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1、Welcome to Times International English English Studying Strategy,关于泰晤士英语:泰晤士英语隶属于加拿大LongtimeLongtime致力于语言教育,始于2008年已经成功帮助数万余语言学习者取得成功,我们的教学支持团队:Rosettastone是Longtime长久合作伙伴,其强大的语言专家团队长期以来为Times定制专为中国学生编写的英语学习方案,Your Difficulties,背诵单词极其困难,前记后忘? Find hard to memorize words?看文章都懂,一开口就“哑火”了? Able to read

2、, but hard to speak? 说出来的好像都是中文? Feel like you are speaking Chinese-English. 没有办法说一个完整的句子? Find it hard to say a complete sentence?过于害羞,一看到外国人就不敢开口,生怕说错? Too shy to speak in front of a foreigner?,你还在这么做吗?,你还在用中文翻译成英文? Are you still trying to translate Chinese to English?你还在费劲心力去背单词? Are you still tr

3、ying hard to memorize words? 你还在用中文思维去思考? Are you still trying hard to think in Chinese?你还在纠结怎么正确表达吗? Are you still wondering how to say correctly?你还在绞尽脑汁,却说不出一句话来? Are you still think hard but end up saying nothing?,自然母语学习法,你需要像孩子一样学英语,我们这么学英语,记,背,对照中文,思考,翻译,重视读,写,沟通少,不敢说,哑巴英语,听,看,不断吸收和刺激,模仿发音,重复练习

4、,理解含义,沟通,建立母语思维,其实,Apple,造成哑巴英语的5大误区,语言学习记忆原理Language Acquisition Theory,时间 记忆量 1 后 100 20 后 58.2 1hr 后 44.2 1dy 后 33.7 1wk 后 25.4 1mo 后 21.1,语言学习的模型Language Acquisition Model,输入Input,输出Output,i+1 理论,i表示语言学习者目前的水平,1表示略高于语言学习者现有水平的语言知识。 人们只有获得可理解性的语言输人时,才能习得语言,用公式表示,就是i+1。假如语言输人远远超出学习者的现有水平,即i+2,或者接近

5、甚至低于学习者的现有水平,即i+0,那么学习者就不可能获得可理解性输入,因为语言输入既不能太难,也不能太易,泰晤士非凡式学习法Times Extraordinary Teaching Approaches,泰晤士能给您带来什么?,What Can Times Do for You?,Tellmemore PRO,Tellmemore PRO, 随时随地,7X24小时随时调整学习方案随时联系您的中外教随时收到学习效果反馈,外教辅导课Encounter,能解决您的学习问题 Solutions for learning difficulties, 见到老外由于紧张而无法开口 Friendly tea

6、chers and carefully designed activities help you overcome their fear of communicating with foreigners, 在大班授课中缺乏交流沟通机会 Small classes give you interactive communication opportunities, 同班同学水平不齐而无法交流 Maximum opportunities for communication; all students in class at the same level, 经常出差、加班而产生的缺课现象 Freque

7、ntly repeated classes, so you never miss a class due to a business trip or working overtime,素质补充课Complementary Class,能解决您的学习问题 Solutions for learning difficulties, 缺乏交流机会,学而易忘 Help you to remember and use what youve learned, 词汇的运用能力不佳 Increase your range of vocabulary and ability to apply it, 语法、听力、

8、阅读等单项薄弱 improve your grammar, listening or reading in detail,英语角会话课 English Corner,能解决您的学习问题 Solutions for learning difficulties, 用英语沟通的机会不足 Give you the opportunity to practice communicating with other students, 不习惯在人多的场合用英语交流 Help you become more comfortable and familiar with English, 缺少可以轻松愉快学习的环

9、境 Provide a relax and comfortable learning environment,趣味课外活动Fun English, 仅知道英语知识,缺少文化背景 Provide you with a cultural background, 上课枯燥无味,没有学习兴趣 Enable you to enjoy leaning English as well as having fun, 仅把英语作为教程,而不知如何运用 English in the real world, not just as a subject of study,能解决您的学习问题 Solutions for

10、 learning difficulties,系统化培训与学习周期 Systematic Training Program and Learning Cycle,能解决您的学习问题 Solutions for learning difficulties 缺乏条理性,系统性的学习方法 Consistent learning and systematic learning progress 长期出差或突发事故无法固定时间,适当调配学习时间 Enable you to achieve the objectives, even after business trips or unexpected pr

11、oblems 小班化教学,解决您不敢开口的难题 give your courage and confidence to speak upon the condition of private classes 私人化的学习顾问,全面跟踪您的学习状况 Personal tutor will follow your study in all aspects to give you professional advices,全面的个人学习跟踪The comprehensive supervision of your study effects,能解决您的学习问题 Solutions for learn

12、ing difficulties, 虎头蛇尾,中途放弃 Frequent reports track you as they study and monitor your learning, 由于缺乏督促和激励,而逐渐失去信心 Supervise and stimulate your learning to build your confidence., 由于缺乏指导,而不能发现问题 Help you find your own problem, to guide you through the questions,开放时间Open Daily,周一至周日 Monday to Friday9:

13、00-21:00能解决您的学习问题 Solutions for learning difficulties, 需要经常出差和加班,不能按时、定时来学习 Keep up your study even when you work overtime, take business trips,辅助学习资源Learning Outside of Centers, 原声电影赏析 Movies, 早读和晚读 Morning reading and evening reading, 口语测试课 Oral test,特色课程special,我们的荣誉,是得到以下机构的认可加入泰晤士您就能享受到他们也在使用的语

14、言培训体系,泰晤士英语为您提供What You Can Get from Times, 最专业,最资质的外教老师 The most professional and qualified teachers 来自强大联盟企业的招聘信息,推荐就业实习机会 Tremendous positions available for you from our partner, 来自强大的教学资源平台RosettaStone所研发及随时更新的教学系统 The most effective teaching system invented by Rosettastone Group, 全方位的教学监督,学习关注,

15、答疑解惑 The overall supervisor system of teaching, focus on your studying, 舒适优雅的学习环境以及社交平台 The most comfortable studying environment and chance to meet different people 趣味横生的西方文化教育以及每周一次的英语主题活动 The interesting western cultural lecture and ECA,您需要What You Need to Do While Studying in Times, 每周不少于3小时的学习时

16、间 You need to study in Times at least 3 hours a week, 一部能接通的手机,接收老师关心的电话与短信 A phone can be connected to, in case of receiving messages and calls from tutors, 上课前10分钟的预习时间 10 minutes preview before having lessons,加入白金汉以后After join kings english,价值Value,Wish You Have a Good Time in TimesTimes International English,


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