1、John Steinbeck,约翰斯坦贝克(1902-1968),Social background,The Great Depression in 1930s The Wall Street crash in Oct. 24, 1929, “the bottom dropped of the stock market” Result: a. The dim decade of 1930s replaced the glittering 1920s. Banks failed, factories closed and agriculture withered; Jobless million
2、s roamed the street; the breadless stretched long; Absolute poverty and struggled for survival is a nightmarish experience of life. then a lot of people went along the Highway 66 to california,hoping to find jobs,lands dignities and their futures b. The physical waste land replaced the spritual wast
3、e land represented by T. S. Eliot,The reason of the Great Depression,Keynes: the market for reducing aggregate demand of goods, is the main reason for the recession advocated spending to stimulate the economy. Bernanke: the rise of the U.S. consumer lending trend. Friedman: excessive government inte
4、rvention cause.,The reason of the Great Depression,1 tariff barriers: U.S. to raise tariffs to protect domestic industries, resulting in international trade is shrinking. 2 deformity prosperity: the stock rose after the war, many people crazy into the stock market, resulting in soaring stock unreaso
5、nable.,The reason of the Great Depression,3. overproduction: postwar national economic good, the majority of enterprises to expand production and lead to overproduction. 4. World Sport: large number of U.S. capital inflows over the world, the United States affected the global economy 。5. Effects of
6、war,The process of the Great Depression,October 24, 1929, the Wall Street stock market crash a few days of a sudden, a lot of banks, factory closures, lockouts, commercial recession, increasing unemployment. Diffusion: stock market Industrial financial Europe,10,Major works,1. First novel: Cup of Go
7、ld (1929) 金杯 2 Tortilla Flat 3. Workers Trilogy: a. In Dubious Battle (1936) 胜负未决 - About the strike by migrant farm-workers b. Of Mice and Men (1937) 人鼠之间 - the mutual dependence and shared dreams of migrant farm-workers,11,c. The Grapes of Wrath (1939) 愤怒的葡萄 ( his masterpiece for which Steinbeck r
8、eceived the Nobel Prize for it in 1962)4. The Moon Is Down (1942) 月亮下去了5. East of Garden (1952) 伊甸园以东,With the end of the decade came the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of the 1930s,cataclysmic events that shattered public complacency and transformed American society。The abrupt
9、end of prosperity weakened the nations confidence in its government and its political leaders。 American artists of all kinds produced works of political and social criticism。Painters created harsh visions of American life on farms and in cities。Photographers recorded the miseries of poverty and want
10、。John Steinbeck and other writers described the sweat-drenched lives of factory workers and migrant farmers in journalistic reports,in short stories,and in such memorable novels as the Grapes of Wrath。,The Grapes of Wrath,III. Analysis of his masterpiece, “The Grapes of Wrath”,The 30 chapters fall i
11、nto 3 sections:- First 10 chapters: the description of the drought;- Chapters 13 to 18: the journey to California;- The remaining 12 chapters: a narrative of the life of the migrants in California,16,1. Source of the title,- A war song of the Civil War, “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” 共和国的战斗赞美诗 Mi
12、ne eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, He is tramping out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored “我的眼睛已经见到老爷驾临的荣光, 他在践踏那些被储存了很久的愤怒的葡萄”,17,2 . Introduction of the story - His epic masterpiece of social consciousness and a crisis novel; - A picture of helpless people crushed
13、by drought and depression; - One of the classic documents of the Great Depression,- The thirteen members of the three generations of the Joad family are the impoverished (一贫如洗的) victims of the Dustbowl1 drought in Oklahoma; - They set out on the trek (长途跋涉) in an old automobile they bought for all t
14、heir family property for California, in which they believe they could seek their promised land2,- On the road, before their eyes are: a. Unspeakable pain and suffering on the road; b. Frequently occurring deaths c. An universal landscape of decay and desolation - Reaching and settling down in Califo
15、rnia, they met with bitter resistance from the local landowners,- Working in the migrant labor camps in California, life proved to be a misery of poverty and dislocation(混乱): - As a result, the Joads joined in the migrant workers strike under the influence of the rustic socialist, Jim Casy; - After Jim Casy was murdered, Tom Joad became the labor organizer to carry on Jims work with the powerful support and cooperation.,