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1、雅思官网除了报名还有哪些用途 雅思官网 ,除了报名还有哪些用途?今天给大家带来雅思官网用途,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思官网 除了报名还有哪些用途?雅思官网许多烤鸭们来说,只是用于两个简单的目的和一种心情的:战战兢兢地报名,战战兢兢地查分。事实上除了最基本的考位选择、考试注册,雅思官网上还有不少的视频学习资料:“雅思之路”。这份长达120小时,包含300多种互动练习,由英国文化教育协会英语专家来讲解的备考指导视频,涵盖了各种题型的练习及解析,以及可供下载的模拟测试题等,如果你还刚刚开始雅思复习的脚步,就和一起来了解一下如何利用它吧一、这里有题型变化、出题思路的权威解


3、本到2018年为止,雅思的考费已经突破了2k,让不少烤鸭捉襟见肘。在这种情况下,官网的练习题不失为减少边际成本的一个好办法,动动鼠标,你就可以在上面做4套题目,完成听写练习和词汇摘录,并且听到音频版的讲解。结合剑桥雅思真题系列(OG)的教材,你可以省下不少搜集习题的功夫。当然官网也不是万能的,它只能告诉你评分标准和出题原则,真题和机经你就不要期待了。当雅思阅读配对题六特点雅思阅读配对题总是让很多考生败下阵来,因为题型设置问题,错一个就可能连锁性的引起多个错误。通常在解雅思阅读配对题时,很多雅思考生习惯于机械地通过阅读各个段落的首句,第二句或者最后一句来寻找各个段落的主题句( topic sen

4、tence),即该段中归纳概括段落大意或中心思想的句子。然而,在全面分析完剑桥雅思全真试题集5-10中所有收录的段落标题配对题后,笔者发现,绝大部分此类题的正确答案确实可以通过确定主题句获得,但有些雅思阅读段落安排以及正确选项的归纳并没有考生期待得那么简单。粗略归纳一下,大致有以下几个特殊性。*将从这些特殊段落的特点出发,举实例来具体分析其应对策略。雅思阅读配对特点1:段落内容均为举例策略:略读举例内容,大致了解举例目的(即论据部分所支持的观点),并将其与选项进行对照,与举例目的表达相同观点的选项即为正解。例:The Dutch are not the only would-be moles.

5、 Growing numbers of Europeans are burrowing below ground to create houses, offices, discos and shopping malls; in winter months in Montreal, Canada, for instance, citizens can escape the cold in an underground complex compete with shops and even health clinics. In Tokyo builders are planning a massi

6、ve underground city to be begun in the next decade, and underground shopping malls are already common in Japan分析:很明显,此段没有所谓的主题句,而是以Europe, Canada 以及Tokyo为例.在快速看完举例部分后,我们不难总结出,举例的目的是要说明世界各地正着手开发包括地下城市,地下诊所,地下舞厅和地下购物中心在内的多样化地下服务设施.而这一观点正好跟选项Developing underground services around the world 相吻合。雅思阅读配对特点

7、2:段落本身有主题句,但正确选项并未根据主题句归纳策略:继续读主题句后面部分的内容,即扩展句(supporting sentences, 对主题句起支持或进一步解释说明的句子)部分,正确选项往往就是对扩展句具体涉及内容的概括。例: There are big advantages, too, when it comes to private homes. A development of 194 houses which would take up 14 hectares of land above ground would occupy 2.7 hectares below it, whil

8、e the number of roads would be halved An underground dweller himself, Carpenter has never paid a heating bill 分析:不难看出,划线的句子作为本段的首句,具有概括性,实为主题句。如果正确选项是依据此句来归纳的话,那理应包含advantages 或是同样表示优势、优点、长处的其它词。可事实是,所给选项中没有一项涉及此类词。单纯找主题句看来对于这个段落已不适用。继续往后读,我们发现,后面部分其实是对地下住宅所具备的优点的进一步举例解释。列举数字无非是要说明地下住宅节省土地和空间;而以Carp

