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1、Ralph Waldo Emerson,(1803-1882),“American Confucius” - Abraham Lincoln,LifeMajor WorksIdeasInfluence,Ralph Waldo Emerson,Early Life,1803, born in Boston, MA1811, his father died, “Genteel Poverty”1817, Harvard College, Unitarianism,Early Life,1821, graduated, taught for young ladies1825, Harvard Div

2、inity School1829, minister, The Second Church of Boston,First Marriage,1829, married, Ellen Louisa Tucker (died of TB two years later)1832, resigned, sailed for Europe,In Europe,Thomas Carlyle,William Wordsworth,Samuel Taylor Coleridge,European Romanticism,Lecturer,Nov. 1833, back, career as a lectu

3、rerTranscendentalists Club Transcendentalist journal The Dial,Second Marriage,1835, married Lydia Jackson1836, Nature,Emerson and Lydia with children and grandchildren,Late Life & Death,1860s , upset, Civil War1872, lost memory, aphasia (失语症) April 27th, 1882, died,Nature,“The Manifesto of American

4、Transcendentalism”,“The Bible of New England Transcendentalism”,Works,The American Scholar“Declaration of Intellectual Independence”A declaration of cultural independence for the US,Works,“Self-Reliance”An essay that urges readers to trust their own intuition and common sense rather than automatical

5、ly following popular opinion and conforming to the will of the majority.,Works,Ideas,“Oversoul” the soul can completely transcend the limits of individuality and become part of the Oversoul spirit is everywhere: in the soul of man, in nature “the universe is composed of Nature and the Soul”,Ideas,In

6、dividualism not the crowd is the most important all, but the infinitude of man“Trust thyself”“Make thyself”,Ideas,Nature is emblematic of God“nature is the vehicle of thought” “nature is the symbol of spirit”,Weakness,never systematic philosophy denial the reality of evildenial of its real spiritual

7、 origin,Influence,Thoreau, Whitman, Dickinson-indebted Hawthorne and Melville -against his optimism, benefited from his ideas His call for an independent culture played a very important part in the intellectual history of the nation.,“Our long apprenticeship to the learning of other lands draws to a

8、 close. The millions that around us are rushing into life cannot always be fed on the sere remains of foreign harvests”.,“The Father of American Civilization”,-Abraham Lincoln,Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself -Emerson,幸福是香水,你洒在别人身上时,自己也会沾上一两滴. -爱默生,Thank You!,


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