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1、good afternoon,陈玉军,杨娟宁,张文杰,永远的憧憬和追求,萧红,萧红简介,萧红(1911-1942),黑龙江省呼兰县人,我国现代著名女作家,出生于呼兰县城一封建地主家庭。萧红父亲张廷举,早年毕业于黑龙江省立优级师范学堂,长期担任官吏,具有浓厚的封建统治阶级思想。他对萧红冷漠无情,促使萧红最终走上背叛地主家庭的道路。萧红年幼丧母,自小深得祖父张维祯的喜爱,并受到祖父以古诗为主的启蒙教育,使其从小就打下较好的文学基础。,萧红的散文文笔亲切、细腻,感情热烈真挚,具有抒情诗般的艺术风格。永远的憧憬和追求是萧红的一篇传记性散文名作。在这篇作品中,萧红以朴实细腻的笔调回忆了她的童年和故乡,作

2、品流露出低沉忧郁的情绪,二十岁离家出走后一直过着流浪的生活,父亲的冷酷和祖父的仁慈给幼年时代的萧红留下了深刻的记忆,使她认识到,“人生除了冰冷和僧恶之外,还有温暖和爱”,向着这“温暖”和“爱”,她“怀着永久的憧憬和追求”。这篇散文文风朴素自然,充满真情,感人至深。,对比学习,Title: 永远的憧憬和追求,Three kind of translations:My Everlasting Dream and Pursuit (张)My Longing and Yearning (刘)A Perpetual Longing and Pursuit (葛)Everlasting: adj. con

3、tinuing for ever ; never changing 永恒的;持久的 ;永恒的 . Perpetual: continuing for a long period of time without interruption. 永远的;永恒的;长期的,张译中的dream and pursuit 道出了原文作者不仅心中怀有信念,更有主动追求的意思。前者表示心中所想,后者表示行动。更忠实原文。刘译中的Longing and Yearning 均有“渴求。渴望”之意,却没有翻译出“永远的”和“追求”的意思。,一九一一年,在一个小县城里边,我生在一个小地主的家里。那县城差不多就是中国的最东最

4、北部黑龙江省所以一年之中,倒有四个月飘着白雪。,In 1911, I was born into a petty Landlord family in a remote county town in Heilongjiang Provincea town situated virtually at the northeastern tip of China. We had snow there for as long as one third of a year. (张),In 1911, I was born into a small landlord family in a small c

5、ountry town in Heilongjiang Chinas far northeastern province where it snowed for four months of the year. In1911,In a small county seat I was born into a petty landlord family. The county seat is in what is probably the easternmost and northernmost part of China-Heilongjiang province-and so for four

6、 months of any given year there are snow flurries.,争议点,差不多 (1)Virtually (2) 没有译 (3)Probably,最东北部: at the northeastern tip far northeastern province the easternmost and northernmost at the northeastern tip 比in Chinas northeastern part灵活顺口。,累赘且不常见,父亲常常为着贪婪而失掉了人性。他对待仆人,对待自己的儿女,以及对待我的祖父都是同样的吝啬而疏远,甚至于无情。

7、,Father, driven by avarice vris , often became very unfeeling. He would treat his servants, his own children and even my grandpa alike with meanness and indifference, not to say with ruthlessness.(张)Father was almost inhumanly avaricious. To his servants, his children and even his own father, he was

8、 just as miserly and indifferent, or heartless for that matter.(刘),My father often gave up humanity over greed.His relations with servants, or with his own children, as well as with Grandpa, were all characterized by his stinginess, aloofness, even hard-heartedness.,争论点为着 (1)Driven by avarice (张) (2

9、) inhumanly avaricious (刘) (3) Gave up his humanity over greed (葛) 张译中的“driven by avarice ”为分词短语作原因状语,形象得描绘了父亲的贪婪及残忍。,Over: 介词 ; 由于,关于(表原因) “甚至于无情”译为 not to say with ruthlessness,其中not to say是英语成语,意即and almost或and perhaps even。(张) 成语的使用,不仅忠实原文思想,而且使译文更简洁,顺畅。 For that matter: 就此而言,在这方面 。(葛) Eg: I do

10、not like it much. Nor did the kid, for that matter. 我不怎么喜欢它,孩子们也同样不喜欢。,有一次,为着房屋租金的事情,父亲把房客的全套的马车 赶了过来。,Once, due to a dispute over house rent, he took away by force a tenants horse-drawncart and drove it home. (张) Once because a tenant failed to pay his rent, father detained his cart and horse. (刘)

