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1、比较等级与比较结构Comparison and Comparative Construction,讲解提纲,形容词与副词的比较等级比较结构的三大类型asasmorethanthe most比较结构的其它形式,形容词与副词的比较等级,三个等级:原级 Positive/Absolute Degree比较级 Comparative Degree最高级 Superlative Degree比较级和最高级的形式规则不规则,规则形式,综合形式Synthetic Form加后缀-er;-est分析形式Analytic Form在原级前加more;most,规则形式,不规则形式,没有比较等级的词语,right

2、, wrong, excellent, perfect, final, whole, ultimate, entire, fatal, spontaneous, univeral, extreme, etc.,比较结构,类型asasmorethanthe most,asas,基本形式as + adj/adv原级+ as 分句否定形式not so/as + adj/adv原级+ as分句lessthan,Examples:John is as bright as Bob.John is not as/so bright as Bob.John is less bright than Bob.,a

3、sas变体形式,as much / many + 名词 + as 分句e.g. He took as much butter as he needed. She has written as many essays as her brother.as+ adj. 原级+名词词组 + as分句e.g. George is as efficient a worker as Jack. = George is a worker (who is) as efficient as Jack.,基本用法主语不同,比较项目相同(不同事物的同一方面)e.g. The girl was as brilliant

4、 as her sister. John doesnt behave as / so politely as Bob.主语相同,比较项目不同(同一事物的两个方面)e.g. The girl was as brilliant as she was beautiful. He is not so wise as he is witty.主语不同,比较项目也不同(不同事物的不同方面)e.g. This swimming pool isnt twice as wide as that one is long.His uncle was as base and unworthy as his fathe

5、r had been upright and honorable.,asas与 bad, much连用时,常置于句首, 引导让步状语从句。译为“尽管”: As / So bad as he is, he has his good points. As much as she hated cruelty, she couldnt help watching the fight.,as good as(此处不涉及比较级)= in effect, practically, 译为“实际上(等于)”。例如: What he said has as good as shown his attitude.

6、They have as good as promised to help us. The patient is as good as cured.,morethan,基本形式adj/ adv比较级 + than分句否定形式lessthannot so/as + adj/adv原级+ as分句,John is brighter than Bob.This car runs less fast than that one.(This car runs slower than that one.)This car doesnt run so/as fast as that one.,比较级前可加数

7、词表示确切的度量e.g. He is two inches taller than his father.He came twenty minutes earlier than the others.,不定冠词/零冠词+形容词比较级+ n. + than分句e.g. John is a more efficient worker than Jack.= John is a worker more efficient than Jack.= John is more efficient a worker than Jack.My brother has a larger house than m

8、ine.= My brothers house is larger than mine.,the+adj/adv比较级+ of词组 e.g. John is the brighter of the two boys. The black one is the better of the two pens.只适用于两者比较,morethan变体形式,more/less of a +可数名词单数+ than 分句e.g. He is more/less of a sportsman than his brother.= He is more/less sportsmanlike than his

9、brother.He was more of a fool than I thought he was.He was as much of a fool as I thought he was.He was too much of a fool.,基本用法比较两个事物的同一方面e.g. This task is much more difficult than last one.比较同一事物的两个方面(“与其不如”)(与其说John脑子灵活,不如说他胆子大)e.g. John is more daring than quick-witted. The present crisis is muc

10、h more a political than an economic crisis.(当前的危机与其说是经济危机,不如说是政治危机)用lessthan表示相反的含义,the most+比较范围,适用于三个或三个以上事物进行比较 John is the brightest of the three boys.比较范围(431):可以为介词词组也可为关系分句或非限定分句 Its the worst thing I ve ever known.= It cant be worse.George did the most work this morning.= George did more wor

11、k this morning than anyone else.,有些最高级结构并不是与其它事物相比e.g. Please accept my deepest gratitude.I shall do it with the greatest pleasure.,最高级the most 的反义,可用the least或原句形容词或副词的反义词的最高级e.g. This is the least difficult book Ive ever read.= This is the easiest book Ive ever read.He behaved the least politely o

12、f the three.= He behaved the most rudely of the three.,比较结构的其它形式,(1)A is to B what C is to D A对于B就像C对于D一样e.g. You are to me what water is to life. Food is to men what oil is to machine.,(2)not soasnot so muchas (lessthan)e.g. London isnt so large as Tokyo. = is smaller than It wasnt so much his appe

13、arance I liked as his personality.= I liked his appearance less than I liked his personality. = I liked his personality more than I liked his appearance.,Not so much .as 与其不如(否定前者,肯定后者)与其说成功在于运气,不如说在于辛勤劳动与其说他是个学者,不如说他是个书呆子。Success lies not so much in luck as in hard work.He is not so much a scholar

14、as a pedant,(3)e.g. John is not better than Tom. John is no better than Tom. Tom is better than John. John is as bad as Tom.not more than 不多于no more than 只是,仅仅no richer than = as poor asno bigger than = as small as,no more than 与一样(不);既不也不 (= not any more than)more than 不只是e.g. A whale is no more a

