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1、E神的雅思写作讲义3定语从句(Attributive Clauses),Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. 笑是太阳,它从人们的脸上赶走冬天。Dont trust the first sign that you see. 不要相信你看见的第一个迹象。All is not gold that glitters. 发光的未必都是金子。Nothing is impossible to the man who has will. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。God helps those who help themselv

2、es. 自助者天助。,含有定语从句的名言:,作定语用的从句一般都是放在它所修饰的名词/代词(=先行词)之后。引导定语从句的关联词为关系代词和关系副词, 常有 3个作用: 连接作用,引导定语从句。 代替先行词。(有格位的不同) 在从句中担当一个成分。如:主语、宾语、表语或定语 eg. 主 句: The students will not pass the exam. 限定句: They do not study hard. ,定语从句(Attributive Clauses),关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that, as一方面代表定语从句所修饰的那个名词(或代词)

3、,一方面又在从句内担任一个成分,如主语、宾语、表语或定语。,1 . 先行词为something ,anything ,nothing ,everything以及all , much , little , a lot , none , few 等不定代词时。e.g.: My mother was so proud of all that I didt 2 . 先行词有the last , the very , the only以及all , much , few , no , any ,little等修饰时。e.g. This is the very book that Im looking f

4、or . 3 . 先行词为序数词、形容词最高级(或所修饰)时。e.g. This is the most exciting film that Ive ever seen . When people talk about Hangzhou , the first that comes to their mind is the West Lake . 4 . the same 修饰先行词时 , 定语从句要用that 或as引导 , 但意义不同。e.g. This is the same watch as I lost last Sunday . (表示相同但并非同一) This is the s

5、ame knife that I used yesterday . (表示就是那个),关系代词的特殊用法关系代词指物时, 用that而不用which的情况:,5. There be 后面的定语从句多用that引导 , 不用which 。e.g. Theres a seat in the corner that is still free. 6. 句子前面出现了who , which 时 , 后面的定语从句用that引导。 e.g. They built a factory which made some new products that had never been seen before

6、. 7 . 关系代词在定语从句作表语时, 常用that , 而不用which 、who 。 e.g. My home town is not the small village that it was 10 years ago . Tom isnt the man that he used to be. 8. 先行词既有人又有物时, 只能用that。 e.g. Do you remember the book and its author that appeared on TV last Sunday,1.介词+关系代词引导的定语从句: 关系代词在定语从句中做介词宾语时,可将介词往前移,形成“

7、介词+关代”引导从句 :此时,关系代词不可以用“that”, 亦不可省略The school is very famous. He once studied in the school. The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous. The school in which he once studied is very famous. The school where he once studied is very famous.,that虽好用,有二怕:一怕逗点,二怕介词,The lady is my English t

8、eacher. Mr. Lee is talking to her.The lady (whom/who/that) Mr. Lee is talking to is my English teacher.The lady to whom Mr. Lee is talking is my English teacher.Describe a tourist trip. You have been on the trip. You particularly enjoyed the trip.Describe a tourist trip (that) you have been on which

9、 you particularly enjoyed.Describe a tourist trip on which you have been (which) you particularly enjoyed.,1.当我们要指出的先行词为独一无二的人事物时,我们不需使用限定用法,只需要补充他的资讯,用双逗点插入在先行词之后即可,所以又叫做补述用法Jay Chou is coming to Xiamen to have his concert next week. Jay Chou is my favorite singer.Jay Chou, who is my favorite singe

10、r, is coming to Xiamen to have his concert next week. 限定用法: The singer who is my favorite is coming to Xiamen to have his concert next week.,that虽好用,有二怕:一怕逗点,二怕介词,Can I talk to Mr. Li who is from Taiwan?Can I talk to Mr. Li from Taiwan? (介词短语)Can I talk to Mr. Li who comes from Taiwan?Can I talk to

11、Mr. Li coming from Taiwan? 分词做状语Can I talk to Mr. Li who was invited by Pro. Zheng?Can I talk to Mr. Li invited by Pro. Zheng? 过去分词Can I talk to Mr. Li who is visiting XMU? Can I talk to Mr. Li visiting XMU? 現在分词,当定语从句由关系代词+be. 所引导,通常两者可以一起省略形成分词状语或介词短语,1. 那些支持义务兵役制的人持有以下理由。 Those people who support

