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1、雅思口语不好是什么原因 雅思口语不好是什么原因?这些坑你都中了吗?今天给大家带来雅思口语不好是什么原因,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语不好是什么原因?这些坑你都中了吗?你知道吗?中国雅思考生听说读写四个单项在20XX-20XX年的变化中,口语提升是最缓慢的:5.25提升至5.27。五年仅提升了0.02分,匪夷所思。而众所周知的是,写作和口语是中国雅思考生大多数人的软肋,尤其是口语。为什么会出现这样的情况?我们考生是练习不够?还是天分不高?为什么口语就是提升不上去?有7年口语教龄,自称是“口语教练”的著名提分专家陈侃侃老师,结合自己7年的教学经验,分析了“中国考生口

2、语之痛”,总结出了“口语五宗罪”:中国口语考生“五宗罪”No.1.张口结舌考场上考官问:为什么有些人喜欢出国旅游,但是考生非常紧张,说话不流利:Emmm.I think.内心想着:这该怎么说.这样的情况在考场上是非常常见的,尤其是第一次考雅思的同学,容易紧张,大脑一片空白,完全不知道怎么说。那其实对于口语考试来说,考官不会告诉你,他希望考生能做到:避免长时间停顿,用简答语言解释。长时间停顿造成的就是流利度不够,所以当同学们紧张卡壳时,不妨用自己能想到的最简单的表达来解释这个话题。No.2.惜字如金这类考生我觉得他对不起两千多的考试费你看考官问:你喜欢旅游吗?他非常直率回答:喜欢。考官不死心,继

3、续问:为什么?他依然很直率:好玩。如果你这样回答,估计口语是上不了5分的。同学们的,大家想想,一场雅思考试两千多人民币,然后你去一个房间和一个素不相识的外国人聊15分钟,酸酸一分钟多少钱?所以既然大家花钱花时间和外国考官聊天,讲不了几句话岂不是很亏?对于口语考试来说,考官不会告诉你,他希望考生能做到:充分表达交流意愿。口语想达到6分及以上,一定要表达自己的交流意愿,也就是你的求生欲有多强,哪怕话题很无聊,也要多说一些。我有一个学生很有意思,他第一次考试问到了上述的问题,和图中的考生一样回答了:yes , I do。但不一样的是,他加了一句:and you?结果考官没理他。所以?你这是想和考官来

4、个互动吗?考官并不想回答你的问题,他只是想通过问题来了解你的英语口语水平。No.3.倒背如流第三类考生记性都特别好考官问:你来自哪里?他不仅会回答:我来自上海还充满了表达欲,继续接着说:上海是个现代化大都市有非常便捷的交通每年有许多人来上海旅游.我感觉接下去他要说:welcome to ShangHai。那考官听到这个话是怎么想的,他的内心是are you kidding?很多同学擅长背诵,想着自己考场上说不出来就多背一点东西,但其实阅人无数的考官一眼就能看出来考生是不是在背诵。而往往,背诵的学生口语分数都不会超过5.5。对于口语考试来说,考官不会告诉你,他希望考生能做到:避免背诵稿子。No.



7、这样一想就不可避免导致停顿,最后还是结结巴巴说了“happy”,给考官的印象非常差。但像上述考生那样的卖弄学问,不好好说人话,用那么长的一个单词来表达非常简单的意思,也是不可取的。对于口语考试来说,考官不会告诉你,他希望考生能做到:注意词汇的意思、用法以及搭配。高级词汇固然好,但也要注意高级词汇使用的场合以及用法、搭配等基本原理。当你不知道时,就用简答的词汇表达以保证流利度。雅思口语重点预测P1话题Flower范文1.Do you like to have flowers in your home?Answer A:Yes, I do. I think they add a lot of co

8、lor to the place. Theyre a nice natural touch and as they only last about a week I usually replace them with some other flowers so theres always something different to look at. They bring a bit of life to the apartment, which is something I like.Answer B:Personally I dont really bother with flowers

9、where I live. I just dont think they are important enough to go and buy them, then arrange them, and water them everyday. I like flowers, but I cant be bothered having them around the house. If I want to add a splash of color Id prefer to buy a painting or something similar for my home.2.Where would

10、 you go to buy flowers?It would depend on the occasion or event, and who I was buying them for. If it was just a small gift for someone and it wasnt a particularly special event or anything like that then Id probably pick some flowers up at the supermarket because they usually have a good selection

11、and theyre always fresh and good quality.If it was for a special event, or someone really special, then I guess Id go to a florist and look for something appropriate for the person or event. I think each place is good depending on what you need. The supermarket is convenient and the flowers are good

12、, but at the florist you can usually find something a little different or out of the ordinary, and they usually deliver them as well.3.On what occasions would you give someone flowers?Flowers arent always my first choice as a gift, so it would depend on the event and the person, but I usually take f

13、lowers with me when I visit my mother for example, because she loves flowers. I would also buy them for my girlfriends birthday and any other special occasion because she really adores them.Then there are events such as funerals when flowers are normally sent or delivered to the family, and maybe ot

14、her special occasions such as the graduation of my sister or cousin from university, because they both like flowers.雅思口语重点预测P1话题Walk范文1. Do you like walking?Im not one for going on really long walks in the countryside, but I dont mind walking when Im in a town or city, for example when Im sightseein

15、g in a new place.2. Do you think walking is important?Yes, I think its important to be active, and walking is the most basic physical activity that we can do.3. Do you think walking in the countryside is better than walking in the city?Personally, no. As I said before, I like walking in the city, es

16、pecially if its somewhere with a lot of history like London or Paris.4. What could be done to improve the experience of walking in cities?I suppose the main issues are space and safety. Pavements need to be wide enough to accommodate lots of pedestrians, and we need safe places to cross the street.4

17、.Are flowers important in your culture?Personally, I dont think they are very important in the culture. They may be popular, especially with women, but apart from the well accepted traditions of roses for romantic occasions, I cant really associate a particular flower with any important special even

18、t or meaning. I think giving flowers is a common thing, many people do it regularly, but as for any special significance, I cant really think of any.Theyre a very popular gift to give someone but lots of people prefer to give and receive other types of gifts too, so I dont think they are really that important in terms of the culture, unlike in some other countries maybe.雅思口语不好是什么原因


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