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1、1,The present perfect tense,现在完成时,2,1.过去某一时间点发生的动作对现在产生影响。,功能:,3,2.过去某一时间点发生的动作持续 到现在或还将持续下去。,4,The present perfect tense,助动词 (可以帮助构成肯定、疑问和否定句),5,1.He has cleaned his room. (写一个一般疑问句),Has he cleaned his room?,2. She has lived in London for four years. (划线部分提问),How long has she lived in London?,6,3.

2、He has been to China, _ _? (写出反义疑问句部分),hasnt he,4. They have come back from work. (写否定句),They havent come back from work.,7,What are the key words for the Present Perfect Tense?,8,A: _ your brother _ his homework yet? (finish)B: Yes, he s already done it.,Key words,Has finished,yet,already,注意:alread

3、y 用于肯定句, yet 用于疑问句和否定句中,9,A: _ you ever _ to the park? ( be )B: No, never.,Key words,Have been,yet,already,ever,never,注意: ever 曾经 用于疑问句中 never 从不 带有否定意义,10,I _ just _ the desk, you can take it to your classroom . (mend ),Key words,have mended,yet,ever,never,just,already,Just 刚刚 与现在完成时连用 一般置句中Just no

4、w 刚才 与一般过去时连用,11,Tom _ in the factory since he left school ten years ago. (work ),Key words,has worked,yet,ever,never,since,already,since 后面带过去时间或有一般过去时的句子,12,A: How long _ you _ in this school? (teach )B: For 6 years.,Key words,have taught,yet,ever,never,since,for,already,+ 一段时间,13,We _ only _ 100

5、trees so far. (answer ),Key words,have planted,yet,ever,never,since,for,just,already,so far,到目前为止,14,Key words,yet,ever,never,since,for,just,before,already,so far,in the past 10 years,twice,也可以是其他表示次数的词,how long,15,Some verbs cant often be used with for or since,16,Please point out any mistakes and

6、correct,She has bought the computer for two years.,had,17,Please point out any mistakes and correct,How long have you come to the United States?,been in,18,Please point out any mistakes and correct,Ann has gone to China since three months ago.,been in,19,Please point out any mistakes and correct,My

7、brother has joined the army for five years.,been in,been a soldier,20,Please point out any mistakes and correct,I have left Shanghai for 3 days.,been away for 3 days.,21,Please point out any mistakes and correct,I have borrowed the dictionary since 3 days ago .,kept,22,Please point out any mistakes

8、and correct,The film has begun for 10 minutes.,been on,23,Please point out any mistakes and correct,The concert has finished for half an hour.,been over,24,Please point out any mistakes and correct,His dog has died for two years .,been dead,25,can you distinguish?,去过某地已经回来常与ever, never,once,twice,连用

9、,一直留在某地与for / since连用用how long 提问,去了某地还没回来不与只用于第三人称,Her sister _ Australia,She left this morning.,has gone to,26,can you distinguish?,去过常与ever, never,once,twice,连用,在与时间段连用用how long 提问,去了说话时某人不在只用于第三人称,A: Where is Bob ?B: He _ Japan with his sister.,has gone to,27,can you distinguish?,去过常与ever, never

10、,once,twice,连用,在与时间段连用用how long 提问,去了说话时某人不在只用于第三人称,A: How long _ you _ China? B: I _ here for 3 years.,have been,have been in,28,can you distinguish?,去过常与ever, never,once,twice,连用,在与时间段连用用how long 提问,去了说话时某人不在只用于第三人称,A: _ you ever _ the city ? B: No , never .,Have been to,29,The past tense or the p

11、resent perfect tense,know,have known,knew,30,The past tense or the present perfect tense,saw,have,lost,31,The past tense or the present perfect tense,have,did,move,lived,32,The past tense or the present perfect tense,did,has finished,see,saw,33,EXERCISE,He _(work) in our school for one year.He _(com

12、e) to our school last year/in 2002.They _(cook) the supper already.They _ (cook) the supper half an hour ago.,has worked,came,have cooked,cooked,34,2. The famous writer _ one new book in the past two year . . is writing .was writing .wrote .has written,3.Our country _ a lot so far . Yes . I hope it

13、will be even _ . . has changed ; well . changed ; good . has changed ; better . changed ; better,4.Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_ it twice . . will see . have seen . saw .see,1. Have you met Mr Li _? . just B. ago .before . a moment ago,C,35,5. These farmers have been to the United States . Really ? When _ there ? . will they go . did they go . do they go . have they gone,6. _ you _ your homework yet ? Yes . I _ it a moment ago . . Did ; do ; finished B. Have ; done ; finished. Have ; done ; have finished . will ; do ; finish,B,B,


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