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1、Quality & Satisfy,深圳德信诚经济咨询有限公司,公司地址:东莞市长安镇图书馆左侧电梯四楼 邮政编码: 523850HTTP:/ E-MAIL: TEL: 0769-85092880 FAX: 0769-89026070,精益生产概述,内容简介:,介绍精益生产(JIT)的历史背景.精益生产和6-sigma的结合.总览测量/分析/改进/控制阶段的主要工具(知识点)总结精益生产和群策群力 术语表 图表总汇 公式 附加参考材料,丰田英二,介绍精益生产的历史背景,1950年,日本的丰田英二考察了美国底持律的福特公司的轿车厂。当时这个厂每天能生产7000辆轿车,比日本丰田公司一年的产量还要



4、国家很重视对丰田生产方式的研究,并将其应用于生产管理。,什么何时劳动力机器工作安排缓冲对业绩的收益,“由专业工匠生产的单个产品”1910年以前多技艺的工匠小规模、各种产品类型作业排序订单积压原材料库存生产周期长以不稳定性为其特征,“专业化的流水线大量生产标准化产品”1910-1980专业化、单元化、岗位化的工人,由多职能一线管理人员协调专业化的、顺序化的大批量、作业排序大规模原材料存货,在制品、成品库存规模经济标准化(部件、任务和工具),“根据需求小批量进行的生产,以将浪费减至最小”1970-95水平方向多技能,在小组中工作冗余/多余容量,快速生产准备小批量少量在制品库存 (Kanban)人员

5、和外部(供应商)缓冲库存以作业典范为导向规模经济生产周期短废品/返工量减少,“单件流动,迅速重新配置生产,浪费几乎为零”1995以后水平及垂直方向多技能,在以自我为主导的小组中工作多功能机器,快速生产准备单件流动很少有在制品和成品库存技能与机器能力储备以持续改善为导向规模经济生产周期长,更短的产出时间(并行操作)浪费减少,即时生产举例 (JIT-JUST IN TIME)JIT 指这样一个系统: 按照顾客的需要在正确的时间, 生产正确数量的正确产品.,星期一7:00pm装载着铁矿石的船停靠在码头. 冶炼开始 星期二10:55pm冶炼结束,铸造工艺开始12:55pm 铸成圆钢冷却和清洗5:05p

6、m第一道加工工艺开始, 共58道,耗时55分钟. 6:00pm发动机组装完成. 运输到汽车整车装配厂星期三8:00am汽车完成发动机的整车装配7:00pm销售商提货并付款,从铁矿石到付款仅需48小时 (包括12小时的运输时间),如今, 制造系统必须结合这些重要的策略.这一切都通过杜绝浪费来完成。,一个精益的,柔性化并且具备成本优势的企业能够为客户提供: 高附加价值 - “最低廉的供应商高质量 - “6 sigma质量标准快速响应 - “更短的提前期,生产、设计、采购、营销通过 无缝连接构成的柔性化生产系统.,精益生产使我们在竞争产生优势,精益生产的理念就是以最经济的方式完成生产: 需要什么 (

7、顾客期望,质量要求等) 何时需要 利用最少的资源完成生产,持续不断的改善成为企业的精髓文化, 被员工广泛地认可, 并付诸实施.,群策群力 - “只为更好”,精益生产和六西格玛的结合的好处 (为什么要结合在一起?),六西格玛- 严谨的科学(哲学), 耗时长 以数据为基础的 专注于顾客 重点控制 可控变量的百分比 关注变量 领导力的培养 文化的改变,精益生产 快速,充满活力 消除浪费专注于内部的团队数据为基础 定量 定性 显著的短期结果 可控制的 低成本,两者互相补充, 互相支持, 对制造业而言, 两者的结合尤其的重要.,精益生产和6-sigma的结合,可使用的工具,测量工具TAKT 时间的计算混

8、合产品图工件流动图Observation Sheets (观察表格)Cycle Time / TAKT Time Bar Chart (工件时间和TAKT时间的平衡图)分析工具Observation Sheets (观察表格)Process Capacity Table (流程能力图表)Standard Work Sheet (标准工作表)Standard Work Combination (标准工作的合并)Cross Training Matrix (多工位的培训表格)Cycle Time / TAKT Time Bar Chart (工件时间和TAKT时间的平衡图)改进 (行动)Visua

