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1、Grammar,Unit1 Dream homes,初中英语人教版七年级,学习目标,一、掌握以下单词和短语:zero, hundred, million, thousand, square metre, have an area of等二、熟练掌握以下句型:Womens Day is on the eighth of March.He is always the first to come to school in out class.三、能够掌握基数词和序数词的用法。(重点),A Cardinal numbers,Where can you find numbers in your live

2、s?,100 yuan,Bus No.1,NO.23 player,No.28 Shangwuneihuan Road,第三课第527页第315房间电话号码214486十一路公共汽车,Can you read the numbers in English?,the Third Lesson/Lesson Three,Page five two seven,telephone number, two one four four eight six.,Bus NO.11,Room three one five,Lets count from 0 to 9.,Lets count from 10 t

3、o 100.,4,056four thousand and fifty-six23,813twenty-three thousand eight hundred and thirteen,How do we say the following numbers?,567,110 five hundred and sixty-seven thousand one hundred and ten6,425,200 six million four hundred and twenty-five thousand two hundred,75, 623, 138, 947,thousand,hundr

4、ed,billion,million,Can you find the rules?,基数词的构成,Read the numbers in the sentence.,1. People from about 180 countries and areas live inNew York.,2. The CN Tower is 1,815 feet tall.,3. Red Square in Moscow is about 91,000 square metres in size.,one hundred and eighty,one thousand eight hundred and f

5、ifteen,ninety-one thousand,6. Tokyo, the capital of Japan, has over 13,000,000 people.,4. France has an area of over 260,000 square miles.,two hundred and sixty thousand,eight million,thirteen million,5. There are about 8,000,000 people living in London.,知识探究1 基数词的用法,1)表示名词量的多少;例:twenty-five desks2)

6、表示年龄、价格、时间、年代、顺序等;例: She is fifteen years old.at five/ in the 1960s3)表示各种车牌、门牌和电话号码等;例:Room 54)表示各种数量或数的加、减。,【注意】hundred, thousand, million, billion 的用法 当hundred ,thousand ,million, billion前面有具体数词时,要用单数;表示不确定的数目要用“hundreds, thousands, millions, billions+of ”结构。例:There are six hundred workers in this

7、 factory.Thousands of visitors have come to Hangzhou in the last two weeks.在过去的两周中,有成千上万名游客到杭州来。,B Ordinal numbers,We can use ordinal numbers to order things and events. We use them to talk about dates, floors, positions, etc.,Wednesday is the fourth day of a week.Womens Day is on the eighth of Marc

8、h Its birthday is on the fifth of June.The flat is on the seventh floor.The fourth student comes from America.,How do you write it?,基数词 序数词,1 = one 2 = two 3 = three 4 = four 4th = fourth 5 = five 6 = six 6th = sixth 7 = seven 7th = seventh 8 = eight 9 = nine 10 = ten 10th = tenth,1st = first2nd = s

9、econd3rd = third,5th = fifth,8th = eighth9th = ninth,基数词 序数词,11 = eleven 11th = eleventh 12 = twelve 13 = thirteen 13th = thirteenth 14 = fourteen 14th = fourteenth 15 = fifteen 16 = sixteen 16th = sixteenth 17 = seventeen 17th = seventeenth 18 = eighteen 18th = eighteenth 19 = nineteen 19th=ninetee

10、nth 20 = twenty,12th = twelfth,15th = fifteenth,20th = twentieth,100 = one hundred,21 = twenty-one 22 = twenty-two 23 = twenty-three,100th = one hundredth,21st = twenty-first 22nd = twenty-second23rd = twenty-third,30 = thirty,30th= thirtieth,基数词变序数词的规律,知识探究2 序数词的用法,1)表示顺序。序数词表示顺序时,其前要加定冠词the,其后接单数名

11、词。例:The second picture is very beautiful.第二幅图很美。2)表示日期。例: 2009年7月6日表示 July 6th, 2009,Complete the sentences with the correct floor numbers.,1. Elsa lives on the _ floor.2. Ivan lives on the _ floor. 3. Mary lives on the _ floor.4. Peter lives on the _ floor.5. Ricky lives on the _ floor.6. Wilson li

12、ves on the _floor.,seventh,fifteenth,fourth,second,ninth,twelfth,Summary,1. Words and phrases,2.能够掌握基数词和序数词的用法,hundred, million, thousand, billion, foot, area, on the group floor,There are about 8,000,000 people living in London.Our flat is on the seventh floor.,Exercise,1. There are some _ in our c

13、lassroom.A. hundred of books B. the hundreds of booksC. hundreds of books D. hundred of book2. There are _ students in our school.A. fourhundred and forty-five B. four hundred and forty-fiveC. four hundreds and forty-five D. four hundred and forty five,选择,3. May is _ of a year. A. the fifth months B. the fifth month C. the five months D. the five month4. Is Sunday the _ day of the week?A. a B. one C. once D. first5. September is _month of the year. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth D. the ninth,


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