1、心理细节描写,by Kevin Soy,读后续写专项训练 2,Her heart began to pound. Morton half rose; the times slid to the ground. Slowly the other man stood up. He took a couple of steps towards Morton, then stopped. He flexed his great arms, waiting. She pressed her trembling knees together. Would there be violence, fighti
2、ng? How dreadful, how incredible. She must do something, stop them, call for help. She wanted to put her hand on her husbands sleeve, to pull him down, but for some reason, she didnt. Her first feeling was one of the relief that the fight had been avoided, that no one was hurt. Yet beneath it there
3、was a layer of something else, something heavy and inescapable. She sensed that it was more than just an unpleasant incident, more than defeat of reason by force. She thought, if there had been something to fight for. But what else could Morton possibly have done? Allow himself to be beaten? Attempt
4、 to educate the man? Call a policeman? “Officer, theres a man in the park who wont stop his child from throwing sand on my child. ” The whole thing was as silly as that, and not worth thinking about. She quickened her step. She wanted only to get home and to busy herself with her family tasks.,小结,心理
5、活动的内容可以是单纯的思想活动;可以是主人公的回忆、联想、比较;也可以是内心外在体现的一举一动。心理活动描写应抓住人物的本质特征,符合人物性格发展的逻辑,推动故事情节的可续性;心理活动描写应做到恰如其分、条理清楚,不可故意夸张或虚构。心理描写需要和肖像描写、动作描写、语言描写、环境描写等多种写作手段有机结合起来,以丰富故事情节。,1. 英语课开始了,老师要把批好的试卷发下来。在拿到试卷前,Tom紧张地要命,害怕自己考砸了。请设计Tom在拿到试卷前的内心活动。80词左右。When the bell rang, the English teacher was about to give out t
6、he test papers she had corrected. _,1. 英语课开始了,老师要把批好的试卷发下来。在拿到试卷前,Tom紧张地要命,害怕自己考砸了。请设计Tom在拿到试卷前的内心活动。80词左右。,推测汤姆紧张害怕的原因,直接描写与间接描写相结合,考前没有好好复习、来自父母或老师的压力、来自同龄人的竞争压力等,Tom紧张等待发试卷设想考试会失利设想考砸的后果,When the bell rang, the English teacher was about to give out the test papers she had corrected. Tom held his
7、breath and kept whispering, “God bless me!” Nervous and worried, Tom couldnt help squeezing his sleeve and he could feel his heart beating faster and faster. He tried to stop mind-wondering but in vain. He felt he might have failed the test and wondered, “How will the teacher blame me? Will mum nag
8、me? And dad. Oh, he is on business. But what if mum God, I dare not think about it any longer” After struggling hard inside, Tom got his paper.,2. Jenny无意中泄露了她的好朋友Yvette的秘密,为此Yvette大骂了她一顿然后愤怒地离开了。请描述Yvette离开后Jenny的心理活动。词数不限。Looking at Yvette storming out of the classroom, Jenny stood rooted to the s
9、pot. _,2. Jenny无意中泄露了她的好朋友Yvette,为此Yvette大骂了她一顿然后愤怒地离开了。请描述Yvette离开后Jenny的心理活动。词数不限。,Jenny的情绪变化推测,愤怒内疚伤心自责冷静下来换位思考内疚决定道歉,Looking at Yvette storming out of the classroom, Jenny stood rooted to the spot. She was so angry that all those rude words should have come from her best friend. Taking a deep br
10、eath, she tried to calm herself down. Minutes later, a slight voice crept into her consciousness: “Yvette has every reason to be mad at me. What I did was indeed terrible to a friend. Then a sense of guilt swallowed Jenny and her mind was in a mess. Why had she leaked the secret? Would Yvette forgiv
11、e her? Would she ever talk to her again? Maybe she should find her and ask for her forgiveness right away. Jenny was totally at a loss for what to do. Finally she fell into her chair, buried her face in her arms and began to weep.,实战演练,3. 来自偏远乡村的李萍考入市重点高中,可她的英语发音带着浓重的口音。第一节英语课上刘老师要求每位同学用英语做自我介绍,李萍的发
12、音引发了全班的哄堂大笑。此后她在英语课上一直不敢开口讲英语。一段时间后,在自己的努力和老师的帮助下,李萍进步巨大。老师鼓励她在英语课上做一次公开演讲。请描述在开讲前10分钟李萍的心理活动。80词以上。Ten minutes later, Li Ping would be standing and talking in front of the whole class. _, Looking through the window at the trembling trees in the strong wind, the bitter and painful memory of her firs
13、t English speech came back once again. She was consumed with anxiety and tension. “What if I disappointed Ms. Liu? How could I stand another outbreak of laughter from the whole class?” Her legs were trembling and her face was burning. She felt like giving up. Then her eyes fell on the paper for the speech she prepared for the whole week and remembered all those hours Ms. Liu and she worked together to correct her pronunciation. She took a deep breath and encouraged herself, “Its time to prove myself and change their impression on my oral English!”,