9、enter这个地下住宅居住者为例,就是要说明这种住宅既省钱又节能。由此,答案锁定为Demands on space and energy are reduced.雅思阅读配对特点3:段落中涉及多个观点内容策略:正确答案常常依据段落中所占篇幅较多或作者要强调的观点来归纳例:Building big commercial buildings underground can be a way to avoid distinguishing or threatening a beautiful or environmentally sensitive landscape. Indeed many of

10、 the buildings which consume most land - such as cinemas, supermarkets, theatres, warehouses or libraries - have no need to be on the surface since they do not need windows.分析:此段总共包含两个句子,但各句表明不同的观点。前者认为修建大型地下建筑可以避免破坏城市风景,而后者则强调很多建筑因为不需要窗户可以被建在地下。Indeed(确实,甚至)的出现,正好表明本段的重心是要突出强调后者观点,即有些建筑不需要窗户(自然采光)。

11、所以毫无疑问地选择 Some buildings do not require natural light。雅思阅读配对特点4:比较关系出现在句中策略:忽略作为参照物的前者,后者才是作者真正要说明的观点例: Working Germans are particularly vulnerable, with a 33 percent higher risk at the beginning of the working week. Non-workers, by comparison, appear to be no more at risk on a Monday than any other

12、 day.分析:此段两句以by comparison 衔接,同时也体现了前后两者的比较关系。以working Germans 作为参照物,本段真正的目的在于表明后者,即那些失业人员在星期一患心脏病的机率并不比其它任何一天高。所以正确答案为Jobless but safer。雅思阅读配对特点5:转折、让步关系出现在句中策略:忽略让步状语从句内容,重点关注转折部分,即but 或however等表示转折关系的连接词后面的内容。例: The risk of having a heart attack on any given day should be one in seven, but a six-

13、year study coordinated by researchers at the Free University of Berlin of more tan 2,600 Germans revealed that the average person had a 20 percent higher chance of having a heart attack on a Monday than on any other day.分析:but的出现引导我们关注其后面所要表明的内容。又因为段落标题配对是对段落大意的概括,所以在理解转折部分的内容时,我们只需要把握住句子的主干就可以了。由此,

14、根据主干a study revealed that the average person had a 20 percent higher chance of having a heart attack on a Monday than on any other day 研究显示普通人在星期一患心脏病的比率比其它任何一天高出百分之二十, 我们选择选项 High-risk Monday。雅思阅读配对特点6:表达相同含义的词或短语相继出现在段落各句中策略:寻找含有雅思高频词汇的选项例: If we are to believe the forecasts, it is predicted that

15、two-thirds of the world population will be without fresh water by 2025While some areas are devastated by flooding, scarcity of water in many other places is causing conflicts. The state of Texas in the United States of America is suffering a shortage of water there is now talk of water being the new

16、 oil.分析:本段各句中都涉及水资源的短缺,相关词汇分别为:without fresh water, scarcity of water, a shortage of water 以及 water being the new oil。根据词义对应选项,得出正解为 shortage of water。总之,在应对雅思阅读段落标题配对题时,我们不能一味单纯地从寻找主题句出发,只有熟悉其可能出现的各种特殊情况,在策略上做出相对应的调整,我们才有可能灵活自如地提高正确率。雅思阅读全真练习系列:Global warming雅思阅读全真练习Global warmingYou should spend a

17、bout 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.Questions 1-5Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs A-F .Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-F from the list of headings below.Write the appropriate numbers i-viii in boxes 1 - 5 on your answer sheet.List of He

18、adingsi The plaintiffs?viewpoints on regulating emissionii Federal government being taken to courtiii Possible impact of the case on other lawsuitsiv Regulating air pollution by twelve Statesv Stance of the Bush administrationvi Viewpoints of Bill Clinton on regulationvii The call for emission caps

19、and reductionviii Uncertainty in ruling by the Supreme CourtExample AnswerParagraph A ii1. Paragraph B _2. Paragraph C _3. Paragraph D_4. Paragraph E _5. Paragraph F _Green states take the federal government to courtNov 30th 20XXFrom The Economist print editionA WHEN the subject is global warming,th

20、e villain is usually America . Although it produces a quarter of the greenhouse gases that are heating up the planet,it refuses to regulate them. When other countries agreed on an international treaty to do sohe Kyoto protocolAmerica failed to ratify it. But not all American officialdom is happy wit

