前还是在元音字母前。如:Li Ming is an honest boy.honest的音标为/nst/,开头的音素为/,故用an。There is an“f”in the word“five”.字母“f”的音标为/ef/,开头的音素为/e/,故用an。所以我们可以这样记忆:不见元音不加an,不看字母看发音。,在26个字母中,前面用an的字母有:a,e,f,h,i,l,m,n,o,r,s,x,其他

2、用a。要注意区别以“u”开头的单词:当“u”发/音时前面用an,如an umbrella,an unusual story,an unhappy boy;当“u”发/ju/音时前用a,如a university,a use-ful book。3.含有不定冠词的常见固定词组a few/little/bit一点儿;have a swim/walk/talk/look/dance/drink/rest游泳/散步/谈话/看一看/跳舞/喝点东西/休息;have a cold感冒;have a good time玩得高兴;in a hur-ry匆忙;for a while一会儿;keep a diary记

3、日记;do sb.a favor帮助某人。4.定冠词the的基本用法,记忆口诀:特指双方知,上文已提及,世上独无二,序数最高级,年代姓复数,类指奏乐器。常用固定搭配:in the evening在晚上in the daytime在白天in the end最后on the right在右边at the same time同时by the way顺便说一下the next morning第二天早晨in the front of在的前面,考点二零冠词,零冠词1.下列情况不用冠词,2.在某些固定词组和习惯用语中,不用冠词day by day(一天天);face to face(面对面);side by

4、 side(肩并肩);hand in hand(手拉手);from beginning to end(自始至终);day and night(日日夜夜);husband and wife(夫妻);at home 在家;by mistake 错误地;learn by heart 背诵;in sight看得见;at first起初;at last最后;at once 立刻;by way of经由;at noon 在中午;at work在工作;on time准时;in surprise 惊奇地;at night 在晚上;on foot 步行;on business因公出差;on holiday 在度

5、假;in class在课堂上;on show展览;go home回家;for example 例如;go shopping/swimming/boating/fishing 去买东西/游泳/划船/钓鱼,3.有定冠词和无定冠词的区别(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6),(7),一、单句填空1.(2019河南)Judy, how was the camping?The other campers were nice, and we had a fun time together.2.(2019天津)I am going to have a picnic on Sunday.3.(2019重庆)On

6、e of his daughters became an English teacher last August.4.(2019广东)The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders around the world.5.(2019新疆)Is that a post office?No, itsan old library.,中考题组,6.(2019黑龙江哈尔滨)Mum, Im going on a picnic with my friends today.Have a good day.7.(2019吉林)There is a map of China o

7、n the wall in my bedroom.8.(2019贵州铜仁)China is an Asian country while England is a European country.9.(2019甘肃兰州)Hide-and-seek is an interesting game for children.10.(2019广西南宁)I usually have an egg and some bread for breakfast.11.(2019内蒙古呼和浩特)We usually go swimming in / summer. But in the summer of 20

8、18, we didnt.,12.(2019山东青岛)Qingdao is a beautiful city that lies in the east of China.13.(2019浙江温州)Peter, shall we go for a picnic this Sunday?OK. Lets add it to the weekend plan.14.(2018河南)Are you going to the football match tonight?I wish I could, but Im meeting a VIP from Oklahoma.15.(2018天津)Ther

9、e is an old piano in the corner of the living room.16.(2018上海)Hurry up! The concert will begin in a minute.17.(2018重庆)I had an egg and some milk for breakfast this morning.18.(2018广东)A new study says that going to bed late is harmful to our health.,19.(2018山东潍坊)To prepare for the trip to LA, Betty i

10、s making a list of things to take along.20.(2017河南)When will the car race begin?Im not sure. Maybe next week, or maybe the week after next.二、语篇填空(2020河南中考预测)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。like, important, get, down, something, rule, organize, while, this, proper,Liu Hao, 13, used

11、to be addicted(上瘾的) to playing with his cellphone. He spent nearly all of his free time on it. As a result, his grades went 1. Now Liu has got away from his addiction, but he still feels lost. “Its like 2 is missing without my cellphone,” he said.Technology is a double-edged sword(双刃剑). Smartphones

