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1、第七章 修辞格的翻译,修辞格的翻译,第一节 可以直译的修辞格第二节 意译的修辞格第三节 无法翻译的修辞格,第一节 可以直译的修辞格,一、 Simile二、Metaphor三、Personification四、Hyperbole五、Euphemism六、Metonymy七、Ellipsis,八、TransferredEpithet九、Climax十、 Anti-climax=Bathos/bes/ 十一、Irony十二、Parallelism十三、Question and Answer十四、Rhetoric Question,一、明喻(Simile),汉语:(好)像、似乎、仿佛、正如、(好)像(

2、一)样、 (好)像(一)般、 如(同)(一)样,等等英语:like , as , as if , as though, asas等等她的同伴如影随形地跟着她Her companion follows her _,like a shadow.,二、隐喻(Metaphor),汉语:是、变成、变为、成为等等英语:be , become , turn into他看上去老实,其实是草丛里的一条毒蛇He looks honest, but actually , he _a snake in the grass.,is,三、Personification(拟人),鲜花朝着每一位来宾展开了笑容The flow

3、ers _at every visitors.,smile,四、夸张(Hyperbole),他的口才可以把石头都说得动起来。His eloquence would have moved a stone to action.,五、委婉(Euphemism),她叔叔去年过世了。Her uncle _last year.,passed away,六、转喻(Metonymy),定义:借用甲来表示乙,但前提条件是甲必须与乙关系密切和本质上有相似之处穿蓝衣服的笑着但穿灰衣服的大鼻子仍然凝视着。_grinned but_ in the grey still stared.,Blue suit,big nos

4、e,七、省略(Ellipsis),她会来吗?她可能会(来),她会(来)的,但也可能不会(来)。Is she going to come?She might _,she is to _but she may not _.,(come),(come),(come),八、移就(TransferredEpithet),定义:甲乙两种事物相关,把原本用来修饰甲的修饰语用来修饰乙。我意外地发现他住在如此单调而阴郁的环境中。I was so surprised to find him living such a _surrounding.,drab and cheerless,九、递升(Climax),定义

5、:把事物由小到大、由长到短、由低到高、由轻到重等的次序说下去。这是家庭的毁灭、道德的沦丧、国家的崩溃。It was the ruin of the family , the uprooting of moral , the destruction of the nation.,十、递降(Anti-climax;Bathos/bes/ ),定义:把事物由大到小、由长到短、由高到低等次序说下去。这起爆炸事故彻底毁坏了一所学校、两所房子和一个花盆。This explosion completely _.,destroyed a school , two houses and a flowerpot,

6、十一、反语(Irony),定义:通过正话反说或反话正说来达到讽刺、幽默等修辞效果。我原先最好的朋友莉莉来到家中照料我的孩子。她帮助解决了困难,也拿走了我的东西。她的确帮了忙。Lily , my ex-best friend , come to my house to look after my children. She helped things out and took my things out . _,She did help!,十二、排比(Parallelism),定义:这种修辞法是把两个或两个以上的结构大体相同或相似意思相关、语气一致的短语、句子排列成串,形成一个整体为了保护海洋环

7、境及资源,防治污染孙海,保护生态平衡,保障人体健康,促进海洋事业的发展,特制订本法。The law is formulated in order to protect the marine environment and resources , prevent pollution damage , maintain ecological balance ,safeguard human health and promote the development of marine problems.,十三、设问(Question and Answer),十四、反问(Rhetoric Question

8、),不知细叶谁裁出?二月春风似剪刀。(贺知章咏柳)But you dont know by whom these young leaves are cut out?The early spring wind is as sharp as scissor blade.,醉卧沙场君莫笑,古人征战几人回?(王翰凉州词)Dont laugh if we lay drunken on the battleground!How many warriors since old days came back safe and sound.,第二节 意译的修辞格,一、拟声(Onomatopoeia/nmtpi