21、h the federal governments stance. In fact,12 states disagree so fiercely that they are suing to force it to curb emissions of carbon dioxide,the most common greenhouse gas. The Supreme Court heard argument in the case on November 29th. The outcome will not be known for months,but the political wind

22、seems to be shifting in favour of firmer action to counter climate change.B The Clean Air Act charges the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with regulating air pollution from vehicles. But the EPA argues that Congress did not intend to include CO2 under that heading,and that to do so would exten

23、d the EPAs authority to an unreasonable extent. Furthermore,it contends that regulating emissions would not do good unless all or most other countries did the same. That is in keeping with the policies of President George Bush,who opposes mandatory curbs on emissions and believes that any internatio

24、nal accord on global warming should apply to all countriesunlike the Kyoto protocol,which exempts poor ones,including big polluters such as China and India . Ten states,among them gas-guzzling Texas and car-making Michigan,also back the EPA.C The plaintiffs comprise 12 states,three cities,various NG

25、Os,and American Samoa,a Pacific territory in danger of vanishing beneath the rising ocean. They are supported by a further six states,two power companies,a ski resort,and assorted clergymen,Indian tribes and agitated grandees such as Madeleine Albright,a former secretary of state. They point out tha

26、t under the administration of Bill Clinton,the EPA decided that it did have the authority to regulate CO2. The act,they note,says the EPA should regulate any air pollutant that may reasonably be interpreted to endanger public health or welfare. It goes on to define public welfare to include effects

27、on soils,water,crops,vegetation,manmade materials,animals,wildlife,weather,visibility,and climate.D The Supreme Court may give a mixed ruling,decreeing that carbon dioxide is indeed a pollutant,but one the EPA is free to ignore or regulate as it pleases. Or it might dismiss the complaint on the grou

28、nds that the plaintiffs did not have the right to lodge it in the first place. In theory,they must prove that the EPAs foot-dragging has caused them some specific harm that regulation might remedya tall order in a field as fraught with uncertainty as climatology. Even if the court found in the plain

29、tiffs favour,rapid change is unlikely. By the time the EPA had implemented such a ruling,Congress would probably have superseded it with a new law.E That is the point,environmental groups say. They want Congress to pass a law tackling global warming,and hope that a favourable court ruling will jolly

30、 the politicians along. Moreover,the case has a bearing on several other bitterly-contested lawsuits. Carmakers,for example,are trying to get the courts to strike down a Californian state law based on certain provisions of the Clean Air Act that require them to reduce their vehicles CO2 emissions. I

31、f the Supreme Court decides that the act does not apply to CO2,then the Californian law would also be in jeopardy. That,in turn, would scupper the decision of ten other states to adopt the same standard.F However the Supreme Court rules,many state governments are determined to tackle climate change.

32、 California is in the vanguard. Its legislature has passed a law that will cap and then reduce industrial emissions of greenhouse gases. Seven eastern states have formed the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative,which will treat emissions from power plants the same way. Almost 400 mayors have signed an

33、 agreement to cut their cities emissions in line with Kyoto . Many businesses,even some power companies,would rather see regulation now than prolonged uncertainty. And several of the leading contenders for 20XXs presidential election are much keener on emissions caps than Mr Bush. Change is in the a

34、ir.Questions 6-9Do the following statements reflect the views of the writer in the reading passage?In boxes 6 - 9 on your answer sheet writeYES if the statement reflects the views of the writerNO if the statement contradicts the views of the writerNOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in t

35、he passage6. Texas and Michigan are among the 12 states which call for regulating air pollution.7. An American island is in danger of disappearing beneath the rising ocean.8. The plaintiffs can prove that the EPA抯 foot-dragging has caused them harm that the regulation might remedy.9. The Supreme Cou

36、rts ruling may influence the results of other lawsuits.Questions 10-13Answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS each in boxes 10 - 13.10. What country produces 25% of the worlds greenhouse gases?11. Which president opposes mandatory curbs on emission, George Bush or Bill Clinton?12. Who are trying to get the courts to strike down a Californian state law that require them to reduce their vehicles CO2 emissions?13. What would some power companies rather see than prolonged uncertainty at present?


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