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1、盘点托福阅读做题要不得的3种错误解题思路 托福阅读备考通过题海战术做题并非坏事,能够积累更多的解题经验会给考生带来很多好处。今天给大家带来了盘点托福阅读做题要不得的3种错误解题思路,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。盘点托福阅读做题要不得的3种错误解题思路托福阅读错误解题思路盘点:标题是摆设直接读*这是流行在托福界的一个普遍的错误。如果标题真的没用,那么精于算计的American考官早就取消了。标题是一篇*的主题所在,理解它,就可以预判*的内容,甚至是结构。同时提升阅读兴趣,避免考试阅读疲劳症的出现。标题必须看,而且要预测*基本结构和大体内容。托福阅读错误解题思路盘点:选择题


3、因。所以,词汇理解必须基于句子结构搭配,以及上下文分析方可。当然,这种提升是针对要冲击28-30满分的学生的要求。托福阅读背景:你将在何时摆脱单身Website uses an algorithm to predict when you will find The One (or whether youre destined to stay single).有一个网站能利用某种算法来预测:你什么时候才能找到另一半(或者你注定只能单身一辈子了)。Its a dilemma that many young couples will relate to - whether to stay in th

4、eir relationship, settle down, or keep their options open by playing the field.很多小情侣都面对着这样的两难抉择到底是去领回红本本,让感情稳定下来,还是继续就这么处着,骑“驴”找“马”。And now a new personality test claims to have found the answer, in the form of a complicated algorithm based on science, data, and a very detailed questionnaire.如今,一种新的

5、性格测试声称,它利用科学方法、各种数据和一个非常细化的问卷调查,推导出了一个复杂的算法这个算法能帮你找到答案。Nanaya.co was set up by Rashied Amini, a former NASA systems engineer from Saint Louis, Missouri, in a bid to prove to his then-girlfriend that they should stay together.该网站(Nanaya.co)由来自密苏里州圣路易斯的莱士德阿米尼创建,他曾是美国宇航局(NASA)的系统工程师。他建这个网站的最初目的,是为了向他当时

6、的女友证明,他们应该继续待在一起。Although the pair eventually went their separate ways, Rashied insists that his method can predict your chances of finding your soulmate, when you should settle down, and even how happy you will be in a future relationship.虽然最终他们还是分手了,但莱士德坚持认为,他的方法能帮人们预测找到另一半的几率有多大、什么时候感情可以稳定下来,甚至还能

7、预测你在未来的那段感情中会有多幸福。The findings are based on a variety of factors, from your values, future goals and deal-breakers in a relationship, to your personal experiences of being single.最终结果将由一系列的影响因素得来,包括你的价值观、未来目标、处理感情的方式以及你单身时的个人经历。It also compares your responses to data from the 22,000 other users who

8、have apparently already filled in the questionnaire, to make the results as accurate as possible.你的问卷还将与另外2.2万个参与者的回答问卷进行比较,以便得到更精确的预测结果。Rashied says the site is aimed at people in their 20s or 30s who are wondering whether theyd be happier being single or committing to a long-term relationship.莱士德说

9、,他的网站将20多岁和30多岁的人作为目标主体,想了解他们在单身时更快乐还是在恋爱时更快乐。The 20-minute questionnaire covers everything from your friends and social life to your job, annual salary, and how many times a year you go travelling. It asks what you look for - and try to avoid - in a potential partner, whether thats their religion o

10、r dietary requirements.回答一份调查问卷大概需要20分钟,其中的问题涵盖了生活的各方面,从你的朋友、社交生活,到你的工作、年薪,以及你一年有几次旅行。里面还问到你对另一半的要求是什么(加分项,减分项),与他们的宗教信仰、饮食习惯是否有关。Broken up into four sections - you, your match, your life, and final questions - it requires more than 100 responses, including your favourite animal out of a cat, dog, s

11、hrimp and monkey.问卷分为四个部分:你、你的另一半、你的生活和终极问题共100多个问题,比如在猫、狗、虾和猴子这几个选项中,选出你最喜欢的动物。But can an algorithm really predict your future happiness? T但仅仅是一个算法而已,它真的能预测人们未来的幸福吗?托福阅读背景知识:10-3-2-1-0睡眠公式Finding peace and quiet in todays 24-hour society can be tricky but a simple technique could help boost your pr

12、oductivity, it is claimed.外媒称,在如今每日分秒必争的社会,寻找一份平静和安宁并不容易,但下面这份简单的科学配方却能帮你提高工作效率。The 10-3-2-1-0 formula can help you sleep better, feel great in the morning and increase productivity at work, according to author and fitness coach Craig Ballantyne.克雷格巴伦坦是位作家兼健身教练。他表示,“10-3-2-1-0公式”有助于大家获得更佳的睡眠质量,在清晨起床

