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1、-专注教育,服务教师-,PEP小学英语六年级上册U5课件,Unit FiveWhat does she do ?,singer,a,What does he/she do? Hes /Shes a/an,s(r),writer,a,What does he/she do? Hes /Shes a/an,rat,What does he/she do? Hes /Shes a/an,a TV reporter,rpt,A: I do, you do. What does she do?B: Singer, singer. Shes a singer.A: I do, you do .What d

2、oes he do?B: Writer, writer. Hes a writer.A: I do, you do .What does she do?B: TV reporter,TV reporter.Shes a TV reporter.,Lets chant,actor,an,What does he/she do? Hes /Shes a/an,kt,What does he/she do? Hes /Shes a/an,an actress,ktrs,What does he/she do? Hes /Shes a/an,an artist,tst,A: I do, you do.

3、 What does he do?B: Actor, actor. Hes an actor.A: I do, you do .What does she do?B: Actress, actress. Shes an actress.A: I do, you do .What does he do?B: Artist, artist. Hes an artist.,Chant more,What does she/he do? She/He is a/an,What does she/he do? She/He is a/an,a singer,a writer,a TVreporter,a

4、n actor,an actress,an artist,小结,a singer.a writer.a TV reporter. an artist.,Shes/Hes,What does he/she do?,Whats his/her job?,Whats he/she?,singer,writer,TV reporter,actor,actress,artist,a,a,a,an,看图说词,再用a , an 填空,p58,an,an,Read and finish the sentences,writer,I teach lessons. I am

5、 a teacher. I clean streets. I am a _.I sing songs. I am a _.I dance. I am a _.I drive cars. I am a _.I write stories. I am a _.,cleaner,singer,dancer,driver,writer,梦想剧场,Im going to be an actor/ artist/ actress.Im going to be a singer/ writer/ TV reporter.,What are you going to be?,There is a will,

6、there is a way.(有志者,事竟成。),What does your mother/father do? Shes/Hes a/an,driver,teacher,doctor,nurse,cook,Guessing Game,“ T ” is in the middle,the first letter is “a” ,after it is “ c”,the last letter is “ r ”,On the left of the “r” is “o”,( Actor ),There are three “ R ”s in this word.,It begins wit

7、h “ RE ”.,Ends with “ ER ”.,( Reporter),The first letter is “ A ”,After it is “ C ”,the last two letters are “ S ” .,( Actress ),The last two letters are “ER”,The second letter is “ I ”.,(singer),“ T ” is in the middle,the second letter is “ r ”,the last letter is “ r ”, too.,And the first letter is

8、 “ W ”,( writer ),It also begins with “ A ”,And there are two “ T ”s in it.,And the last letter is “ T ”, too.,( Artist ),Write out the jobs,1.She / He can sing.,(singer),2.She / He can write.,(writer),3.She / He can draw pictures .,(artist),4.She / He can tell us some news.,(reporter),5.He can perf

9、orm(表演) on the stage(舞台).,(actor),6.She can perform(表演) on the stage(舞台).,.,(actress),pfm,sted,Write out the jobs,1.She / He can sing.,( singer),2.She / He can write.,( writer),3.She / He can draw pictures .,( artist),4.She / He can tell us some news(新闻).,(reporter),5.He can perform(表演) on the stage

10、(舞台).,(actor),6.She can perform(表演) on the stage(舞台).,.,(actress),7、She /He can sell things.,( policeman/policewoman ),( salesperson),8、She/He can clean street.,(cleaner),10、He/She designs cars in a company.,9、She/He can help you find your way.,( engineer),11、She/He works with number and money.,(accountant),Thank you!,


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