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1、tip的用法总结大全 tip的用法你知道吗?今天给大家带来tip的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。tip的用法总结大全tip的意思n. 小窍门,小费,末梢vt. 给小费,倾斜,翻倒,装顶端vi. 给小费,翻倒,倾覆变形:过去式: tipped; 现在分词:tipping; 过去分词:tipped;tip用法tip可以用作名词tip的基本意思是“尖端,尖儿”,也可表示(装在某物顶端的)“小部分”或“小物件”,其后常跟of。tip表示“(使)某物侧边提高,倾斜,翻倒”时,可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。tip表示“将(所盛之物)倒出

2、”时,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其宾语后还可接介词短语或副词。tip用作名词的用法例句He charged me 20 yuan for tip.他向我要了20元小费.Its common to leave a tip in many Western countries.在很多西方国家,给小费是很平常的。This manual is full of useful tips.这本小册子里有很多实用的小建议。tip可以用作动词tip表示“(使)某物侧边提高,倾斜,翻倒”时,可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。tip表示“将(所盛之物)倒出”时,用作及物动

3、词,接名词或代词作宾语,其宾语后还可接介词短语或副词。tip作“付小费”解时,宾语一般为人,也可接双宾语。tip也可表示“轻触,轻打,轻敲”,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。tip用作动词的用法例句Did you remember to tip the porter?你记得给搬运工小费了吗?Only the tip of an iceberg pokes up above water.只有冰山的尖端突出于水面。tip用法例句1、Heres an inside tip: The faster you rise, the harder you fall.给你一个小忠告:爬得越快,

4、摔得越疼。2、She poked and shifted things with the tip of her walking stick.她用手杖尖翻拨挪动东西。3、It is usual to tip waiters, porters, guides and drivers.给服务员、行李搬运工、导游和司机小费是惯例。关于单词 tip 的九种常见用法.今天给大家分享一个常见的单词“tip”。大家知道 tips 是怎么来的么?tips,译为小费,那“小费”究竟是什么费用呢?其实,tips 是“To insure prompt service”的缩写,也就是“保障快捷的服务”。在一些西方国家,

5、人们习惯给餐馆的服务人员留下10%至15%的小费。在口语中,tip就可以指“小费”,是可数名词。除了tip以外,我们还可以用“service charge”和“gratuity”等更正式的说法来表示“服务费”。1?小费例句:Lets leave a tips for the waiter. 我们给服务员留些小费吧。2?小窍门单词 tip 作名词还有“简短有用的信息、小窍门”的含义。比如说“a tip on how to do something 一个教怎样做某事的小窍门”。例句:Here are some tips on how to improve your English listenin

6、g skills. 这里给你一些有关如何提高英语听力技巧的小窍门。3?内幕消息单词 tip 的另一个和“消息、信息”有关的解释是“某场比赛的内幕消息”,尤其指“和最后赢家、获胜者有关的内部信息。”例句:Subscribe to our channel to get experts tips on the latest games. 如果你订阅我们的频道,就能得到专家提供的有关最新比赛输赢情况的内幕消息。Tips 作动词还可以表示“通风报信”,常和介词off连用,构成短语“tip somebody off 向某人告密”。例句:The criminals ran away before the p

7、olice could reach them-they mustve been tipped off by someone.罪犯们在警察赶到前就已经逃跑了,肯定有人当时给他们通风报信了。4?物体的尖端、末端当我们想表达“物体的尖部、末端”时,也可以使用tip,它在表示这一含义时是可数的。其中。常用的表达或搭配有“on the tip of someones tongue 在嘴边想不起来了”和“tip of the iceberg 冰山一角”等。例句:Who wrote that book again?Its right on the tip of my tongue!写那本书的是谁来着?名字就

8、在我嘴边想不起来了!This is only the tip of the iceberg-there is still a lot more to it. 这仅仅是冰山一角,这件事远比看起来复杂的多。5?物体顶端的附加物Tip 作名词时,除了表示“物体的尖端”之外,也可以具体指“物品顶端的附加部分。”例句:A metal or rubber tip on a walking stick gives a better grip for the user. 套在拐杖底端的金属或橡胶头能提高其防滑的性能。6?垃圾场;脏乱的地方在英式英语中,可数名词 tip 的意思是“垃圾场”,常用于口语中。其中动

9、名词 tipping 则指的是“随处倾倒垃圾”这一非法行为。例句:The truck carries household waste to rubbish tips.这辆卡车把生活废品运送到各垃圾场。除了“垃圾场”以外,tip 在非正式场合中也可以泛指非常脏乱的地方。例句:Your apartment is a tip!Dont you ever tidy up?你的公寓就像垃圾场一样乱!你平时一点也不打扫吗?7?认为.有可能成功单词 tip 是另一个常用含义是某人“据称有可能.”,通常指某人被认定为会获得奖项,或有所成就,常用于被动语态。相关的搭配包括 to be tipped as/for

10、 或 to be tipped to do something 等。例句:Leonardo DiCaprio was tipped to win Best Actor at the Oscars. 当时,莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥被认定会在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上获得最佳男演员奖。8?倾倒在英式英语中, tip 还可以表示“倾倒”的含义,指“把物质从一个容器倒入另一个容器或表面上”的动作,通常做及物动词,后直接加宾语。例句:Please tip all the coffee beans into the grinder and press start. 请把咖啡豆倒入磨豆机里,并按下开始键。9?使.倾斜最后,

11、动词 tip 还有“(使)倾斜、打翻”的意思,用来描述“(使)物体失去平衡,从而翻倒或掉落“的动作。例句:Dont place the vase on that wobbly shelf-itll tip over. 别把花瓶放在那个摇摇晃晃的架子上,它会翻倒下来的。英文天天写:Tip话题:Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinionTipThe tip, or apex, of something is at the very top. What is the tip of the object? What purpose does

12、it serve?This weeks topic: The tip was sharp. (90-110 words)Suggestions:1) the tip of the pencil gets dull easily2) leaving a tip for the waiter at a restaurant3) getting a tip about the next hot stock4) the informant tipped off the police about a drug deal5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free

13、 to comment on the story below.范例1:“Ive only met him a few times. His name is just at the tip of my tongue,” Al said as he took out his phone to search through the contact list. “Oh. thats too bad, I dont have his name here,” he said after scrolling through the screen for a brief moment. Instead of putting it back in his pocket, he discretely put the phone on the table. “Anyway, he was telling me about the projects he was working on. It sounded really impressive,” Al commented, noting the expression of the man in front of him.tip的用法总结大全


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