9、l Controls(可视化控制)Any Tool(s) from Measure & Analyze that apply (以上所述)控制 (Control)行动计划表,测量阶段,分析阶段,改进阶段,控制阶段,总览 (知识点),主要的输出:,测量阶段,寻找关键工艺路径计算TAKT建立混合产品图Create Mix Model Map建立工件流动图Create Spaghetti Chart完成对所有操作工位的观察表Complete Observation Sheets for ALL operations消除无增加值的浪费Identify All Non-Value Added Waste

10、累加/确认操作时间Accumulate / Verify Operational Time建立生产周期时间和TART时间表柱形图表Create Cycle Time / TAKT Time Bar Chart,测量阶段,分析,Define ALL Non-Value Added Waste找出所有的无增值的浪费Reduce Setup Time减少机器准备时间Redo Observation Sheets for ALL operations after changes对所有操作重新完成观察表Create Standard Work 建立标准化的工作Complete Process Capac

11、ity Tables 完成流程能力表Complete Standard Work Sheets 完成标准工作表格Complete Standard Work Combination Sheets 完成标准工作合并表Cross Training Matrix 多工位培训组合表Create New Cycle Time / TAKT Time Bar Chart建立新的周期时间和TAKT时间的柱状图Finalize Cell Design 决定工段的设计,分析阶段,主要的输出:,改进,Action Work Out Event群策群力的行动Implement Cell Design实施工段的设计E

12、stablish Key Metrics建立关键指标Establish a Visual Workplace建立可视的工作区域Flow Hardware硬件的流动Implement Standard Work实施标准化的工作,改进阶段,主要的输出:,控制,Create & Complete Action Item List建立和完成行动列表Follow the Action Work Out Commandments遵守群策群力的约定,控制阶段,主要的输出:,Control Phase,对照表,定义目标观察目前的情形(spaghetti chart):观察表格Observation sheet

13、标准工作合并表Standard work combination sheet标准工作表格Standard work sheet指出目前的浪费Identify waste in the current situation消除和预防浪费的再次发生Eliminate and prevent recurrence建立新的标准操作Construct new standard operations持续地保持以上的所为Repeat above steps continuously,使得问题暴露出来,标准化的操作是改善之本,总结精益生产,1.改善行动开始于在生产实地的考察2.充满激情地去做 采取行动3.证据-

14、 不停留在口头上.,行动快速, 不拖泥带水. 没有行动就没有一切.,三个要素,1抛弃关于生产的习惯思维.2想如何去做, 而不是为什么做不完. 3不要去寻找理由. 从挑战现成做法开始, “他们不做”,“我们来”!4不必追求尽善尽美, 立即行动, 即使我们只能完成50%的任务. 5立刻纠正错误. 6不要在改善上花费过多的金钱. 7在遭遇困难时, 显现你的智慧. 8在寻找根本原因时, 问五个为什么. 9三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮.10改善的想法是无边界的.,通过实践, 你会学习和积累改善的经验.,十条规则,精益生产大厦,好的开始是成功的一半!谢谢您的参与!,b,术语表,Glossary of GEIS L

15、ean Production System Terminology,Automation The use of machines working independently of manpower.Autonomation The process of separating the work of man and machine characterized by work not movement; quality built into the process; and visual management.Bottleneck Any machine or process that limit

16、s flow or capacity.Cell The optimal physical layout f machines and manpower for a product or family of products that identifies and eliminates waste.Continuous flow Carrying out one-piece-at-a-time production in order toprocessing eliminate stagnation of work (queue) in and between processing steps.

