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1、从雅思的评分标准看雅思多少分算高分 从雅思的评分标准看雅思多少分算高分?今天给大家带来从雅思的评分标准看雅思多少分算高分,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。从雅思的评分标准看雅思多少分算高分雅思总分评判标准考多少算高分以下是雅思总分评判标准以及分数标准。希望同学们学习之后能够有一些启发,从而在备考雅思过程中平衡各项考试内容,取得雅思高分。详情请看以下内容:雅思考试分为听、说、读、写四个部分,每项成绩都以9分为最高分。听力和阅读为非主观题,各有40题。雅思评判分数的依据是按照考生做对的正确题数,其中A类和G类的评分标准有微妙区别。A类做对16-19题,可获得5.0;做对20-2




5、部分运用英语,在大多数情况下可应付全部的意思,虽然可能犯下许多错误,在本身领域内应可掌握基本的沟通.4分(英国预科分数线)Limited User. Basic competence is limited to familiarsituations.Has frequent problems in understanding and expression Is not ableto use complex language.水平有限,只限在熟悉的状况下有基本的理解力,在理解与表达上常发生问题,无法使用复杂英语.3分水平极有限,在极熟悉的情况下,只能进行一般的沟通理解.2分只属于偶尔使用英语,除

6、非在熟悉的情况,使用单词和简短的短句表达最基本的信息,在说写方面有重大的障碍.1分不能通过,可能只能说几个单词,无法沟通.0分考生没有参加考试,没有可评估的信息.Listening Reading有0.5分档次Writing Speaking只有整数档次注:在20XX年7月英国文化教育部出台新规定,从20XX年7月以后,雅思考试写作(Writing)和口语(Speaking)部分和Listening,Reading一样,都实行半分制!这意味着如果写作和口语水平考官觉得不够整数档,会有一个半分,不会像以往直接落到下一个整数档。IELTS作为一个全球性的英语语言考试已经获得了美国相当数量大学的认可

7、,请注意是相当数量不是全部,而且美国高校对于IELTS的要求也比较高,大多数要求7分以上,很多要求6.5分,极少数要求6分,6分以下几乎不存在。以上就是从雅思的评分标准看雅思多少分算高分的全部内容。同学们在备考雅思的时候,首先是要弄清楚雅思的评分标准以及自己需要考到的理想得分。这样才能有针对性地制定备考计划。一般来说,雅思6分是一个保底的分数,如果是要出国留学的同学,在第一次的雅思考试中,要争取考到6分以上会比较好。雅思阅读全真练习系列:How Private Universities Could Help to Improve Public OnesHow Private Universit

8、ies Could Help to Improve Public OnesA.There are many rich Germans. In 2003 private assets are estimated to have been worth ?5 trillion ($5.6 trillion), half of which belongs to the richest tenth of the population. But with money comes stinginess, especially when it comes to giving to higher educati

9、on. America devotes twice as much of its income to universities and colleges as Germany (2.6% of GDP, against 1.1%) mainly because of higher private spendingand bigger donations.B.Next years figures should be less embarrassing. In November Klaus Jacobs, a German-born billionaire living abroad, annou

10、nced that he would donate ?200m to the International University Bremen ( IUB )the biggest such gift ever. It saved the IUB , Germanys only fully fledged private and international university (with 30 programmes and 1,000 students from 86 countries) from bankruptcy. It may also soften the countrys sti

11、ll rigid approach to higher education.C.German higher education has long been almost entirely a state-run affair, not least because universities were meant to produce top civil servants. After 1945 the German states were put in charge, deciding on such details as examination and admission rules. Ref

12、orms in the 1970s made things worse by strengthening, in the name of democracy, a layer of bureaucracy in the form of committees of self-governance.D.Tuition fees were scrapped in the name of access for all. But ever-rising student numbers then met ever-shrinking budgets, so the reforms backfired. T

13、oday the number of college drop-outs is among the highest in the rich world, making tertiary education an elite activity: only 22% of young Germans obtain a degree, compared with 31% in Britain and 39% in America. German universities come low in world rankings, so good students often go abroad.E.In

