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1、,Book 6 Unit 2,Vocabulary (I),单词识记课,If you think a sentence is right, tick it; otherwise, cross it.,tick vt. 给.打上对勾标记,Does the poem have rhyming words at the end of lines?,rhyme n. / v. 押韵,Lama(喇嘛) as he is, he wrote manybeautiful love poems to convey hisfeelings.,convey vt. 传达;表达 convey sth. to sb.

2、,These goods are being conveyed to the disaster-hit area.,convey.to sp.把.运送到某地,You need more concrete evidence to prove your innocence.,concrete n. 混凝土 adj. 具体的,The word “repetition” is written repeatedly for four times.,repetition n. 重复,repeat v. repeated adj. repeatedly adv.,Her words are contradi

3、ctory to heraction.,contradictory adj.与.相矛盾,contradict vt. 与.相矛盾;反驳,Bamboo is flexible. Consequently, itcan be made into many objects.,flexible adj. 可弯曲的;柔顺的,You can find a great number of patternsfor clothes on the Internet.,attern n. 模式;式样;图案,When I was a child, I lived in a cottage like this.,cot

4、tage n. 村舍;小屋,I would be regretful if I didnt run out of my money before death.,run out of sth. 用完;用尽,Oh, my God. My money has run out.,(sth.) run out 某物被用完,Dont tease others about their drawbacks.,tease sb. about sth.取笑某人某事,My favorite food is salty eggs.,salty adj. 咸的,The flower is drooping.,droop

5、 vi. 枯萎;凋谢;萎靡,He is dreading the coming exam.,dread vt./vi. 害怕;畏惧,It will take me a minimum of one hour to draw such a horse.,minimum n./adj.最小数/量,a minimum of 至少,Can you translate it into Chinese?,The translation is 不要过早地盲目乐观。,translate.into.把.翻译成. translation n. 翻译;译文,Whats strange about the plant

6、 is that it has no leaves but only branches.,branch n. 树枝;枝条,The Changjiang River also has many branches.,branch n. 支流,Bank of China also has many branches all over the country.,branch n. 支行;分店等,冰雪融化的时候春天就要来了。,Spring is coming when snow is melting.,melt vt./vi.融化,melt - melted - melted/ molten,brimf

7、ul adj.盈满的;満到边际的,Young people are always brimful of new ideas and hope.,He is particular about details.,be particular about 挑剔;讲究,他对细节很挑剔。,Having awaited you for so long a time, I saw you in the flesh eventually.,await sb. = wait for sb. eventually 最后;终于,After losing weight successfully, she transfo

8、rmed into a beautiful girl.,transform vi.转化;转换;改造,He used to be kind, but unemployment transformed his character.,transform vt. 改变,The earth is revolving aroung the sun.,revolve vt./vi. (使)旋转,Out of extreme sorrow, she couldnt utter a word.,sorrow n. 悲痛 utter vt. 说;讲;发出(声音),Which mountain is bare?,b

9、are adj. 光秃的;赤裸的;稀少的,Baby, I will love you forever.,forever adv. 永远,You are supposed to go to the food section to buy some beef.,section n. 部分;节;切下的块,be appropriate to/ for . 对.来说是合适的,His bright sleepcoat is not appropriate for the funeral(葬礼).,It is appropriate for people to be dressed in black in

10、a funeral.,It is appropriate for sb. to do sth.,Id like to exchange some pounds for dollars.,exchange A for B 用A来交换B,Could I exchange my book _ your CD _ you?,exchange sth. with sb. 和某人交换某物,for,with,exchange student 交换生,As exchange students, they will stay inBeijing for one year, learning Chinese.,d

11、iploma n. 毕业文凭;学位证书,She has a diploma in education. 她取得了教育学文凭。,The program Dad, Where Are We Going is sponsored by Nutrition(诺优能奶粉).,sponsor v. 赞助;主办;发起,go blank 变得一片空白,Hearing the news, his mind went blank.,A compass was of vital importance in the past navigation(航海).,compass n. 指南针,a pair of compa

12、sses 一把圆规,The bride and bridegroom areexchanging wedding rings, which meansthey will love each other forever.,bride 新娘 bridegroom 新郎,championship冠军称号 champion 冠军,He won the championship, that is, he was the champion.,scholarship 奖学金;学术成就,You have many chances to win a scholarship to support your stu

13、dy.,let out 发出,Hearing the good news, the boy let out a cry of joy.,let out 泄露;透露,Mother promised that she would neverlet out her daughters secret to herfather.,load n. 负担;负荷物(尤指沉重的),Slowly, the old man carries his load.慢慢地,老人挑起他的重担。,take a load off ones mind 打消某人的顾虑,It took a load off my mind to he

14、ar thatmy daughter had got back home safely.,load . with. 用.装载. load .into/onto.把.装上.,The workers are loading the goods _a truck; that is, they are loading the car_ goods.,onto,with,loads of./ a load of.许多,We have loads of homework to do every day.,convey,flexible,cottage,tease,flexible,branch,trans

15、form,utter,appropriate,concrete,minimum,melt,contradictory,sorrow,eventually,bare,be particular about,scholarship,sponsor,diploma,诗歌,Words flash,韵/押韵,引起矛盾的,情感/绪,具体的,灵活的,轻松/不紧张,传达/运送,取笑,村舍/小屋,用完,咸的,悲伤,尤其/特别,转化/转变,赞助人,空白,黑暗/漆黑,奖学金,钢琴家,暖和/温暖,永远,重复,1. 我无法用语言表达我的感情。 I cant convey my feelings in words.2.

16、你需要具体的证据来证明你的清白。You need concrete evidence to prove your innocence.3. 她言行不一. (contradictory) Her words are contradictory to heraction.,4. 在处理这类问题时你需要更灵活一点。You need to be more flexible when dealing with such problems.5. 别紧张,一切都会好起来的。Take it easy. Everything will be OK.6. 我的钱快用完了。My money is running o

17、ut. 7. 取笑别人是不合适的。Its not appropriate to tease others.,8. 我至少等你一个小时I have waited for you for a minimum of one hour.9. 我喜欢所有的科目,尤其是英语。I like all the subjects, English in particular.10. 作为学生,我们不必太过讲究衣着。As students, we dont need to be too particular about our clothes.,11. 从国外回来后,她好像完成变了一个人。Having return

18、ed from abroad, she seems to have transformed into another person.12. 让他悲痛的是,他没有通过考试。To his sorrow, he didnt pass the exam.13. 我能用我的书来换你的铅笔么?Can I exchange my book for your pencil?14. 他靠捡垃圾资助了八个贫苦孩子上了大学He sponsored eight poor kids to go to college by picking rubbish.,15. 我绝不会泄露这个秘密的。I will never let out the secret.16. 他的话最终打消了我的顾虑。His words eventually took a load off my mind.,


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