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1、考研核心词汇,课程设置,一 单词的重要性二 如何背单词三 单独记单词的方法四 具体单词讲解(4500核心词汇),单词的记忆方法-联想法,Vigorous Trivial Moderate Isolate Campus Caricature Tryst Ostrich Stroll Nasty Stink Image Nightmare Moral (Mortal )Mend Jam Loom Calm Dim Boom Mental Fundamental Vital Total Capital Digital,单词的记忆方法 编故事,Grope grain glitter GraceClas

2、h crash smash ash ashamed cash,单词的记忆方法 词根词缀,clude =close Exclude IncludePrecludeConclude2. 比如 表示人的所有后缀 Er beginner observer Or doctor collector instructor Ist/ ian artist journalist dentist technician vegetarian,单词的记忆方法 谐音法,JapanAccountantFrugal ExhaustQuest Flee Cease ChampionChill Colony Curse Amb

3、ition Ponderous ambulance Evident,单词记忆方法-形近对照,Brother botherTopic tropic Brush bush Deprive derive,具体单词讲解 第一节,1 Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _.A) appreciatedB) approvedC) appealed D) appliedprice precious,补充:ax 表示加强语气的前缀Assure attach to attribute AbsorbAbstract Account

4、 AdequateAccompany access,2 Niagara Falls is a great tourist _, drawing millions of visitors every year.A) attentionB) attraction extract contract distractC) appointmentD) arrangement,3 Some diseases are _ by certain water animals.A) transplanted B) transformedC) transportedD) transmitted补充:trans-Tr

5、anslate TransactionTransfer Transparent Apparent,4 In a sudden _ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.A) attackB) burstC) split D) blast 补充:last 相关词汇Last blast clast elastic,5 Slides are sometimes called _ filmA slight B vigorous C light D transparent,补充:light相关词汇Flight delight alight b

6、light plight slight,6 She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _ enough to eat.A) mild B) slight C) light D) tender 补充:Desire Delicious Depart Drag Dense 总结ense 形近词 Condense Sense,总结sens 形近词Sensitive Hypersensitive Insensitive. Senseless Sensible CommonsenseNonsense Immense Tense,总结tens

7、形近词TensionTens= tend=tent 词根Extensive - plainextend extensive knowledge about English,Intensive intense intensityintensify-ify动词词尾Hypertension Tendency contend,7 He _ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better jobA resolved b resortedc request d reserved补

8、充: serve deserve,8 Sometimes it is difficult to _some of the English words. Even the native speaker cannot help.A decrease b detest c define d delight,补充:fin Definite Indefinite Infinite Confine Refine border boundary margin补充:Depart desire delight Defend,9 a lot of factories were _ from big cities

9、to the mountainous areas in case of warsA transfer b transformed c transmitted d transported,补充:port 相关词汇Passport Export Import Porter Support,10 his speech _ the young people to continue their study A glanced b delayed c inspired d vanished,补充:“看”的单词Gape Peep Overlook I have overlooked the importan

10、ce of happiness for a long time.,补充 spir Inspire inspiration Spirit Expire Perspire Aspire,11 I caught a _ of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street.A) Vision B) glimpse C) look D) scene occasion,补充:vis Visit Vision Visible Invisible Revise review Supervise(or) previse visual

11、ize,12 The old couple decided to _ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.A) adapt B) bring C) receive D) adoptyou have adapted yourself to the society Adopt Adept 补充 ceive Deceive Perceive Conceive,13 Our hopes _ and fell in the same instant.A) aroused B) aroseC) raised D) rose,14 it i

12、s rather _ that we donot know how many species there are in the world todayA tedious b embarrassing 补充,Enable Encourage Enlarge Enclose Encounter (counterpart) Entitle Frighten Enforce Lengthen Lessen Strengthen,c boring 补充:bar Bargain Barren Barbarian Barbarous Barrier Annoy Bother D mortal 补充:fata

13、l Capital Mental Fundamental Vital Total Digital Talent,15 the prisoner has been _ of many privileges that average citizens enjoyA ensured Insure insurance Assureb informed,补充form Formal Formation Reform Uniform (united states unify) Transform,c deprivedd derived de 前缀 -decode,devalue,16 Animals can

14、 become _ when they are upset by a sudden environmental changeA vital 补充vi 词汇 Virtue Virose Violent Violate Vibrate Navigate b considerable,c vigorous d aggressive 补充:gress Progress CongressDigress digress from the topic,17 the winning team loudly _ its victory A eluded b proclaimed c reclaimed d ex

15、claimed 补充:claimClaim Proclaim ReclaimExclaim Acclaim Declaim,18 gasoline is _ by the spark plugs in the engine.A ignited 补充:ig 一 ignore Ignorant Americans are ignorant of their history.Igloo Fatigue,b stimulated simulate 补充st Nasty Contrast (contradict) Strategy Stage Strip Strain Crystal Stable Es

16、tablishc excited d illuminated illusion fantasy,19 to be an inventor , one needs profound knowledge as well as a very _ imagination.image imagine 补充:age Damage Manage Cottage,A vivid 补充 viv 生存 Revive Survive (sur surface,surpass )b bright c living d colorful,20 when I read the newspaper , I always r

17、ead the _ firstA headlines b blank c heaven d haven Heaven,第二节,this product is _ to change without notice.A.loomed Boom boost Boast Bloom Gloomy B.squeezed (breeze freeze),C.subject ject 词根 Subject Object Reject Inject Project ) D.aspired,2.if you have any problems during you study here,please do no