17、Cycle time The total time required for a worker to complete one cycle of his entire job process (including manual and travel times).DPU Defects per unit shipped. A measurement towards six sigma.Ergonomics Study of the body motions involved in a worker performing a task.Express train Following 1 part

18、 through a cell using continuous flow without queue time theoretical lead time.Frequent conveyance Increasing the delivery frequency of parts, such as parts form outside vendors, in order to keep inventory to a minimum.Inventory turns Frequency at which standard WIP is delivered to the cell.= $ Outp

19、ut for the year/avg. $ inventory on hand.JIT(JUST IN TIME) theory of production characterized by continuous flow, producing according to TAKT time, and the pulling of subsequent processes using minimum level of inventory required.Kaizen Change for the better; a process quality tool for improvement i

20、nvolving a series of activities whereby instances of MUDA (waste) are eliminated one by one at minimal cost, by workers pooling their wisdom and increasing efficiency n a timely manner. It emphasizes manual work operations rather than equipment.Kanban A method/device of pulling from previous process

21、es in order to control material flow, cap inventory levels, and to take pulse of the customer. It serves as: an instruction for when to produce; a tool for visual control against over production and a detection of irregular processing speeds.Kiting Grouping component parts used in a process or build

22、 for ease of assembly.Lead time The total time it takes the product to go from raw inventory to the finished product. Order to remittance lead time refers to the total time from when an order is placed until the finished product is shipped.,Lean production Meeting customer requirements by manufactur

23、ing most economicallySystem (using minimum resources of machines, manpower, and inventory).Level production Overall leveling in the production schedule of the variety and volume of items produced in given time periods as well as leveling the work of each operator to be as close to TAKT time as possi

24、ble.Linkage Continuous flow of communication between customer and supplier.Machine capacity Amount of pieces that can be produced through one machine or process. Machine time The time from machine switch on, processing, to machine returning to original position, during which there is no hands-on wor

25、k by the operator.Manual time The hands-on time it takes for the worker to perform a task.Manufacturing losses MUDA, poor quality, rework, re-inspection, scrap, or repair. Waste addition to processing cost.Mincing Mixing of products for central services (i.e. heat treat), OV, kits for components and

26、 assemblies.MUDA Any type of waste elements that add no value to the product: i.e. Waiting, Traveling, Over production, Excess Motion, Rework, Redundant and/or unnecessary processing, etc.Multi-Machine One shop worker operating two or more similar machines that are groupedhandling together.Multi-pro

27、cess An operator being able to perform more than one process( which may or handlingmay not include machines).Multi-skill Broadening a workers skills so that the worker can operate multiple typesdevelopmentof equipment and processes in order to facilitate cell development and one piece flow.Non-confo

28、rming A product that deviates from drawing or an internal quality system. Amaterialproduct with a defect.One piece flow Production system in which only one part at a time is processed or assembled and sent along the production line to follow processes.Pokayoke Mistake proof: usually refers to the us

29、e of fail-safe devices in the machine time of a process in order to prevent defects and insure quality. A key ingredient which when added to automation will yield automation.Process A series of steps to achieve a desired result. It may involve one or more machines but does not have to.Process Capaci

30、ty Maximum amount of product that can be produced through a process for a given period of time.,Glossary of GEIS Lean Production System Terminology,Process Capacity Indicates the maximum capacity for parts processing at any one process.Table Recorded on it are: the amount of time spent in manual wor

31、k, machine time, set- up time, etc.Process Mapping A technique used to follow the detailed flow of a product through a manufacturing cycle.Process Route A study of the process and machine sequence for a group of similar parts.Analysis It can be used to standardize product flow for ease of cell imple

32、mentation.Product Quantity A study of the quantities demanded of different products produced at aAnalysiswork location. This picture of the volume and variety of products can be used to identify high impact areas to concentrate efforts or identify the need to use process razing to make products more

33、 similar.Pull System System of manufacturing in which each process withdraws the parts it needs from the preceding process when they need them, in the exact amount needed.Quality Total customer satisfaction-involves having all employees Customer focused.Queue time The time a part sits waiting to be

34、worked on.Quick Response Ability to respond to market changes and customer requirements while maintaining world class manufacturing standards.Rotables Additional parts purchased to balance output with customer requirementsScrap A product which is non- reworkable or unrepairable.Sequence of The order

35、 in which the part is processed.ProcessingSequence of Work The order in which an operator performs a series of repetitive tasks.Set-up operations Preparation before and after operations.Set-up, External Machine changeover steps that can be performed while the machine is processing parts or off-line

36、from production time.Set-up, Internal Machine changeover steps that are performed while the machine is stopped during production time.Six Sigma Is a quality culture to produce zero defects and to insure customer satisfaction.SMED (Single Minute Exchange Die) has become the title for the category of

