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1、山水浙江,魅力杭州,(Attractive Hangzhou),(Landscape Zhejiang),浙江概况,(About Zhejiang Navigator),地理位置(Location),浙江省地处中国东南沿海长江三角洲南翼,东临东海,南接福建,西与江西、安徽相连,北与上海、江苏接壤。境内最大的河流钱塘江,因江流曲折,称之江,又称浙江,省以江名,简称“浙”。省会杭州。,Zhejiang is located in the southern part of the Yangtze River Delta on the southeast coast of China. It lies

2、 between 27o12 and 31o31 north latitude and 118o00 and 123o 00east longitude. It faces the East China Sea on the east and neighbors Fujian on the south. With an extensive hinterland in the rear, it shares borders with Jiangxi and Anhui on the west and Shanghai, the countrys largest city, and Jiangsu

3、 on the north.,Zhejiang,Shanghai,自然资源(Natural Resources ),The average water resources of Zhejiang total 99.03 billion cubic meters, ranking the fourth in Chinain per unit area. Forestry covers 59.4 percent of the provinces total area with rich resources of economic forests and bamboo groves. Famous

4、local special products include tea, mulberries, oranges and tangerines. The output of nuts like hickory and Chinese torreya accounts for more than 70 percent of that of the country. The province is also a major producer of Chinese tallow trees, Magnolia officinalisand Fructus Corni. In addition, the

5、 output of bamboo is in the front ranks in the country.,浙江省具有丰富的森林资源、海洋资源、水资源、矿产资源和土地资源。浙江是中国高产综合性农业区,茶叶、蚕丝、水产品、柑橘、竹制品等在全国占有重要地位。森林覆盖率达59.4%,居全国前列。树种资源丰富,素有东南植物宝库之称。野生动物种类繁多,有123种动物被列入国家重点保护野生动物名录。,浙江历史(History),浙江历史悠久,文化灿烂,是中国古代文明的发祥地之一。早在5万年前的旧石器时代,浙江就有原始人类“建德人”活动;境内已发现新石器时代遗址100多处,有距今7000年的河姆渡文化、

6、距今6000年的马家浜文化和距今5000年的良渚文化。,Zhejiang province has a long history and brilliant culture, which is one of the cradles of Chinas ancient civilization.As early as the Old Stone Age, about 50000 years ago, a kind of primitives called jiande people has appeared in this area.More than 100 sites of relics o

7、f the New Stone Age have been discovered here, which include the Hemudu Culture which dates back to seven thousand years ago, the Majiabang Culture ,six thousand years ago and the Liangzhu Culture ,five thousand years ago.,浙江人文(Culture),Zhejiang is blessed with rich culture. China is home to chinawa

8、re. Zhejiang is the origin of celadon . Silk, tea and paper-making, too, were so well developed that they endowed the land of Zhejiang with a rich cultural ambience and unique oriental aesthetic flavor.It is also a land ofsparkling waters and graceful hills, where talents gather. Great men of past t

9、imes have filled Zhejiangs history with their deeds, and its land with their renown. The province has always been in the front ranks in education, science and technology, and culture and art.,浙江文化灿烂,人文荟萃,科技教育发达,名胜古迹众多,素享“文物之邦,旅游之地”美誉。在历史上,浙江涌现的科技教育、文化名人灿若星河。现今,浙江省拥有国务院部属科研和开发机构20个,省市科研机构150多个,向国内外开放

10、的国家重点实验室3个,重点专业实验室3个,以及一批国家行业研究中心。有浙江大学等37所高等院校。,浙江是中国经济比较发达的沿海对外开放省份。素有“鱼米之乡”之称,是综合性的农业高产区域,以多种经营和精耕细作见长,大米、茶叶、蚕丝、柑桔、竹品、水产品在全国占有重要地位。浙江工业基础较好,以轻工业、加工制造业、集体工业为主。丝绸工业历史悠久,电力工业发达,各类市场蓬勃发展,全省有21个县市成为全国农村综合实力百强县市。,浙江经济(Economy),As one of the most economically vibrant and developed provinces, Zhejiang ra

11、nked the fourth in China in terms of overall economic aggregate. For example,in 2005,the added value from the primary, secondary andtertiaryindustries were 87.3 billion RMB, 714.7 billion RMB and 534.5 billion RMB, up by 1.6%, 12.3% and 14.9% respectively.The ratio of the three industrieswas changed

12、from 7.0/53.6/39.4 of the previous year to 6.5/53.5/40 respectively. The per capita GDP of the province was 27552 RMB, up by 10.8% over the previous year.,风景名胜(Places of Interest),自然风光与人文景观交相辉映,使浙江成为名副其实的旅游胜地。全省有重要地貌景观800多处,水域景观200多处,生物景观100多处,人文景观100多处;有西湖、富春江-新安江、雁荡山、普陀山等14个国家级重点风景名胜区,东钱湖、大佛寺、方岩、烂

13、柯山等42个省级风景名胜区;有杭州、宁波、绍兴、衢州、临海5座国家级历史文化名城,省级历史文化名城12座;有全国重点文物保护单位134处,省级重点文物保护单位279个;有国家级自然保护区7个,国家森林公园20个。,Situated in the southern part of the Yangtze River Delta on the southeastern coast of China, Zhejiang Province has a reputation of “the Paradise of Tourists”.There are more than 1200 places of