13、时精神抖擞,并且大大提高工作效率。He calls it the Perfect Day formula and its all to do with giving yourself the best possible chance to start your day feeling well-rested and energetic.巴伦坦称之为“完美日”公式,认为它能切实有效地让你在清晨感到睡眠充沛、元气满满,并以最好的状态迎接新的一天。Switching off at the right time before you go to sleep is essential, with the

14、 formula encapsulating much of the advice given by a number of health expertsfor better sleep.这个公式结合了多位健康专家的建议,致力于帮助人们提高睡眠质量。其核心思想便是:安排好睡前的时间分配。The 10-3-2-1-0 formula“10-3-2-1-0公式”10 hours before bed: No more caffeine睡前“10”小时内:不再摄入咖啡因;3 hours before bed: No more food or alcohol睡前“3”小时内:不再进食或饮酒;2 hou

15、rs before bed: No more work睡前“2”小时内:不再工作;1 hour before bed: No more screen time睡前“1”小时内:不再看电脑、电视或手机;0: The number of times you hit the snooze button in the morning“0”次:保证你早晨闹钟一响就会起床“0”拖延“The single most important factor in winning your mornings and owning your days is to get up 15 minutes earlier an

16、d work on your No. 1 priority before anyone else is awake. Its that simple,” he explains.他解释道:“一日之计在于晨,要想好好把握早晨时光,精神百倍地开始新的一天并不难,其关键就在于:提前15分钟起床,并在别人都还在睡觉的时候开始做一天中最重要的事。”“When you follow this formula, youll get more done and stop letting the big opportunities in your life slip away.”“如果你认真遵循了这个公式,你将

17、完成更多工作,而且不会再让人生中重要的机会从手中溜走。”Tips for getting a better nights sleep include sharing your bed with a pet, starting work at 10am and enjoying a warm cup of cocoa.夜间睡眠质量高的小窍门还包括:与宠物同床共眠;早上十点开始工作;喝一杯热巧克力。A different 4-7-8 technique, pioneered by Harvard-trained holistic health doctor Andrew Weil, could a

18、lso be helpful for insomniacs.致力于人体全面健康的安德鲁维尔医生在哈佛接受过相关培训。他首创了“4-7-8方法”,这个方法或同样有助于治疗失眠症。The 4-7-8 technique“4-7-8方法”- Breathe in through your nose quietly for a count of 4用鼻缓慢吸气持续4秒- Hold your breath for a count of seven屏住呼吸持续7秒- Blow air out through your mouth for a count of 8, making a whoosh soun

19、d用嘴巴吐气,发出“呼”的声音持续8秒- Repeat the process three more times再重复这个过程三次Why lack of sleep is bad for your health为什么睡眠不足会有害健康Regular poor sleep puts you at risk of serious medical conditions, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes and it shortens your life expectancy.经常性睡不好不仅会引发严重的身体疾病,例如肥胖症、心脏病、糖尿病等

20、,而且会缩短人的寿命。Most of us need around eight hours of good-quality sleep a night to function properly but some need more and some less.对大多数人来说,若维持人体正常机能,则需要每晚大约八个小时的优质睡眠,但不同的人会有一定差异。As a general rule, if you wake up tired and spend the day longing for a chance to have a nap, its likely that youre not get

21、ting enough sleep.一般情况下,如果你醒来后感觉疲惫,而且在接下来的一整天中都想逮着机会眯一会儿,很有可能是你没有保证足够的睡眠。If you seem to catch every cold and flu thats going around, your bedtime could be to blame. Prolonged lack of sleep can disrupt your immune system, so youre less able to fend off bugs.如果你很容易就感冒发烧或感染风寒,可能是因为你的睡眠状况不够好。长时间的睡眠不足会破坏

22、免疫系统,身体抵御病毒的能力就会因此下降。Lack of sleep can also make you put on weight睡眠不足还会使人长胖Chronic sleep debt may lead to long-term mood disorders like depression and anxiety.从长远来看,长期睡眠不足可能会引发抑郁症或焦虑症等情绪紊乱疾患。Studies have suggested that people who usually sleep less than five hours a night have an increased risk of

23、having or developing diabetes.研究表明,晚上睡眠时间经常不足五个小时的人群患糖尿病的比例更大、几率更高。Long-standing sleep deprivation seems to be associated with increased heart rate, an increase in blood pressure and higher levels of certain chemicals linked with inflammation, which may put extra strain on your heart.长期缺乏睡眠有可能引发心率加快、血压升高等问题,还会增加体内某种引发炎症的化学物质的浓度,从而加重心脏负荷。


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