18、t_to call me for help.A. hesitate ate: Candidate Considerate Adulate Imitate (simulate stimulate) B.despair,C.urge urgent 补充 ent Talent Permanent Potential Eminent Prominent D.request Revenue avenue Regulate Relief(Brief grief),补充 re词汇 Bare naked Bore Fare Grey Grease Ore Retire,3.its very _ of you

19、not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep.A.concernedB.carefulC.considerable D.considerate,4.what she achieved in her research might_ what she had been expecting.A.exceed ceed Excessive Exceeding Proceed Access Accessible Ancestor Precede B.exclaim,ex Exit Exchange External (internal) Excursion Exc

20、ept(ceive) Accept Concept,C.excess D.extend 词根tend tent词汇 tendency Extend Attend Contend Intend (intent Intention)Pretend,5.by law, when one makes a large purchase , he should have _ opportunity to change his mind.A.anxious B.effective Defect Perfect Infect补充:e 开头单词 Engine Evident Exhaust Expand Ele

21、ctron electronic,Atom Elaborate Evaporate Eliminate Emerge Submerge Evolve C.efficient D.adequate,6.critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has _ the quality of the programs.A.affected B.effectedC.inclinedD.declined,7.if you want know the train schedule , please _ at the b

22、ooking office.A.acquaint 补充: Schedule Nave Ban Schema Bare bachelor leisure mature moist dumb,补充m Jam Loom Bloom Boom Calm Dim B.inquire,quireInquire Require AcquireC. request D. require,8.the European Union countries were once worried that they would not have _ supplies of petroleum.A.proficient B.

23、efficientC potential d sufficient,补充fici Artificial Beneficial Superficial deficient Super 相关词汇 Superior Supermarket Supreme (- court),9.he didnt have time to read the report word for word: he just _ it.A.skimmed slim B.observed Serve : Conserve Reserve Deserve PreserveC.overlooked D.glanced,10.his

24、tastes and habits _ with those of his wife.A.combine 补充谐音: Fade Fatal Fertile fertilizer Feeble Flee B. compete Appetite Carpet,Car 相关词汇 Cargo Carrot Caricature Carpenter Scar scarf scarlet career carrier Vicar Bishop,C coincide 补充:cide pesticide suicide: commit suicideD conclude Clud 相关词汇 Include e

25、xclude Preclude,11.europes earlier industrial growth was _ by the availability of key resources , abundant and cheap labor , coal, iron ore ,etc.A.retained Sustain Maintain Contain Pertain Entertain Attain Obtain,B.sustained C.maintained D.remained,12.this tree is too _ to be planted in this area.A.

26、tremendousTremble 补充end 相关词汇 Legend Bend Mend,B. vigorous robust energetic (energy) V 相关词汇: Veteran Evident Violent Violate Vibrate Vital Navigate Via Vague,C.ashamed Clash (blush) Crash SmashD.tender,13.we are _ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.A.distinguished Di 相关词汇: Distress

27、Dim Diverse convert versatile Anni versary Digest B.annoyed :bother bore,C.astonished amaze amuse/entertainD.ignored Gang Guess Hook hooker Humor,14.he designed an experiment in order to _ his theory.A demonstrate Demon 补充 rate 词汇 Exaggerate Generate 补充:general Penetrate,B glitterC defend offendD gr

28、ope 哥哥相关词汇 Glove groom ghost Grip Gesture Glue Luggage Genius Ridge Giant Idle Island,15 although the traffic is not busy , he likes to drive at a _speed.A spareB irritable Irrigate 补充:table词汇 Stable establishC moderate Modest Humble Modify D moral,16 he _ a lot of time in trying to develop the educ

29、ation system in this area.A investedB investigated Navigate irrigateC castigated D navigated,17 your _ in teaching is different from mine.A altitudeB approachC pray,补充praise Pride Poverty Pour LoopD flaunt Haunt Daunt,18 the doctor gave me a chest X-ray and _ some medicine for me.A prescribed descri

30、be Ascribe Subscribe inscribe physician B floated C gambled Grace glitter grain grope D drifted,19 nobody knows his _ for helping us. A motive Motivate Motion(notion) Emotion Motor Promote RemoteB grace Brace Trace C potential D moral,20 human behavior is mostly a product of learning , but the behav

31、ior of an animal depends mainly on _.A ability enable capable capacity capability capture escape cabin B thoughts,C instinct sting Distinction distinguish D response,第三节,1 I am _ enough to make up my own mind. You do not need to teach me.A ponderous B mature Mare Nightmare Moral image mend Smother,C

32、 numerical (number numerous innumerable) D guarantee Weep Cheer Peep Cheek,2 they serve _food in this restaurant .A notorious esteemed Prestigious(prestige)B naive innocent C delicious,D liberal The statue of liberty was first assembled in paris 补充:status resemble,3 remember that customers dont _ ab

33、out prices in that city .A debate Battle Combat Acrobat Macro:macro world macroeconomicsMicro :Microsoft microwave microphone,B consult consultant; I consult all my friends about buying cars Result Insult 补充c 开头的单词 Combine Cease (expire) The product has ceased for a long time. Champion Chill Convent

34、ion Colony Curse Charge,C dispute Reputation prestigeD bargain,4 it is that the math teacher seems _towards bright students. A partial Impartial Depart department Particle (article ) ApartmentB beneficial,C innocent Centimeter Century PercentD liable tend to incline Rely reliable,5 I suggested he should _ himself to his new conditions.A adapt B adoptC regulate Relate Simulate Isolate D suit,


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