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1、AmericanBuildings,Statue of Liberty,02,The White House,01,Empire State Building,04,Golden Gate Bridge,03,Mount Rushmore,06,Grand Central Terminal,05,CONTENTS,1,Building,The White House A white new classic sandstone building,The White House is a white new classic sandstone building, located in Washin

2、gton, Because the White House is the residence of the president of the United States and the location of the office, the term White House is often referred to as the U.S. government. The White Houses base address is selected by the founding fathers of the United States, the first president, George W

3、ashington, founded in 1792, basically completed in 1800, the designer is the famous Irish - American architect James Hoban,Why the name is White House?,British and American war in 1812, the British army occupied the city of Washington, set fire to the buildings including The United States Capitol an

4、d the presidential palace. After that, in order to cover up the traces of the fire, in 1814, the presidents house brown red stone wall was painted white. 1902 President Theodore Roosevelt officially named White House.,2,Building,Statue of Liberty A symbol of the United States,bronze statues47 meters

5、 high pedestal like high 46 meters 93 meters high totalweight 229 tonscomplete in 1886located in New York,Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the United States,The statue of liberty wearing ancient Greek style clothing, the head wears a bright and shining crown, the seven pointed symbol of the seven co

6、ntinents. Right hand holding the torch of freedom, left holding the Declaration of Independence; The foot is broken handcuffs, fetters and chains, a symbol of freedom and free of tyranny. The statue of liberty is France in 1876 presented United States gift of 100 years of independence.,3,Building,Go

7、lden Gate BridgeOne of the famous Bridges in the world,The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the famous Bridges in the world as well as the modern Bridge engineering of a miracle.金门大桥是世界著名的桥梁之一,也是近代桥梁工程的一项奇迹。,The golden gate bridge, grander than any bridges in the United States, using more than 100000 to

8、ns of steel and spending $35.5 million, is completed after 4-year construction. (金门大桥雄峙于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山长1900多米的金门海峡之上,历时4年,利用10万多吨钢材,耗资达3550万美元建成)Bridge is scarlet, lying on the blue sea with the bright lights, like a gorgeous dragon , which makes the view of San Francisco more magnificent.(桥身呈朱红色,横卧于碧海

9、白浪之上,华灯初放,如巨龙凌空,使旧金山市的景色更加壮丽。),Best season:The four seasons is appropriate, play in the fog can also see the beauty of the golden gateTravel time:one hourTicket:6 dollarsOpening time: all day,The golden gate bridge is one of the most famous places of suicide in the world, since each year the number

10、of suicide is overmuch, the installation of a suicide prevention network is necessary to avoid people commit suicide in here.金门大桥是世界上最著名的自杀场所之一,由于每年的自杀人数过多,为了避免人们在此自杀,为此安装防自杀网。,4,Building,Empire State BuildingOne of the landmark buildings in New York, America,Building name from the nickname of New Y

11、ork empire state, so its English name meaning is tower of New York or the Empire State Building, only the translation of Empire State Building has been forming and using.大厦名字源于纽约州的昵称帝国州,故其英文名称原意为纽约州大厦或者帝国州大厦,唯独帝国大厦的翻译已经约定世俗并沿用。,Tourism TipsTravel time:Climate is generally mild in New York, July 4 -

12、is the best time to travel.Ticket:1. For 86th floor:adult:32dollars,children:26 dollars, the elder:29 dollars 2.For 102th floor: adult:42dollars,children:36 dollars, the elder:39 dollarsOpening time:all the year,from 8:00 am to 2:00 am 游玩tips旅行时间:纽约的气候一般比较温和,4-7月是最佳旅行时间。大厦门票:到达86楼(成人32美元、儿童26美元、老人29

13、美元);到达102楼(成人42美元、儿童36美元、老人39美元)。开放时间:全年开放,每天8:00到次日2:00,5,Building,Grand Central TerminalA famous landmark building and also a public art museum.,Grand Central Station is located in the center of the United States, Manhattan, was founded in 1903, officially opened in February 2, 1913. The Grand Cen

14、tral Station was built by the Vanderbilt family of the king of the United States. The famous landmark building in New York is also a public art museum. It is the worlds largest and most busy railway station in the United States, while it is also the hub of the New York railway and metro.纽约中央火车站位于美国曼

15、哈顿中心,始建于1903年,1913年2月2日正式启用。纽约中央火车站是由美国铁路之王范德比尔特家族建造,纽约著名的地标性建筑,也是一座公共艺术馆。它是世界上最大,美国最繁忙的火车站,同时它还是纽约铁路与地铁的交通中枢,For appreciation,New York central train station central information desk with four bells at the top of the Hall, very visible in the station Hall, which can also be big shock shop treasures

16、from the central railway station. The four side of the clock is made of Opal, valued at between about US $ 10 million to $ 20 million,6,Building,Mount RushmoreA memorial to the birth, growth, preservation and development of the USA,Brief:,Mount Rushmore is a memorial to the birth, growth, preservati

17、on and development of the United States of America.It is located in South Dakota(南达科他州) .It is also called United States Presidential Memorial .(美利坚合众国总统纪念公园 ).In the memorial, there are four head sculptures of American presidents.The entire park covers an area of 1278 acres (5.17 square kilometers)

18、, the highest elevation of 5725 feet (1745 meters). 整个公园占地面积1278英亩(5.17平方公里),最高处海拔为5725 英尺 (1745 米)。,George Washington,Jefferson Thomas,Theodore Roosevelt,Abraham Lincoln,The four presidents represent the first 150 years of Americas history. Berg Salem chose these four presidents, because they have

19、an important position in the history of the United states.这四位总统代表了美国前150年的历史。博格勒姆之所以选择这四位总统,是因为他们在美国历史上享有的重要地位。,The whole project cost a total of $989992.32. It is commendable that such a huge project in the construction process, there is no death of workers,Today, Mount Rushmore became not only the a world-class tourist destination, but also became a symbol of the president of the United States in the American culture. At the same time, under the influence of contemporary popular culture, Mount Rushmore is also derived from many other meanings,THANK YOU!,NO.3 陈慧NO.8 郭霞飞NO.11 黄绮红,


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