9、/)二、对偶(antithesis)三、双关(Pun)四、顶真(anadiplosis)五、脚韵(Rhyme)六、拈连(zeugma zjugm )七、借代(antonomasia)八、摹形(Graphic)九、列锦,一、拟声(Onomatopoeia/nmtpi /),骄阳下,柳树下,回答他的是一片“知了,知了”的蝉叫声。Under the scorching sun , from the willow tree , came the confirming reply of the cicadas chirrup:(I) see, (I) see ,也有一些中英文对应的拟声词咯咯地笑 gig

10、gle 流水潺潺 babble嘶嘶地 hiss喵喵地叫 meow咕咕地叫 cuckoo,rattle 尖利声crack 爆裂声rumble 隆隆声哧哧作响 sizzle沙沙声 rustle雨滴声 spatter,车子“砰”的一下撞到了电线杆上。The car rolled _into the pole of electricity line.,bang,二、对偶(antithesis),定义:对偶要求上下两句结构相同或相似,字数相等,这种修辞格很难翻译,基本采取意译的方式。(有少数是可直译的)无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。The boundless forest shed its leave

11、s shower by shower;The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour.(许渊冲译),三、双关(Pun),利用语言同音同形但不同义的关系,使一句话拥有一明一暗,一真一假两层含义。何处合成愁?离人心上秋。 Where comes sorrow? Autumn on the heart of those who apart.,四、顶真(anadiplosis ,ndploss ),有个农村叫张家庄,张家庄有个张木匠。张木匠有个好老婆,外号叫“小飞娥”。“小飞娥”生了个女儿叫艾艾。There was a village called

12、Zhangjia Village, where lived Carpenter Zhang, who had a good wife, nicknamed Little Moth, who gave birth to a girl called Aiai.,五、脚韵(Rhyme),秦时明月汉时关, 万里长征人未还。(王昌龄:从军行之三)The age-old moon still shines oer the ancient Great Wall,But our frontier guardsmen have not come back at all.,六、拈连(zeugma zjugm ),

13、定义:在上下文中,把适用于拿来说甲事物的词语顺便用来说乙事物。Example:蜜蜂是在酿蜜,也是在创造生活;不是为了自己,而是为了人类创造最甜的生活。Version1:While producing honey, they are also adding such sweetness to human life instead of their own life.Version2:Making honey is also creating life, a most sweet life, not for themselves but for others.,七、借代(antonomasia ,

14、ntnome ),定义:不直接说出要说的事物或人,而用相关物代替。Example:这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个西施,一个张飞。This young couple is not well matched, one is a Xi Shi a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhang Fei a well-known ill-tempered brute.,八、摹形(Graphic grfk ),定义:把眼睛看到的形体如实描绘出来,主要是对大小,弯曲,长短,肥瘦,凹凸等方面的临摹。Examples:1.三人品字形坐了,随便谈了几句。The t

15、hree men sat down facing each other and began casual chatting.,意译,2.要他钻进这个“工”字形的洞口,是完全不可能的。It was just impossible for him to get into this I-shaped hole.,*注意:英汉翻译时也有一些可以对应的摹形字。,丁字板T-plate工字型 I-shaped工字铁I-bar人字形herring bone pattern锤形轨迹T-track三角带 V-belt弓形卡clamp,丁形套管T-socket工字钢I-steel十字线 cross-wire人字齿轮

16、herring bone gear马蹄螺栓 U-bolt三角板 set square槽钢 U-steel叉形管Y-pipe,九、列锦,定义:以名词或名词为中心的定名结构组成,里面没有动词或形容词,却能叙事怀旧,写景抒情。,Example:枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。 马致远天净沙秋思,枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。,Crows hovering over rugged trees wreathed with rotten vine the day is about done.Yonder is tiny bridge over a sparking stream, and on the far bank, a pretty little village.But the traveler has to go down this ancient road, the west wind moaning, his bony horse groaning, trudging towards the sinking sun, farther and farther away from home.,Thank you!,


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