37、improvement devices used in manufacturing to allow for quick change over of machine/fixture set-ups.,Glossary of GEIS Lean Production System Terminology,SPC Statistical Process Control: analysis of variation in a process.Standard Operations The combination of people and machines required to accompli

38、sh production in such a way as to minimize waste.Standard WIP Minimum amount of work in process required to perform repetitive operations economically.Standard Work Sequence of tasks that an operator performs.Standard Work Sheet Shows the outline of work for each worker in a cell. Recorded on it are

39、: TAKT time, work sequence, standard WIP, quality checks, safety precautions, etc.Standard work Table that clarifies how much time is spent doing manual work andcombination sheet traveling at each production process. It is used to examine the range of processes that one worker can take care of withi

40、n TAKT time and the amount of time during which machines are operated automatically are recorded to help determine what combination of operations are possible.Synchronous Materials and resources available Just in Time to manufacture to meetManufacturing customer requirements.TAKT Time Available prod

41、uction time / required production(demand).Touch time The time a man or machine is working on a part (Value added time).TPM Total Productive Maintenance is the total involvement of all employees in a cell to improve the process.Travel time The time it takes a worker to move to the next station to pic

42、k up or put down parts, tools, etc. May occur during operation as well.Visual Refers to the means by which anyone can tell at a glance if productionManagement activities are proceeding normally or not. A communication, discipline and pacing tool.Waiting time The time that a worker is idle when no wo

43、rk is available.WIP Work In Process; inventory of materials that has already started processing.Work, Non-value Rework, set-ups, inspection, repair processing, transportation, unnecessaryadded work to complete the manufacture of a product. Anything in addition to what the customer is willing to pay

44、for.Work, Value Added Only necessary direct work to manufacture a product. Anything that the customer is willing to pay for.,Glossary of GEIS Lean Production System Terminology,图表总汇,m GEIS Global Sourcing Lean,EXAMPLE,* 7 Types of Waste: 1) Correction 2) Over Production 3) Transportation & Conveyanc

45、e 4) Inventory 5) Unnecessary Motion 6) Unnecessary Processing 7) Waiting,Step,No.,Description of Process,Product Line,Part Number,Part Name,Description,Observation Sheet,*Waste/Non Value-Added ActivitiesObserved,Recommendations,TIME / DISTANCE (Ft),S/U,Man,Auto,Travel,Before,X,After,Sec ( ) Min ( x

46、 ) Hr ( ),Total,1,Get Parts/ Tools 3 10 0,3 , 5,Move tools / parts closer to workstation,2,Remove fixture 7 15 0,Production Capacity Table,EXAMPLE,m GEIS Global Sourcing Lean,S I X S I G M A,Standard Work Combination Sheet,EXAMPLE,m GEIS Global Sourcing Lean,S I X S I G M A,Standard Work Sheet,EXAMP

47、LE,Existing Shop Layout,Drill Area,Mill Area,Tumble,Bench Area,Broach,FPI,Shot/Glass Peen,Heat Treat,Inspection,Cast Clean,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,EXAMPLE,KAIZEN IMPROVEMENT :TEAM :,Operation,Problem,Action Taken,Results,Before Kaizen,After Kaizen,KAIZEN IMPROVEMENTS,AWO Improvemen

48、t : (All Areas),Mill Split Pact-Mazak,ACTION WORKOUT,Team :,THIS JOB IS MUCH EASIERNOW,Results,All TravelTime / DistanceEliminated,20 Trips for Tools,20 Mins Travel Time,THISSUCKS !,m GEIS Global Sourcing Lean,S I X S I G M A,A B C D,T/T C/T Bar Chart,D,C,A,D,C,A,1,2,3,4,6,5,B,B,MONDAY MORNING KICKO

49、FF MEETING These 6 slides are mandatory,ID Team name, problemstatement, goals and list of team membersshowing internal vs external to area being worked.,Narrow focus of2 - 3 key goalsfor week. Must befilled out withcurrent status data.,Shows product flowand equipment utilizedin the facility. If work

50、 stays in one area show major pieces of equipment.,Takt Time - Cycle Timebar chart completedfor processes in areato be worked. Must reflect actual data.,Shows workscope and wipby operator. Make SWS ( spaghetti chart ) for each. Show at least 1 chart. Others can be done during week with team.,Show 1


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