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1、thread的用法总结大全 thread的用法你知道么?今天给大家带来thread的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。thread的用法总结大全thread的意思n. 线,线索,线状物,螺纹vt. 穿成串,将(针、线等)穿过,用线缝,给装入(胶片、狭带、绳子)变形:过去式: threaded; 现在分词:threading;thread用法thread可以用作名词thread用作名词的基本意思是“线”,可指用棉、毛、尼龙等制成的“线”,也可指细如线状的东西(如一丝亮光等),此时常用于a thread of结构。thread用于比喻还可作“(贯穿故事等各部分的)线索”或“

2、(某人的)思路”解,此时常与lose, picktake up等连用。thread还可作“螺纹”“衣物,衣服”解,作“衣物,衣服”解时多见于美国俚语中,且常用于复数形式。thread可以用作动词thread的基本意思是将一根线穿进针眼中,指在比较狭窄或拥挤的地方穿梭(如在人群中挤过去),即“穿线,穿过”,常与介词into, on, through等连用。thread一般用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,偶尔也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。thread泛指统指为“线”,而thread指“一根线”,复数形式threads指“多根线”。thread用法例句1、A thin, gl

3、istening thread of moisture ran along the rough concrete sill.在粗糙不平的水泥窗台上有一条细细的发光水印。2、She idly pulled at a loose thread on her skirt.她无聊地扯着裙子上一根松掉的线头。3、A ratchet mechanism transfers the thread from spool to bobbin.一种棘齿装置把线从线轴转到梭心上。thread是什么意思及反义词英音 red ;美音 red ;名词1.线,棉线,毛线,丝,丝状体;螺纹;头绪,思路,线索2.复美俚衣服及物

4、动词:1.穿线于,装胶片于;通,通过;穿成串词形变化名称 threader时态 threaded,threading,threads英语解释pass a thread throughthread on or as if on a stringpass through or intothe connections that link the various parts of an event or argument togetherthe raised helical rib going around a screwto move or cause to move in a sinuous, s

5、piral, or circular courseremove facial hair by tying a fine string around it and pulling at the stringany long object resembling a thin linea fine cord of twisted fibers (of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc.) used in sewing and weaving相似短语thread and thrum 玉石混淆地,好坏不分地thread through v. 通过chromatic

6、thread 染色丝chromosome thread 染色体丝thread of chromosome 染色体丝break thread 打断话头,打断思路cotton thread n. 棉线screw thread n. 螺纹axis of thread 螺纹轴线box thread 母螺纹相似单词thread n. 1.线,棉线,毛线,丝,丝状体;螺纹;头绪,思路,线索 2.复美俚衣服 v.T 1.穿线于,装胶片于;通,通过;穿成串thread whirling 螺纹回转,螺纹回转法v thread 【机】 V形螺纹, 三角螺纹thread needle n. 小孩游戏的一种threa

7、d cutting 螺纹切削,车制螺纹thread stitching 串线订tapered thread “圆”锥螺纹V thread 管螺纹,三角螺纹half thread 半螺纹pack thread 包装绳thread双语例句A common thread running through the scandals was the failure to conduct audits.贯穿这些丑闻的一条共同主线就是没有进行审计。牛津词典Keeping the tenuous thread of life attached to a dying body.保住垂危的体内残存的一口气。牛津词典

8、The Thames was a thread of silver below them.泰晤士河在他们下方是一条银丝线。牛津词典The groove in the needle guides the thread.针上的凹槽引导线的走向。牛津词典She brushed her hair carefully, as if her success lay in the sleek disposal of each gleaming black thread.她小心地梳着头发,好像她的成功就在于每根油亮的乌丝的排列。牛津词典Do not take a single needle or a piec

9、e of thread from the masses.不拿群众一针一线。权威词典The tiny restaurant is so jammed that the waiters have to thread between tables.小饭馆里挤满了人,服务员只能在桌子之间穿行。权威词典He lost the thread of the discourse and talked randomly for a long while.他没有接上话茬儿却又胡乱说了一通。权威词典Make sure that the thread winds evenly around those pins.线一定要均匀地缠在线轴上。权威词典This kind of thread is more durable than that kind.这种线比那种线牢多了。thread的用法总结大全


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