14、interest,such as West Lake in Hangzhou, Nanxun Ancient Town in Huzhou, Shuanglong Cave in Jinhua, South Lake in Jiaxing, Mount Yandang in Wenzhou,and so on.,杭州概况,(About Hangzhou Navigator),杭州简介(Hangzhou City),Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political, economic and cultural cente

15、r, located in the coastal area of eastern China. The city has a population of approx. 6,776,000 with foreign residents of over 10,000. The city center is 175 km from Shanghai City. With its famous natural beauty (West Lake) and rich cultural heritages (Grand Canal), Hangzhou is one of Chinas most re

16、nowned and prosperous cities of China for much of the last 1000 years.,杭州位于中国东南沿海,浙江省省会,副省级城市,长三角的副中心城市。浙江省政治、经济、文化中心,中国东南重要交通枢钮。杭州经济发达,有“钱塘自古繁华”之称。2008年GDP为4781.16亿元,人均GDP为70832元,均居全国省会城市第二位,08年综合实力为全国第六位。全市面积16596平方千米,其中市辖区3068平方千米。2008年末全市常住人口达796.6万人,其中户籍人口677.64万人。,Hangzhou City, located in the

17、 subtropical monsoon climate zone, is with four quite distinct seasons, mild and humid, and enough sunshine and rainfalls. The annual rainfall here is 1046.5 mm, the average humidity 70%, annual length of sunshine 1874.9 hours. The average temperature from late August to early September is in the ra

18、nge of 2831 (82 88 oF). August is a rainy season with frequent shower and September features excellent weather with clear sky and breezing air, which can be enjoyed most of the day.,气候(Climate),杭州市地处我国东部沿海,属亚热带季风气候,温和湿润、光照充足、雨量丰沛、四季分明。一年中随着冬夏季风逆向转换,天气系统、控制气团和天气状况均会发生明显的季节性变化,形成春多雨、夏湿热、秋气爽、冬干冷的气候特征。杭

19、州市东部连海、西部连山,地形地貌复杂多样,光、热、水的地域分配不均,小气候资源丰富。,对外交通(Travel to location ),As one of the leading tourist city located in East China, Hangzhou can be easily accessed from all over the country. Various means of transportations are available to public. Aviation: The Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport is

20、 listed among top ten airports nationwide. By the end of 2007, 181 airlines have been opened, among which there are 32 international airlines. Railway: Hangzhou is the most significant hub of communications in the eastern Chins; The Huhang Rail Motor Car Set: There are 8 regular train services betwe

21、en Hangzhou and Shanghai everyday, and an average single trip lasts for around 78 minutes.,杭州市是我国东南部的重要交通枢纽,拥有沪杭、浙赣2条干线和萧甬、杭牛、金千3条支线,是浙江省公路网的中心,有东、西、南、北四个方向的长途汽车客运站,通向省内外国道、省道,交通十分便捷。杭州萧山国际机场开辟国内外航线126条,通航城市59个。,Bus is the most convenient way to get around Hangzhou. The city of Hangzhou has a well-d

22、eveloped city bus network. Taxis in China rank among the best in China for vehicle make and level of services. The starting price is RMB 10 for standard cab for the first 1.9 miles, and RMB2 more for each additional miles within 6.2 miles, or RMB3 if more than 6.2 miles. Bicycles are great choices f

23、or outdoor lover to tour around the city. There are more than 30 bicycle rental agencies around West Lake.,当地交通(Local traffic ),杭州市内交通网络发达,公共汽车是杭州市区最便捷的交通方式;杭州市出租车拥有全国最高的质量和最好的服务。自行车是也是在杭州市区进行户外活动一个较佳的选择,仅在西湖附近就有将近30个租赁点,构成了杭州另一道亮丽的风景线。,“生活品质之城”(Enriched life),There are daily music fountains along t

24、he West Lake. There are many other places to enjoy free talk with friends, such as traditional Chinese tea house, Blue Mountain Coffee house,Roman Holiday Coffee, Paradise Rock bar, Golden Time bar,and so on.,风景旅游(Sightseeing),Hangzhou city originated from some 5000 years old, as the Liangzhu Ancien

25、t City, and has been famed as a “heaven on earth” because of West Lakes beauty. The city is one of the 7 great ancient capitals through the history, and offers a large variety of historical sites covering a period over thousand of years. Phoenix Temple of 700 years old, one of the oldest mosques in

26、China, Immaculate Conception Cathedral, one of the oldest Catholic churches in China, dating back 400 years to Ming dynasty.,西湖美景(West Lake),Leifeng Pagoda,Quyuan Garden Breeze,West Lake in Snow,night piece of West Lake,会议圣地(Best choice for conference),优美的自然风景、丰厚的人文积淀和繁荣的经济,使得美丽的杭州也是会议的“天堂”。各种大中小型国际

27、和国内会议往往会选择杭州作为会展中心。,Hangzhou is also “heaven of conference” because of its wonderful sightseeing,enriched culture and developed economy.All kinds of international and national conferences are always held in Hangzhou.,国际评价(International Evaluations ),2001 联合国最适合居住的城市 “United Nations Best Inhabitant C

28、ity” by the UN in September 2001,2002 国际花园城市 “The International Garden City” by International Park and Amusement Association in 2002,20032004中国最佳环境投资城市 The first place among “Chinese Cities of Best Overal Investment Environment” in 2003 and 2004 by the World Bank,2006 “中国综合城市排行榜”金色城市 A golden city in “Ranking List Of Chinese Cities Compositeness” released by The World Bank in 2006,Thank You !,


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