11、Once, over rent payment due on a house, my father took possession of a tenants entire team of and his wagon horse.(葛),争论点,把马车赶了过来 Took away by force带走;拿走;夺走 (强制的房式),形象表现出了父亲那种飞扬跋扈,欺负弱者的形象,体现了对父亲的憎恨和对房客的同情。 Detain vt 拘留;留住;扣押 ,扣押是一个法律术语 ,是指人民法院把被执行人的财产移至另外的场所加以扣留,不准被执行人占有、使用和处分。拘留是指将对象拘禁限制. (使用不当)Eg:

12、 The police detained the suspect to make further inquiries .警察拘留了那个嫌疑犯以便进一步审查。 Took possession of私吞 ;占有 .,全套的马车,horse-drawncart(张)his cart and horse(刘)entire team of and his wagon horse (葛)Here:his cart and horse 有歧义,有可能指“全套马车”,也有可能指“马车”和“马”。,房客的家属们哭着诉说着,向我的祖父跪了下来,于是祖父把两匹棕色的马从车上解下来还了回去。,The tenants

13、family came to see grandpa and, dropping to their knees, tearfully related their troubles. Grandpa unharnessed the two chestnut horses andretuned them to tenant. (张)The tenants family knelt in front of Grandpa, pleading for mercy with tears in their eyes. Grandpa unharnessed the two brown horses fro

14、m the cart and gave them back to the tenant. (刘),The tenants family wept, pleaded, and prostrated(使俯伏)themselves at the feet of Granddad, who then unharnessed two tawny horses from the wagon and gave them back. (葛),诉说:Relate:vt. to give a spoken or written report of something; to tell a story 叙述,讲述

15、(张)Plead : to ask sb for something in a very strong and serious way. 乞求,恳求。,棕色的马Chestnut, 红棕色的。英语常用chestnut指马的棕色,或棕色的马.Brown:棕色的 tawny: 黄褐色的,茶色的,为着这匹马,父亲向祖父起着终夜的争吵。,That touched off a night-long quarrel between father and grandpa. (张)Over this Father wrangled with him for the whole night. (刘)My fath

16、er quarreled with Granddad all night over those two horses. (葛),争论点,Touch off: to make sth begin, especially a difficult or violent situation.(触发,引发)Wrangle with: An argument that is complicated and continued over a long period of time.(长时间的争吵,争辩)Quarrel with 争吵,“两匹马,咱们是算不了什么的,穷人,这两匹马就是命根。”祖父这样说着,而父

17、亲还是争吵。 “The two horsesmean nothing to us, but everything to the poor,” argued grandpa. Father, however, refusedto listen. (张)“two horses do not much to us,” said Grandpa, “but they are the life-blood to the poor. ” Father bickered on.(刘)“two horses to us mean nothing, but to a poor man those two hor

18、ses mean his very existence,” Granddad said, but my father continued to quarrel with him.(葛),life-blood:(组织、关系等的)生命线,命脉“穷人,这匹马就是命根”译为they mean everything to the poor,其中everything和前面的nothing相互应。“nothing”和“everything”的对比,比直译为“life-blood”更有力、更贴切,映衬出祖父的慈祥善良,为后文埋下伏笔。existence: 生存,生计。 Father, however, ref

19、usedto listen.能更生动地表达原意。Bickered:to argue, especially about something very unimportant(尤指为琐事)争吵,发生口角Granddad said, but my father continued to quarrel with him: “quarrel with” 与前面的重复,表达不够简练。,九岁时,母亲死去。父亲也就更变了样。Mother died when I was nine. From then on father went from bad to worse. (张)When I was nine

20、years old Mother died and Father became worse. (刘)When I was nine my mother died. My father changed even more(葛),原文为两个独立的句子,无任何衔接词,译文加上衔接词“from then on”使得前后两句衔接紧凑。(张)译文用连接词and将原文的两个小句译为一个句子,“and”一词表示结果,使前后两个句子逻辑清晰,衔接紧凑,此句比张译更简洁明了,更地道,同样起到了承上启下的作用。(刘)葛浩文译为“When I was nine my mother died. My father ch

21、anged even more”.“change”不能够准确表达出父亲变得更糟,只是字面意思的翻译。,偶然打碎了一只杯子,他就要骂到使人发抖的程度。,Even a mere cup accidentally broken by someone would send him into such a violent rage that we all shivered with fear.(张)将even放在句首, 再加上mere更加突出了父亲的冷酷无情、越来越糟。用了suchthat来连接句子,语句流畅且富有表现力。,If you accidentally broke a small thing

