1、thing的用法总结大全 thing的用法你知道吗?今天给大家带来thing的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。thing的用法总结大全thing的意思n. 事件,形势,东西,事物,家伙,事业thing用法thing可以用作名词thing的基本意思是“物,东西”; 可指具体的物,也可用来指人或动物,带有怜悯、爱或轻蔑等感情色彩,有时还可指说话方需要或想要的东西。thing还可指代事,可指人们谈论的或想到的事或非物质的某一点,也可指某一特定的事件或所做或将做的事,有时还可指某一事件的题目。thing作“问题”解时,常用于the thing is.结构中,表示“目前(要考虑
2、)的问题是,要紧的是”。thing作“用品,用具”解时,须用复数形式。thing用作名词的用法例句That was the only thing they could count on.那是他们唯一依靠的东西。I happened on just the thing Id been looking for.我偶然发现了我一直在寻找的东西。He explained the whole thing from way back.他把整件事情解释得很透彻。thing用法例句1、The best thing to do when entering unknown territory is smile.踏
3、入未知地带最好的对策就是微笑。2、One thing you can never insure against is corruption among your staff.Agreed.“永远也防不胜防的就是员工内部的.。”“同意。”3、The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.大自然最让人惊叹的是它的无限多样性。Thing的各种用法你知道吗?Someones thing: 擅长的事Its my thing: 我擅长的、我的兴趣爱好怎么用:Exercise is my thing.锻炼是我的爱好。Painting
4、is my thing.画画是我擅长的事。Food is my thing.美食是我的爱好。Learning English is my thing.学英语是我喜爱的事。Thats his/her thing.那是他/她的强项如果要谦虚一点可以这么说:Know a thing or two.比较擅长、略知一二怎么用:A: I know a thing or two.我对此略知一二。B: Youre being modest. You actually know a lot about this thing.你真谦虚。你懂很多的!Got a thing帮你脱身Got a thing: 有事情,小
5、事情怎么用:I cant come to your party. I got a thing tonight.我不能来你的派对了,我今晚有点事。Ive got a thing tomorrow night.我明天有点事。Thing的前面还可以加修饰词:Ive got this work thing.我有点工作。Ive got this social event thing.我有点社交应酬。当你说got a thing的时候一般都指有点小事情,不太严重的事。Sure thing! 没问题!Sure thing! 没问题。怎么用:这个短语很口语,一般用来应答别人。A: Could you plea
6、se edit this lesson?你能编辑一下这个课吗?B: Sure thing!没问题!“喜欢你”也可以用thingTo have a thing for someone: 喜欢某人怎么用:He has a thing for you.他对你有点意思。Hes got a thing for you.他对你有点意思。He had a thing for you.他以前对你有过意思。They have a thing for each other.他们之间有点感觉。To have a thing for someone一般指是有点感觉,有点意思的阶段。往往还没有到确定的阶段。英语中还有个
7、词:Fling: 一时热情。热烈短暂的感情。She had a brief fling with him.她对他头脑发热。小词大用之thing的实用表达1.things财产;(个人的)所有物,用具;成套物品Let me help you clear away the tea things (= cups, plates, etc. that are used for having tea).我来帮你收拾茶具。2.the real thing真事;真品,非赝品The fire alarm goes off accidentally so often that when its the real
8、thing (= when it really does happen) nobody will take any notice.火灾报警器常常瞎响,到时候真的着火时发警报也没有人会注意了。3.a thing or two一些事情;些许知识,一星半点She thinks she knows everything about raising children, but I could tell her a thing or two (= some information she does not know).她觉得自己对于养育孩子样样精通,不过我倒可以让她见识一二。4.a close/near
9、thing几乎发生的事The car just missed the child but it was a very close thing.汽车差点撞着小孩,就差那么一点点。5.the thing is问题是;要紧的是The thing is, my parents like me to be home by ten oclock.问题是,我父母想要我10点前回家。6.thingy那个人,那个东西,那个玩意儿(用于记不清名称时)Can you pass me that thingy - you know, that clip thing for holding papers together
10、.你能把那个东西递给我吗你知道的,那个把纸张别在一起的东西。7.the done thing礼貌,礼仪,礼节;规矩Dont forget to shake hands - its the done thing, you know.别忘了握手你知道,这是礼貌。8.and another thing再者,此外And another thing, why didnt you tell me you were going out?还有,当时你为什么不告诉我你要出去?9.all things being equal如果一切照常;如果一切顺利All things being equal, Ill be at home on Tuesday.如果一切顺利,我星期二就能回家。10.for one thing首先;一方面Why wont you come to New York with me? For one thing, I dont like flying, and for another, I cant afford it.“你为什么不跟我到纽约来?”“首先,我不喜欢坐飞机;再者,我买不起机票。”thing的用法总结大全