12、 compulsory military service have the following reasons.2. 日托中心是为了照料那些父母白天上班的小孩而建立的。 A day-care center is established to take care of the children whose parents work during the day.,Erercise:,5. 尊重动物和抑止低级和残暴本能的社会是个文明的社会。A society that respects animals and restrains base and violent instincts is a mo

13、re civilized one.6. 有些人强烈反对动物权益保护者提出的建议。Some people are strongly against the proposal that is set forth by animal-rights activists.,3. 经历间隔年的学生似乎更加自信、独立和见多识广。Those students who take a gap year seems to be more confident, independent and worldly wise.4. 众所周知,核技术是把双刃剑。 As is known to all, nuclear tech

14、nology is a double-edged sword.,7. 均衡的食物摄入量、食物的多样性和积极的生活方式就是使人不会肥胖的要素。Balanced food intake, food variety and active lifestyle are the only things that will prevent people from getting overweight.8. 艺术资助所产生的作品往往是沉闷的、缺乏想象力的、屈尊的和政治化的。Art funding produce works that are dreary, unimaginative, condescendi

15、ng, and politicized.,9. 那些回家做全职太太的妇女往往感到沮丧、孤独和失落。Those women who retreat to complete domesticity tend to feel depressed, isolated and frustrated.10. 我们应该为祖先传下来的文化遗产感到骄傲,他们反映了我们璀璨的历史和丰富的文化。We should take pride in our cultural legacy (which is) handed from our ancestors, which reflects our brilliant h

16、istory and rich culture.,11. 经常跳槽的人被视为不稳定的和靠不住的。People who skip from job to job are looked on as being unstable and untrustworthy.12. 香烟中含有大约4000种化学物质,其中50种是已知的致癌物。Cigarette smoke contains about 4000 chemicals, about 50 of which are known cancer-causing agents.,13. 如饼图所示,煮饭的份额最大,占48, 而洗衣服的比例最小,为18。

17、As can be seen from the pie chart, cooking has the largest proportion, which makes up 48%; while cleaning has the lowest percentage, at 18% .,14. “介词+关系代词”前还可有some/ any/ none/ all/ both/ neither/ many/ most/ each/ few 等数词来修饰,用来指出先行词的一部分或全部eg.,He loves his new schoolmates very much, all/most of whom

18、are very kind to him. =his new schoolmates=them,1.代替先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。2. 其含义相当于介词+ which结构,因此常常和介词+ which结构交替使用,例如: . (a time) when : There are occasions when (=on which) one must yield.任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。. (a place) where: Beijing is the place where (=in which) I was born. 北京是我的出生地。.the reason why

19、: Is this the reason why (=for which) he refused our offer? 这就是他拒绝我们帮助的理由吗?,关系副词:when, where, why,1. 间隔年是指中学毕业生在上大学前去旅游、做义工和做临时工的一段时间。A gap year is a period of time when high school graduates can go traveling, do some voluntary work or take up a part-time job before they further their study in unive

20、rsities.2. 我盼望着有一天能去你们饭店美餐一顿。 I look forward to a day when we can enjoy a delicious meal at your restaurant.,关系副词:when, where, why,3. 动物园是个理想的研究中心,科学家们可以在动物身上做实验,找出一些疾病的成因并研制出新的疗法The zoo is an ideal research center where scientists can conduct experiments on animals to discover the causes of some di

21、seases and develop new cures.4. 为什么许多国家大力投资旅游业是因为旅游业带来大量外汇的同时又向世界展示本国璀璨的历史和文化。The reason why many countries invest heavily in tourism is that tourism can bring a lot of foreign currency and showcase the brilliant culture and history to the outside world.,5. 这就是为什么我不赞成男女共校的原因。 That is the reason why

22、I am strongly against coeducation.,所说的话: I dont know what (=the thing which) you are talking about. 所做的事: The judge will sentence the convict man according to what he did to his wife. 法官将根据他对他老婆所做之事给定罪的男人判刑所.的物:. A helmet is what (=sth which) you need when (you are) riding a bike.,复合关系代词:what=someth

23、ing which; what=someone who,1. Thank you for the gift. This is exactly what I wanted. (此处what=the thing which) 2. I like Jack. He never pretends to be what he isnt. (此处what=the person who),The banjo ,which(= the banjo) comes from Africa, is a musical instrumentwhich(= the banjo) first became popular

