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1、第四章 动词和时态,第二节 一般现在时,知识梳理,一、一般现在时的用法一般现在时表示经常性、规律性或习惯性的动作或状态。含有always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, every+时间词等时间状语的句子要用一般现在时。如果句子中的主语是第一、第二人称或其他复数形式的名词,动词用原形;如果主语是第三人称单数形式或其他表示单数概念的名词,动词用第三人称单数形式。 如:We finish our homework on time at home every day. He always goes to school at about 7:00

2、in the morning.,二、动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则1. 一般情况下,直接在动词词尾加s。如:readreads,playplays 2. 以s, x, o, sh, ch结尾的动词,在词尾加es。如:gogoes,washwashes 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,把y改为i再加es。如:studystudies,flyflies 4. 特殊形式:havehas,beis,三、一般现在时的句型结构1. 含有be 动词的句子 (1)肯定句: 主语+be 动词+其他. 如:Im 14 years old this year. (2)否定句:主语+be动词+not+其他. 如:I

3、am not in Grade 4 this year. (3)一般疑问句:Be+主语+其他? 如: Are you from America?,2. 含有第三人称单数形式实义动词的句子 (1)肯定句: 主语+实义动词的三单形式+其他. 如:Mike plays computer games every Saturday afternoon. (2)否定句:主语+does not(doesnt)+实义动词(原形)+其他. 如:Mike doesnt play computer games every Saturday afternoon. (3)一般疑问句:Does+主语+实义动词(原形)+其

4、他? 如:Does Mike play computer games every Saturday afternoon?,3. 含有原形实义动词的句子 (1)肯定句:主语+ 实义动词(原形)+其他. 如:We study in No.1 Primary School. (2)否定句:主语+do not(dont)+实义动词(原形)+其他. 如:We do not (dont)study in No.1 Primary School. (3)一般疑问句:Do+主语+实义动词(原形)+其他? 如: Do you study in No.1 Primary School?,考点精析,考点1 考查一般

5、现在时的动词形式【例1】用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. He _ (get) up at 7 oclock every day. 2. What time _ he _ his homework?(do) 3. The sun _(go) down to the west.,解析:本题考查正确填写动词的形式。在做这类题的时候,要先判断句子的时态。第1、2小题分别体现经常性和习惯性,应该用一般现在时,而he是第三人称,故动词要用三单形式,助动词用does; 第3小题太阳西下是自然规律,用一般现在时。 答案:1. gets 2. does; do 3. goes,举一反三1. 写出下列动词的第三人

6、称单数形式。 (1) become _ (2) shine _ (3) fly _ (4) teach _ (5) study _ (6) have _ 2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (1) He often _(have) dinner at home. (2) The boy always _(teach) his sister maths after dinner. (3) We _(not watch) TV on Mondays. (4) Mike and his father sometimes _(read) newspapers together. (5) Jack _(n

7、ot ride) a bike to school on Fridays.,becomes,shines,flies,teaches,studies,has,has,teaches,dont watch,read,doesnt ride,考点2 考查有关一般现在时句子的句型转换【例2】按要求改写下列句子。1. Lucy and Lily usually go home together. (改为否定句)_2. Mike often reads English in the morning. (改为一般疑问句) _3We go swimming in summer. (就画线部分提问)_,解析:

8、本题三个句子都是一般现在时,在变否定句或一般疑问句的时候,我们要考虑借助助动词do或does。第1 小题主语Lucy and Lily 是复数名词,否定句加 dont, 要注意的是usually在否定句中要置于助动词之后,实义动词之前,或者也可以用否定词never 来整句改写;第2小题Mike是第三人称的主语,要用Does开头,其后的动词要用原形;第3小题中的go swimming是动词词组,也就是“做什么”的问题,用“What do”的形式提问,同时注意we 要改成 you。 答案:1. Lucy and Lily dont usually go home together. / Lucy

9、and Lily never go home together. 2Does Mike often read English in the morning? 3. What do you do in summer?,举一反三 按要求改写下列句子。 1. Do you like playing basketball? (作肯定回答) _ 2. My brother has many books. (改为否定句) _ 3. He lives in the village near the mountain. (改为一般疑问句) _ 4. Nancy comes from the USA. (就画线

10、部分提问) _,Yes, I do.,Where does Nancy come from?,Does he live in the village near the mountain?,My brother doesnt have many books.,过关检测,一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。1. sit _ 2. swim _ 3. go _4. make _ 5. run _ 6. write _7. cry _ 8. study _ 9. watch _10. wash _ 11. say _ 12. play _,sits,swims,goes,makes,runs,writ

11、es,cries,studies,watches,washes,says,plays,二、单项填空。( )1. He _ to school from Monday to Friday. A. go B. goes C. going( )2. The earth _ around the sun. A. moving B.moves C. moved( )3. Miss Li _ music. A. teaches our B. teaches us C. teach our( )4. _ Linda _ back at seven every day? A. Is;coming B. Doe

12、s;comes C. Does;come,B,B,B,C,( )5. Lily doesnt _ a music lesson in the afternoon. A. have B. has C. having( )6. Both Tony and Peter _ in Class One. A. is B. do C. are ( )7. What _ your mother often _ on Sundays? A. is; doing B. does; do C. do; does ( )8. I _ apples and she _ pears. A. like; like B.

13、like; likes C. likes; likes,A,C,B,B,三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. My father _(be) at home today. 2. Jane and Joe _(be) students. They _(be) in the park now. 3. _(be) you a bus driver? 4. We often _(play) on the playground. 5. He _(get) up at six oclock every day. 6. _(do) you _(brush) your teeth every morning?

14、,is,are,are,Are,play,gets,Do,brush,7. What _ he usually _ after school? (do) 8. Danny _(study) English, Chinese, maths, science and art at school. 9. Mike sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister.,does,do,studies,goes,10. _ (do) Mike _(read) English every day? 11. How many lessons _ (do) your cla

15、ssmates _ (have)on Monday? 12. What time _ his mother _ the housework?(do),Does,read,do,have,does,do,四、按要求改写下列句子。 1. Do you often play football after school? (作肯定回答) _ 2. I have some books. (改为否定句) _ 3. Alices sister likes playing table tennis. (改为否定句) _,Yes, I / we do.,I dont have any books.,Alices

16、 sister doesnt like playing table tennis.,4. I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问句) _ 5. My uncle lives in Shanghai now. (改为一般疑问句) _ 6. Tom does his homework at home. (改为否定句) _ 7. I usually play football on Friday afternoons. (就画线部分提问) _,Do you watch TV every day?,Does your uncle live in Shanghai now?,Tom

17、doesnt do his homework at home.,What do you (usually) do on Friday afternoons?,五、根据答句写出问句。 1._ I can wash the clothes. 2._ I often clean the room at home. 3._ Yes, she often goes shopping on the weekend. 4._ _ My brother likes drawing pictures. 5._ No,he is a doctor.,What can you do?,What do you often do at home?,Does she often go shopping on the weekend?,Whats your brothers hobby? / What does your brother like doing?,Is he a driver / teacher / farmer?,


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