15、fish than a horse is.I would no more call you than I would write to you.= I would not call you, just as I would not write to you.,more than 的几种特殊用法:“more than + 名词”= not only,可译为“不仅仅”: But work is more than accomplishment and pride in being able to command the job, 但是工作不仅仅是成就和能够胜任工作的自豪, 我的北方之行并非观光而已

16、。 My trip to the north is more than sightseeing., “more than + 形容词”(常用于口语)= very, 可译为“非常”、“十分”。例如: They were more than glad to help. 他们非常乐意帮忙。 听说你成功了,我们非常高兴。 We are more than happy to hear of your success. 他对结果十分满意。He is more than pleased with the result.,“more than + 副词/代词”= not limited to. 可译 为“不止

17、”。 例如: He was dressed more than simply. 他穿的岂止是朴素,简直是破烂了。 (他穿得过于寒酸。) 类似情况不止一次发生。 It happened more than once., “more than + 数词”= over, 可译为“多于”,“大于”: It took more than 100,000 men twenty years to build the Great Pyramid. 十多万人花费了二十年时间才建成了这座大金字塔。 这家公司有100多人是大 学生。 More than 100 workers in this company are

18、 college students.,II. Learning Points,注意:less than 也可表示“与其说,不如 说”的含义。但morethan 结构否定 的是“后者”,而less than则否定的是 “前者”。试比较: She was more hurt than frightened. She was less hurt than frightened. 与其说她吓坏了,不如说她受了伤。 与其说她受了伤,不如说她吓坏了。,II. Learning Points, “more + 名词 + than” 一般翻译为“与其 说,不如说”。例如: He is more a poet

19、than a philosopher. 与其说他是哲学家,不如说他是诗人。 “more + 介词短语 + than”结构常译为“主要 是,而不是”。例如: He was a scholar more in name than in reality. 他这个学者当得有名无实。,His success lies more in diligence than in intelligence. 他的成功主要在于勤奋,而不在于聪明。 他似乎更关心他的狗,而不是他的孩子。 He seems to care more for his dogs than for his children., “moretha

20、ncan”结构是英语中一种含蓄的表达方法。从表面看,该结构是肯定形式,实际上表达的是否定意义,可译为“不是所能的”或“简直无法”。例如: That is more than I can do. 我力所不能及。布朗先生的钱多得用不完。Mr. Brown has more money than he can spend. 他读不了那么多书。He has more books than he can read. = He cannot read so many books.,II. Learning Points, “nothing is more than / nothing more than

21、/ nothing morethan”这三种形式是英语中最高 级的一种委婉表达法,一般译为“最莫过于”: Nothing is more precious than time, yet nothing is less valued. 最宝贵的莫过于时间,而最不值钱的也是时间。,II. Learning Points, “no more than”结构 = only, just,可译为“只 不过”或“仅仅”。修饰数量词时,强调“少”: I have taken no more than six courses this semester. 这学期我只选了六门课程。 我只不过是一个普普通通的人。

22、I am no more than an ordinary man. 这仅仅是个开端。 It is no more than a beginning.,II. Learning Points, “not more than”结构 = at most, 译为“充其量”或“至多”,只说明事实: He wrote not more than three novels. 他写得小说至多不超过三部。 There are not more than ten tickets left. 剩下的票不超过10张。 “not morethan” 结构用于比较时, not只否 定前者,可译为“并不比更”或“不如”:

23、 The new edition is not more expensive than the old edition. 新版本并不比旧版本贵。 He is not more foolish than you. 他并不比你傻。,no less than = as much as “竟有之多,多达”强调多no less than 前后均为肯定, “不亚于, 和 一样” 、“正如、正是”not less than 意为“不少于,至少”,客观地描述His son has read no less than 50 English books. 他的儿子竟然读了50本英文书。(强调多)His son h

24、as read not less than 50 English books. 他的儿子读了不少于50本英文书。(不强调多或少)The middle-aged man was no less a person than the new minister. 这位中年人正是新来的部长。Her voice is no less sweet than it used to be. 她的歌声和以前一样甜美。,(4)the more the more 越越more and more 越来越e.g. The sooner you start, the more quickly youll finish.Th

25、e more money he gets, the less happy he has.The prices are getting higher and higher.Everything will be better and better.Learning a foreign language is a more and more difficult process.,(5)倍数表示法e.g. This room is twice as big as that one.= This room is twice bigger than that one.= This room is twic

26、e the size of that one.This bridge is three times as long as that one.= This bridge is three times longer than that one.= This bridge is three times the length of that one.,使用by, compared with 等表倍数Compared with last year, our coal output has increased by three times. 与去年相比,我们的煤产量增长了 3 倍。His speed is faster than mine by four times.他的速度比我的快 4 倍。,


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