24、 here in the nineteenth century.,Alexander Hamilton, who(=Alexander Hamilton) was the first secretary of the treasury, favored a strong central government , which(=The strong central government) would be run by the elite.,亚历山大汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton,1757年1月11日 - 1804年7月12日)是美国的开国元勋之一,宪法的起草人之一,财经专家,是

25、美国的第一任财政部长。,当我们要指出的先行词为独一无二的人事物时,我们不需使用限定用法,只需要补充他的资讯,所以又叫做补述用法,用双豆点插入在先行词之后即可,雅思阅读:剑10-Test 1-Passage1,定语从句在雅思考试中的应用,P4,P5,Last Par.,Par.7,that,Par.8,4 sides,tank,Par.11,Par.11,Describe a place (which) you have lived in that you particularly liked.You should say:when you lived therewho you lived wi

26、thwhat was most memorable about this placeand explain why you liked it so much.I m going to talk about one particular place where I was studying (in the place) last year that I like (=the place)the best.,Speaking Task2:,=,=,Describe the member of your family who is the most successful.You should say

27、:who this person ishow often you see each otherwhat this person doesand explain why he/she is successful.I m going to talk about my father, who (I think) is the most successful person in my family.,Describe a job that you would like to do in the future. You should say:why you are attracted to this j

28、ob.how much training would be necessary.what kind of personal qualities it would require.and explain why you would like to do this job.I m going to talk about an ideal job that I would be doing in the future.,Describe a tourist trip that you have been on which you particularly enjoyed.you should say

29、: where you wentwhy you took the tripwhat you remember most about the tripand explain why you particularly enjoyed this trip.I m going to talk about a trip that I have taken on which I enjoyed myself very much (on the trip).,=,Describe a city that you would like to visit in the future.You should say

30、:where the city ishow you would travel therewhat you would do thereand explain why you would like to visit this city.I m going to talk about,1.介词+关系代词引导的定语从句: 关系代词在定语从句中做介词宾语时,可将介词往前移,形成“介词+关代”引导从句 :此时,关系代词不可以用“that”, 亦不可省略The school is very famous. He once studied in the school. The school (that/wh

31、ich) he once studied in is very famous. The school in which he once studied is very famous. The school where he once studied is very famous.,that虽好用,有二怕:一怕逗点,二怕介词,The lady is my English teacher. Mr. Lee is talking to her.The lady (whom/who/that) Mr. Lee is talking to is my English teacher.The lady t

32、o whom Mr. Lee is talking is my English teacher.Describe a tourist trip. You have been on the trip. You particularly enjoyed the trip.Describe a tourist trip (that) you have been on which you particularly enjoyed.Describe a tourist trip on which you have been (which) you particularly enjoyed.,1.当我们要

33、指出的先行词为独一无二的人事物时,我们不需使用限定用法,只需要补充他的资讯,用双逗点插入在先行词之后即可,所以又叫做补述用法Jay Chou is coming to Xiamen to have his concert next week. Jay Chou is my favorite singer.Jay Chou, who is my favorite singer, is coming to Xiamen to have his concert next week. 限定用法: The singer who is my favorite is coming to Xiamen to

34、have his concert next week.,that虽好用,有二怕:一怕逗点,二怕介词,as和which引导非限制性定语从句,有相同之处,也有不同之处1as和which都可以在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,代表前面整个句子。 He married her, as/which was natural. He was honest, as/which we can see. 2. as引导非限制性定语从句,可放在主句之前,或者主句之后,甚至可以切割一个主句;which引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句之后。另外,as有“正如,正像”的意思 Tom was always late for s

35、chool, which made his teacher angry. John, as you know, is a famous writer. As is known to all, China is a developing country. As is shown inthetable/picture, . =As we can see from thetable/picture, .,关系代词as和which 引导的定语从句,Can I talk to Mr. Li who is from Taiwan?Can I talk to Mr. Li from Taiwan? (介词短

36、语)Can I talk to Mr. Li who comes from Taiwan?Can I talk to Mr. Li coming from Taiwan? 分词做状语Can I talk to Mr. Li who was invited by Pro. Zheng?Can I talk to Mr. Li invited by Pro. Zheng? 过去分词Can I talk to Mr. Li who is visiting XMU? Can I talk to Mr. Li visiting XMU? 現在分词,当定语从句由关系代词+be. 所引导,通常两者可以一起省

