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1、脑小血管病概念与治疗,2014.11.15,脑小血管,注射硫酸钡的标本。白质中央血管密度低。,Salamon, N., Neuroimaging of cerebral small vessel disease. Brain Pathol, 2014. 24(5): p. 519-24.,脑小血管,注射硫酸钡的标本。供应胼胝体的小分支。,Salamon, N., Neuroimaging of cerebral small vessel disease. Brain Pathol, 2014. 24(5): p. 519-24.,脑小血管病的分类,腔隙综合征,腔隙综合征,脑小血管病的分类,MR

2、表现,Wardlaw, J.M., et al., Neuroimaging standards for research into small vessel disease and its contribution to ageing and neurodegeneration. The Lancet Neurology, 2013. 12(8): p. 822-838.,急性腔梗的1年演变,Wardlaw, J.M., C. Smith, and M. Dichgans, Mechanisms of sporadic cerebral small vessel disease: insig

3、hts from neuroimaging. Lancet Neurol, 2013. 12(5): p. 483-97.,腔隙常在 白质高信号边缘,Duering, M., et al., Incident lacunes preferentially localize to the edge of white matter hyperintensities: insights into the pathophysiology of cerebral small vessel disease. Brain, 2013. 136(Pt 9): p. 2717-26.,一名75岁男性,短暂性神经

4、症状发作后1周出现症状性左侧额叶出血,Charidimou, A., J.C. Baron, and D.J. Werring, Transient focal neurological episodes, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, and intracerebral hemorrhage risk: looking beyond TIAs. Int J Stroke, 2013. 8(2): p. 105-8.,SVD score (range 04),男性(OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.102.29), 高血压(OR 1.50, 95% CI 1.02

5、2.20), 吸烟 (OR 2.81, 95% CI 1.593.63), 腔隙性卒中 (OR 2.45, 95% CI 1.703.54) 与SVDScore相关. 脑萎缩与SVDScore无关,Staals, J., et al., Stroke subtype, vascular risk factors, and total MRI brain small-vessel disease burden. Neurology, 2014. 83(14): p. 1228-34.,脑小血管病的分类,一名CADASIL(伴皮质下梗死和脑白质病的常染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病)患者56岁和66岁的影

6、像,Salamon, N., Neuroimaging of cerebral small vessel disease. Brain Pathol, 2014. 24(5): p. 519-24.,一名66岁的女性CADASIL患者,Salamon, N., Neuroimaging of cerebral small vessel disease. Brain Pathol, 2014. 24(5): p. 519-24.,COL4A1突变,47岁无症状COL4A1突变患者(A,C,E,G,I,J)。57岁CADASIL患者。,一名HERNS (伴有视网膜病-肾病-卒中的遗传性内皮细胞病)

7、患者早期曾被误诊为多发性硬化,Salamon, N., Neuroimaging of cerebral small vessel disease. Brain Pathol, 2014. 24(5): p. 519-24.,一名HERNS患者的影像,早期有占位效应和强化。,Salamon, N., Neuroimaging of cerebral small vessel disease. Brain Pathol, 2014. 24(5): p. 519-24.,19,一名Susac综合征(脑病,视网膜小动脉闭塞,听力丧失)患者的胼胝体中部病灶,Salamon, N., Neuroimag

8、ing of cerebral small vessel disease. Brain Pathol, 2014. 24(5): p. 519-24.,7T,75岁,男性。动脉,静脉,van Veluw, S.J., et al., High resolution imaging of cerebral small vessel disease with 7 T MRI. Acta Neurochir Suppl, 2014. 119: p. 125-30.,7T,a.58岁,男,一过性黑矇,栓塞,基底动脉高信号。b.49岁,男,反复TIA,动脉粥样硬化,颈内动脉末端高信号。c.66岁,女,血

9、管周围间隙。d.19岁,男,非扩大的血管周围间隙。,van Veluw, S.J., et al., High resolution imaging of cerebral small vessel disease with 7 T MRI. Acta Neurochir Suppl, 2014. 119: p. 125-30.,7T,A.89岁,男性,7T。B.同一人,3T。C. 42岁,男性,微出血。D. 57岁,女性,房颤,突发失语、左侧轻瘫,心源性栓塞。,van Veluw, S.J., et al., High resolution imaging of cerebral small

10、 vessel disease with 7 T MRI. Acta Neurochir Suppl, 2014. 119: p. 125-30.,深部梗死,大脑中动脉栓塞,Moran, C., T.G. Phan, and V.K. Srikanth, Cerebral small vessel disease: a review of clinical, radiological, and histopathological phenotypes. Int J Stroke, 2012. 7(1): p. 36-46.,孤立病灶,Kim, J.T., et al., Lesion patt

11、erns of small deep infarcts have different clinical and imaging characteristics. Eur Neurol, 2010. 63(6): p. 343-9.,线性病灶,Kim, J.T., et al., Lesion patterns of small deep infarcts have different clinical and imaging characteristics. Eur Neurol, 2010. 63(6): p. 343-9.,腔隙性卒中,A.纹状体内囊卒中B.丘脑卒中:丘脑结节动脉膝状体动脉

12、脉络膜后动脉旁正中动脉C.脉络膜前动脉D.髓质穿支,J Neurol (2014) 261:405411,小血管病,A-C. 75岁,男性,共济失调轻偏瘫,4分。未溶栓。核磁显示内囊后肢病灶。出院时遗留左下肢轻瘫,1分。D-E. 55岁,男性,感觉运动性轻偏瘫,5分。溶栓。复查CT显示内囊后肢病灶。出院时遗留右下肢轻瘫,1分。,Pantoni, L., F. Fierini, and A. Poggesi, Thrombolysis in acute stroke patients with cerebral small vessel disease. Cerebrovasc Dis, 2014. 37(1): p. 5-13.,3个月结局,J Neurol (2014) 261:405411,SPS3,SPS3 设计要点,终点事件,样本量,8个国家81家医疗中心 3020例平均随访3.7年失访率3,SPS3 结论,谢谢大家!,


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