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1、and 的特殊用法,一 并与或,1、And前后的两部分表示同时发生的动作,或同时存在的属性、特征等可译为“又又”、“既又”、“一方面,一方面”、“而”等 。,The process of oxidation in human body gives off heat slowly and regularly. 人体内的氧化过程缓慢而又有规则地放出热量。,She slept and dreamed last night.,2、And前后的两部分,有时表示不能同时并存的事物或动作。这时and宜译为或。,The whole equipment can be assembled and dismantl

2、ed in a matter of hours. 整套设备可以在几小时内安装或拆卸完毕。,二 因与果,1、有时and前面的部分表示原因或条件,后面的部分表示结果 and=so that, 译为因此所以、从而等。,Sound is carried by air, and without air there can be no sound. 声音靠空气传播,因此没有空气也就没有声音。,It is a nose once seen never to be forgotten, and which requires the utmost strength of Christian charity to

3、 forgive. (Shelley)那鼻子你见一面就终生不忘,正因如此,就要求你以最强烈的基督精神,慈悲为怀,予以宽恕。,2、表示因果关系时,也有将表示原因的部分放在and之后。这时and=because,直接译为因为。,Aluminum is used as the engineering material for planes and spaceships and it is both light and tough. 因为铝质轻而韧性好,所以被用作制造飞机和宇宙飞船的工程材料。,三 让步,And之后的部分,有时具有让步意义 and = though, 这时可译为虽然。,Several

4、disadvantages tend to limit the use of hydraulic controls and they do offer many distinct advantages. 液压控制虽有许多突出的优点,但也存在一些缺陷,使其应用范围受到了限制。,四 强调,1、用and连接同一个形容词的比较级,表示发展和程度的变化,The patient is getting worse and worse. 患者的病情在不断恶化。,2、用and连接同义词,The end and aim of the book is explained in the preface. 本书的宗旨在

5、前言中作了说明。,3、有时用and重复整个句子,也是为了起加强语气的作用,We need to know and we need to know as much as possible in order to adapt to the sort of changes in all aspects of science that will fall upon us like a tidal wave. 为了适应各个科学领域发生的巨大变化,我们需要大量的知识。,五 衔接名词,1、名词 + and + 名词,若这种结构表示一个概念时,and + 名词相当于介词 with + 名词,译为“附带、兼”的

6、意思,Noodle and egg is a kind of delicious food鸡蛋面是一种美味食物。,Whose is this watch and chain?这块带表链的手表是谁的?,2、名词复数 + and + 同一名词的复数,强调连续或众多的含义,There are photos and photos照片一张接着一张。,They saw film hours and hours last week上星期他们一小时接一小时地看电影。,六 连接形容词,and连接形容词特殊情况,“形容词 + and + 形容词”,这种结构形似并列,实际并非并列结构。,This roon is n

7、ice and warm(= nicely warm)The coffee is nice and hot(= thoroughly hot),七 连接动词,1、and + 动词作目的状语。动词 go(come,stop 等)+ and + 动词,此时,and + 动词相当于 in order to + 动词。,Ill go and bring back your boots.(go and bring back = go in order to bring back)He told me that he would come and help with our design when his

8、 work was over.,2、and + 动词,起现在分词的作用,表示方式或伴随情况 。,He sat and waited他坐着等。(and waited=waiting),3、and + 同一动词表示动作长时间地“继续”或“重复”,We waited and waited我们等呀等。,八 祈使与陈述,用来连接一句祈使句和一句陈述句,这里祈使句 + and 相当于 if ,Persevere,and you will succeed(= If you persevere,you will succeed)Make haste,and you will get there in time

9、(If you make haste,you will get there in time),九 补充语意,You have to send in the application and without delayHe can express his ideas in English and effectively,十 补充,2、表示先后顺序 He read for an hour and went to bed.,1、表示对比 He was so rich and lived like a beggar,3、表示递进He did the work and he did it well,4、译

10、作“况且” It is not easy to carry such a heavy load, and during the dog days. 拿这么重的东西本来就不是一件容易的事,况且是在三伏天。,5、有时形容词的同位语由and引出,此时译为“即,也就是”,The third and last point is how to be a good student第三点,也就是最后一点,是如何成为一名优秀的学生。,We have come to the last and most important step of the experiment. 我们的实验现在已经到了最后一个也是最重要的一个阶段。,I couldnt see you, and not love you. 见到你,我不能不一见钟情,谢 谢,


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