14、the 1980s it was hoped that private universities might make a difference. Witten-Herdecke University, founded in 1980, was the first. Teaching at IUB, which will change its name to Jacobs University soon, began in 2001. Today, there are 69 (non-faith-based) private institutions of higher learning, u

15、p from 24 a decade ago. There is growing competition, particularly among business schools.F.At the same time the states have been introducing private enterprise into higher education. In 2003 Lower Saxony turned five universities into foundations, with more autonomy. Others have won more control ove

16、r their own budgets. Some states have also started to charge tuition fees. And in October a jury announced the winners of the first round of the “excellence initiative”a national competition among universities for extra cash.G.Yet all this has led to only small improvements. Private universities edu

17、cate only 3% of Germanys 2m-odd students, which may be why they find it hard to raise money. It also explains why many focus on lucrative subjects, such as the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. Others have come to depend on public money. Only recently have rich individuals foundations made big investm

18、ents, as at IUB or at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.H.Public universities, meanwhile, still have not been granted much autonomy. There is less direct control, but far more “administered competition”: a new bureaucracy to check the achievement of certain goals. This might all be avoided t

19、hrough price competition, but tuition fees, now ?1,000 a year on average, are fixed centrally by each state. The excellence initiative is a mere drop in the bucket.I.That is why Mr. Jacobss donation matters. For the first time, Germany will have a private university worth the name and with a solid f

20、inancial footing (if it keeps up its academic performance, that is: Mr Jacobs has promised to donate ?15m annually over the next five years and another ?125m in 20XX to boost the endowment, but only if things go well)。 If it works, other rich Germans may be tempted into investing in higher education

21、 too.J.Even so, private universities will play a small part in German higher education for the foreseeable future. This does not mean that public universities should be privatised. But they need more autonomy and an incentive to compete with one anotherwhether for students, staff or donors. With luc

22、k, Mr Jacobss gift will not only induce other German billionaires to follow suit, but also help to persuade the states to set their universities free.Do the following statemets reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?Write your answer in Boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.TRUE if the state

23、ment reflets the claims of the writerFALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writerNOT GIVEN if it is possbile to say what the writer thinks about this1. Mr. Jacobs donation to the IUB is more likely to result in a firmer approach to the managemnt of German higher education.2. German hi

24、gher education is a mainly state-run affair primarily because universities were intended to train top civil servants.3. The reforms in the sector of German tertiaray education in the 1970s produced the opposite result to the one which it intended.4. The Bucerius Law School in Hamburg offers profitab

25、le business opprtunities for its students to make money for tuition fees.5. Mr. Jacob would like to donate ?125 million annually over the next five years to IUB on the condition that things go well .6. Private universities will continue to play a small role in German higher education for quite a lon

26、g period of time in the future.Complet the following sentencces.Choose A FIGURE (NUMBER OR PERCENTAGE) from Reading Passage 1 for each answer.Write your answer in Boxes 7-10 on your answer sheet.7. German government spends _of its GDP on the sectorof higher education.8. _ less of young people obtain

27、 a degree in Germany than in America.9. There are _more private insitutions of higher learning now than a decade ago.10.Currently, there are over _million German students studying in universities.Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 11-13 on your answe sheet.11. Which of the fo

28、llowing features about German higher education is NOT true:A. The number of studenst drop out in the tertiary educatoin is one of the highest among the rich countries in the world.B. The universities have a higher position in the scale of the world concerning the number of students obtaining a degre

29、e.C. The public univerities exercise fairly less autonomy and they also experience more “administratered competition ”。D. The competition among the private universities is becoming incresingly tough and it is espceially true of business schools.12. The word “scrapped” in the first line of the fourth

30、 paragraph means_.A. raisedB. loweredC. charged.D. cancelled13. What benefits will Jacobs donation bring about for German tertiaray education?A. It will enable the International univerity Bremen to have a tight financial base.B. It will cause the other wealthiest Gemans to save as much money as he does .C. It will help the states grant more authority to their univerisites in the future.D. It will tempt the good students studying abroad for a degree to return to Germany.答案:1-6 F T T NG F T7.1.1%8. 17%9.4510.211-13 BCD从雅思的评分标准看雅思多少分算高分


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