22、like a cup, he would keep throwing curse at you until you shivered all over.(刘)broke a small thing like a cup表意生动。 throwing curse at 用的不太准确,curse是诅咒、咒骂。,后来就连父亲的眼睛也转了弯,每从他的身边经过,我就像自己的身上生了针剌一样;他斜视着你,他那高傲的眼光从鼻梁经过嘴角而后往下流着。 Later, whenever I happened to walk past him, he would even have his eyes directed

23、 sideways, which made me feel like being pricked all over on thorns. When he looked askance at me, superciliousness gushed from his eyes down the bridge of his nose and then off the corners of his mouth. (张)Later even his eyes could cast crooked glances. Whenever I passed by him, he would eye me sid

24、eways with his arrogant look streaming down the bridge of his nose and then off the corner of his mouth, making me feel as if pricked on needles.(刘),Later on, even my fathers eyes underwent a change, and each time I passed by him, I felt as if there were thorns stuck all over my body; he would cast

25、an oblique glance at you, and that arrogant glance of his would shift from the bridge of his nose, down past the corner of his mouth and continue moving down.(葛)张的翻译将“每从他的身边经过”置于句首,然后用非限制性定语从句来修饰“父亲的眼睛也转了弯”,使译文显的更流畅,句子衔接连贯。刘的翻译将“每从他的身边经过”与后面的句子连接起来,把“后来就连父亲的眼睛也转了弯”单独译为一句。“我就像自己的身上生了针剌一样,making me fe

26、el as if pricked on needles.”作为“他斜视着你he would eye me sideways ”这句的伴随状语。,*所以每每在大雪中的黄昏里,围着暖炉,围着祖父,听着祖父读着诗篇,看着祖父读着诗篇时微红的嘴唇。,Often of a snowy evening, we children would hang about grandpa by a heating stove, listening to him reading poems aloud and meanwhile watching his busy ruddy lips.(张)In snowy even

27、ings I would sit with Grandpa by the stove, listening to him reading poems, watching his pink lips while he was reading.(刘)So at dusk during snowstorms I stayed near the radiator and by Granddad, where I would listen to him read poetry and watch his slightly reddened lips as he read the poems. (葛),争

28、论点暖炉Heating stove; stove; radiator(散热器、暖气片)围着Hang about: 等待,逗留,闲逛Hang about with somebody: 和某人长时间呆在一起微红:ruddy,pink, slightly reddened,*父亲打了我的时候,我就在祖父的房里,一直面向着窗子,从黄昏到深夜窗外的白雪,好像白棉花一样飘着;而暖炉上水壶的盖子,则像伴奏的乐器似的振动着。,小组译文:Every time when I was beaten up by my father, I would stay in my grandpas room and face

29、the window from dusk until late that night, watching the snow-flakes dancing like the white cotton while listening to the lid of the kettle whistling like the accompaniment of the musical instruments.,Whenever father had given me a beating, I would seek solace in grandpas room where I would stay gaz

30、ing out of the window from dusk till late into the night while snowflakes were flying like cotton and the lid of the kettle over the heating stove rattling like a musical instrument playing an accompaniment.(张培基),*祖父时时把多纹的两手放在我的肩上,而后又放在我头上,我的耳边便响着这样的声音:“快快长吧!长大就好了。”,小组译文:My grandpa usually threw his

31、 multiple-threaded hand round my shoulder then on my head and said to me: “ Do grow up quickly!Everything will be just right when you became older.”,Grandpa would place his wrinkled hand on my shoulder and then on my head, saying, “Grow up quick, poor child! Youll be all right after youve grown up.”

32、 (张培基),二十岁那年,我就逃出了父亲的家庭。直到现在还是过着流浪的生活。,小组译文:I escaped from my fathers home when I was twenty and until now I still lead a vagrant life.,I fled from home at twenty. And so far I still live the life of a vagrant. (张培基),“长大”是“长大了”,而没有“好”,小组译文:I did grow up but things did not turn out to be what I expec

33、ted.,True, Ive “grown up”, but Im not yet “all right”. (张培基),可是从祖父那里,知道了人生除掉了冰冷和憎恶而外,还有温暖和爱。所以我就向这“温暖”和“爱”的方面,怀着永久的憧憬和追求。,However, I learned from my grandpa that except for indifference and abhorrence, life did have warm and love. Therefore, I harbored my everlasting dream and pursuit towards warm and love.,Nevertheless, from grandpa Ive learned that apart from coldness and hatred, there is also warmth and love in life. Hence my everlasting dream and pursuit of this “warmth” and “love”. (张培基),


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