37、略形成分词状语或介词短语,分词作状语(分词构句)大部分都是由副词从句演化而来:1、分词构句的种类可分为表时间、原因、条件、让步及 附带状况。2、分词构句前的连接词通常省略但表强调时得予保留。3、被动式的分词构句Being+p.p; Hving been +p.p 其中 Being 和 Having been 常被省略当副词从句的主词与主要子句的主词相同时:(1)把副词子句的主词去掉,(2)将连接词省略(有时可以不省略) (3)再将动词改为分词,主动用现在分词,被动用过去分词,其句型变换如下:,分词作状语(分词构句),(表時間) While I was walking to class, I r

38、an into an old friend.=While walking to class, I ran into an old friend.=Walking to class, I ran into an old friend.,1、主動式:,Because she needed some money to buy a book, Sue cashed a check.=Needing some money to buy a book, Sue cashed a check.,(表因果關係,即原因),If you turn to the left, you will find the ho

39、use.=Turning to the left, you will find the house.,(表條件),Though he is a boy, he knows many things.=Being a boy, he knows many things.,(表讓步),His father died and left him no fortune.=His father died, leaving him no fortune.,(表附帶狀況),As it was written in haste, the book has many mistakes.=Written in has

40、te, the book has many mistakes. 【註】written之前的Being被省略了。,2、被動式:,否定詞 (not/never) 要放在分詞前,如:Not/Never + V-ing/Vp.p., S + VAs she didnt know what to do, my daughter asked me for advice.= Not knowing what to do, my daughter asked me for advice.,否定式的分词构句:,去掉連接詞,主詞保留,動詞變V-ing / V-en(1) When school was over,

41、 the students returned home. _, the students returned home.(2) Because John forgot to invite Mary to his party, Mary was a little angry. _, Mary was a little angry.(3) As it was sunny, we went on a picnic. _, we went on a picnic.(4) Because I got the first prize, my mother gave me a hug. _, my mothe

42、r gave me a hug.,独立分词构句(前后主词不一致),The president of the ad agency was a woman (who was) named Mary Wells.,His was a record of distinguished service which commanded our respect.,His service commanding our respect.,Juan walked briskly by the stereo equipment as he did not wish to spend any more money.,J

43、uan walkedequipment, not wishing to spend any more money.,Because/ As,(Being) Speeding in a school zone, Fred was arrested by the police.,(As the child was) Bitten by a dog, the child was rushed to a hospital.,At the end of the line stood Pilar, (who was) tapping her foot impatiently, (and she was)

44、looking at her watch.,Cathy, an experienced sailor, sometimes gets seasick.,Time is money. It is true.,Time is money is true. (X),That time is money is true. (O),It is true that time is money . (O),连conj. +S2 + V2词,Failure is the mother of success. That failure is the mother of success is known to t

45、hose who want to succeed/ become successful. achieve their goals fulfill their dreams,名词从句的应用:,A sound mind lies in a sound body. That a sound mind lies in a sound body is,名词从句的应用:, Whether university students should only be allowed to study useful subjects related to/ like science and technology ca

46、n be approached from several different angles due to itscomplexity.,Nowadays,thereisatrend thatreportsof mediafocusonproblemsand emergencies ratherthanpositivedevelopments.Somepeople thinkitisharmful toindividualsandtosociety. Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree? Whether the trendthatreportsofmediafocu

47、s onproblems and emergenciesratherthanpositive developments is harmful to individual and to society deserves our careful consideration as it is such a multifaceted topic.,名词从句的应用:,Moreandmorepeoplearebecomingseriously overweight.Somepeoplesaythatthepriceincreaseoffatteningfoodswillsolvethisproblem.T

48、owhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?That moreandmorepeoplearebecoming seriouslyoverweight is a problem (which) people face ( encounter) around the world.,名词从句的应用,Somepeoplethinkthemainbenefitofinternationalcooperationisinprotectionoftheenvironment,whileothersthinkthatthemainbenefitisintheworldbusiness.D

49、iscussbothviewsandgiveyouropinion.,(A) Peoples views of an ideal world/ do/ vary by individual, by circumstance, by a whole range of factors,.(B) For me, an ideal world would be a world/ full of honesty. No hatred, no corruption, no greediness. (C)There would not be any traces/ of desperation/ among

50、 people. The only form of love/ that would exist/ in this world/ would be true love/ without any tinge of/ selfishness and lust.,An ideal world,(D)Miseries of human life/ related to the body/ would not have existed. The various deadly diseases/ would have not existed. (E) There would be an equal sen


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