12、can make our lives more convenient, but they can also cause problems among people. Some schools have set strict 3 to stop students from using their smartphones too much.However, Sun Zheng, a 14-year-old who studies at Hefei No. 50 Middle School, thinks electronic products 4 smartphones are an import

13、ant part of students,life. In his class, students are asked to upload their math homework on QQ or WeChat. “I also enjoy watching online classes and 5 information using my smartphone,” Sun added. Many students use apps on their smartphones to help them with their schoolwork.Maybe the best way to sol

14、ve the problem is to teach kids to use their smartphones 6. For example, Liu and his classmates have agreed to some rules of smart-phone use. “We agreed to put away our phones 7 studying, ask our parents before using them and only play with them for a few minutes,” Liu said.More 8, spending time enj

15、oying the “real world” can prevent smartphone,addiction, according to Zhang Lin, a 14-year-old at Hangzhou Huixing Middle School. “Painting, badminton, climbing, riding bikes., and 9 fun activities make me forget about my smartphone,” she said. “Maybe schools and parents can 10 more activities for k

16、ids to enjoy instead of just stopping smart-phones.”1.down2.something3.rules4.like5.getting6.properly7.while8.importantly9.these10.organize,一、单句填空1.(2019河南郑州一模)What do you think of the British cartoon Peppa Pig?Its wonderful. Many kids take an interest in it.2.(2019河南省实验中学一模)Is itthestory you told t

17、o your class last night?Yes, dont you think it isatouching and wonderful one?3.(2019河南新乡一模)I want to see Operation Red Sea a second time because it is quite a wonderful movie.4.(2019河南洛阳一模)Daisy, how do you likethemovie called The Wander-,模拟题组,ing Earth?Wow! Its reallyamovie which makes people think

18、 a lot.5.(2019河南开封一模)Little Bob, a one-year-old baby,can play the vi-olin. Is it amazing?Yes. It is almost impossible!6.(2019河南焦作一模)The invention of the bicycle is a great one to the world. I like going to work on a bike.7.(2019河南平顶山一模)This is the book weve read several times.Wonderful! Ive never re

19、ad amore interesting one.,8.(2019河南许昌一模)Alex is anhonest boy, and he is also kind.Yes, he always volunteers to help the disabled.9.(2019河南商丘一模)How about theChristmas evening party?I should say it was asuccess.10.(2019河大附中一模)Nowadays,WeChat Payment has been a more popular payment way among the young

20、people.Whats more, thenumber of people us-ing it is increasing rapidly.11.(2019河南郑州二模)I cant tell you the way to the Zhangs because we dont haveaZhang here.,12.(2018河南新乡一模)Look!There is a backpack lying on the ground over there.Whose is it?I think it must be Allens.I remember he has one like this.13

21、.(2018河南安阳一模)Yang Kezhang got the award of Touching China 2017.Yes,he saved a 2-year-old girl in the fire,but he lost his own life instead.14.(2018河南焦作一模)It seems to be clearing.Its a nice change.I really dont hope the weather like that will last.15.(2018河南平顶山一模)What do you usually take with you in

22、England?,I always take an umbrella with me and the umbrella is very useful.16.(2018河南郑州一模)With the development of science and technology, China has entered a new era(时代).17.(2018河南洛阳二模)Have you ever seen the film Amazing China?Yes.It is a fantastic film.I want to see it again.二、语篇填空(2020河南中考原创)阅读短文,

23、根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。In a faraway place, there was a village. The village was rich in potatoes 1,anywhere else in the country. At the end of every growing season, thousands of potatoes were dug out of the ground, and readied for the market. In each home, men and women 2busily divide the potato

24、es into three groups, large, medium and small.One year, there was a young man who received his share of the potatoes. As the other villagers were working, he walked around the village laughing and talking. 3villagers thought he was lazy, and they worried that this man would never get his potatoes re

25、ady on time. When it was time for the villagers to go to the market, they were greatly surprised to find that the mans potatoes were divided perfectly,into three groups.After asking the man how he did it, they understood he was not lazy, 4 very clever. He had put all his potatoes in a cart and pulle

26、d it along the villages rough(高低不平的) dirt road. As the cart moved up and down,the potatoes moved too. The small potatoes moved to the bottom, the larger potatoes rose to the top and the medium potatoes rested 5the middle.Life is like this too. The rough roads we travel along can also help us.1.than2.would3.The4.but5.in,


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