七年级下册英语 第一单元 复习ppt课件.ppt

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1、人教版七年级下 unit 1 can you play the guitar?) revision,Learning aims,(1) 知识目标:掌握本单元的重点词汇及句型(2能力目标:(a)学会询问他人的能力并能表达自己的意愿(b)掌握情态动词can和play的用法(c)熟练应用疑问句 (d)根据自己的特长写能力介绍或写招聘广告(3)情感目标:通过互相询问自己或别人的能力,培养学生的群体意识,一、按要求写出下列各词或词组。 too (同义词) _ 2. music (人物) _3. teach (人物) _ 4. teach (第三称单数形式 ) _5. busy (反义词) _6. on

2、the weekend (同义词组) _7. help sb. do sth. (同义词组),also,musician,teacher,teaches,on weekends,help sb. with sth.,free,考点回顾,Task 1,1下国际象棋 _ 2. 说英语 _3. 想要做某事 _ 4. 参加美术俱乐部 _5. 英语俱乐部6 音乐俱乐部 _7. 国际象棋俱乐部,chess club,want to do sth,考点回顾,二.重点词汇拓展,play chess,speak English,join the art club,English club,music club,

3、8. 游泳俱乐部 _9. 踢足球 _10. 听起来不错11擅长于12讲故事俱乐部13和某人谈话14打鼓15 弹钢琴16 拉小提琴,Story telling club,be good at,swimming club,play soccer,Sounds good.,talk to sb,play the drums,play the piano,play the violin,17. 老人院18 对.有办法19交朋友20 在某方面帮助某人21体育中心22 在周末23 教我们语文24 音乐音乐家,Sports center,help sb with sth,old peoples home,b

4、e good with,make friends with sb,on the weekend,teach us chinese,music-musician,1你会弹吉他吗?不,我不会2你想参加什么俱乐部?我想参加游泳俱乐部3你会唱歌或者跳舞吗4他喜欢象棋,但是他不会下象棋5她喜欢音乐,她会唱歌和跳舞,二 句型冲关,Can you play the guitar? No, I cant,What club do you want to join? I want to join the swimming club,Can you sing or dance?,She likes music,

5、she can sing and dance,He likes chess, but he cant play chess,6 你会做什么?我会说英语7我擅长于讲故事8你会玩什么运动9 我喜欢画画10 我也会踢足球 11我喜欢和人们说话和玩游戏12周末你有时间吗?,What can you do? I can speak English,I am good at telling stories,I like to draw,What sport can you play?,I can also play soccer,I like to talk and play games with peo

6、ple,Do you have time on the weekend?,Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.,Jane: Hi, Bob. What _ do you want to join?Bob: I want to join a _ club.Jane: Great! What sports can you _?Bob: Soccer.Jane: So you can _ the soccer club.,club,sports,play,join,Task 2,课文再现,Bob: What about you? You are

7、very good at _. You can join the _ club. Jane: _ good. But I like to _, too. Bob: Then join two _, the story telling club and the _ club! Jane: OK, lets join now!,telling stories,story telling club,Sounds,draw,clubs,art,Students Wanted for School Show We want students for the school show. Can you _

8、or _? Can you _ the guitar? Can you _ stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school.,Complete the following poster with the words in the box.,sing,dance,play,tell,play sing tell dance,3b,一 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Can you _ (dance) dance, Jane? 2. I want _ (join) the music club. 3. Lets _ (join) the English

9、 club. 4. Alice cant _ (speak) Chinese well. 5. Well. You can join the _ (swim) club. 6. Jane _ (want) to join a sports club.,dance,to join,join,speak,swimming,wants,即时即练, 你会游泳吗? _ 不,我不会。 _2. 你们会说英语吗? _ 是的,会。,用 Can ? 句型询问能力?,一、 阅读 Grammar Focus 部分, 完成下列句子。,No, I cant.,Can you swim?,Can you speak Eng

10、lish?,Yes, we can.,Task 3, 她会下棋吗? _ 不会。 _ 贝尔和简会跳舞吗? _ 是的,会。 _ 你会做什么事情?_ 我会弹吉它。 _,No, she cant.,Yes, they can.,Can she play chess?,Can Bill and Jane dance?,What can you do?,I can play the guitar.,1. 可以看出,在 Can? 句型中,情态动词 can 没有_ 和 _ 的变化。2. 用情态动词 can 来询问他人的能力可以归纳为以下句型:Can + _ + _ + 其他? 肯定回答: _ 否定回答: _

11、What + can + _ + _?,二、探究乐园。,人称,数,主语 动词原形,Yes, 主语 + can.,No, 主语 + cant.,主语 do,一、选词填空。,1. Ms. Wu wants to _ to his son. 2. Jenny and Mary can _ English well. 3. Can you _ your new photo, Grace? 4. Bob _ “I can play chess well.” 5. Mr. Li often _ us interesting stories.,talk,speak,show,says,tells,speak

12、, tell, say, talk, show,链接考点,Task 4,1. My grandpa likes to play _. (chess, the chess) 2. My sister wants _ (join/to join) art club. 3. Mr. Wu cant sing _ (and/or) dance. 4. Our Chinese teacher always tell _ (story/stories) to us.,chess,to join,or,stories,二、根据题意选择括号内的正确形式填空。, You can join the chess c

13、lub. _ (Sounds/Sound) good. 6. Linda cant play volleyball, _ (and/but) she can play soccer. 7. Can you play the guitar _ (well/good)?,Sounds,but,well,三、句型转换。,1. Can you play soccer? (作否定回答) _,No, I cant.,2. Can Mary and Linda play chess? (作肯定回答) _3. I can play volleyball. (对划线部分提问) _ _ can you play?

14、 4. I want to join a music club. (对划线部分提问) _ _ do you want to join? 5. They can write stories and tell stories. (变否定句) They _ write stories _ tell stories.,Yes, they can.,What sport,What club,cant or,1. Jims sister can _ _ (说英语) well. 2. Jim wants to _ _ (讲故事) in the class.3. Mr. Lin can _ _ (写故事) i

15、n English.4. What can you do in the _ _ (学校演出)?,speak English,tell stories,write stories,school show,四、根据汉语提示完成句子。,五、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Are you _ (擅长) children? 2. I want _ (join) the music club. 3. Mr Lin is very busy _ (在周末4. Theyre friendly. I want to _(交朋友) with them5 Can you _ _ _(帮我学习音乐) my music.

16、6. Please _ Jane _ (打电话给)321-5497.,good with,to join,on the weekend,make friends,help me with,call at,二、连词成句。注意标点和大写字母。1. chess, to, you, like, play, do (?) _2. you, can, the, play, piano (?) _3. you, club, our, be, music, in, can, then (.) _,Do you like to play chess?,Can you play the piano?,Then y

17、ou can be in our music club.,4. is, old, good, Linda, people, with (?) _5. help, can, with, your, and, music, English, I (.) _6. tell, his, draw, cant, or, stories, brother (.) _,Is Linda good with old people?,I can help with your English and music.,His brother cant draw or tell stories.,Do you like

18、 sports? Are you good with children? We need help with sports in the sports club in our school. Can you swim? Can you play volleyball or tennis? Can you play basketball or soccer? Then you can a P.E. teacher in our school. Call Mr Wu at 337-6013.,P.E. Teacher wanted for the School Sports Club,优秀范文:,homework,1 背诵单词unit 12 写一个招聘广告,你校需要音乐老师,来你校与李老师面谈,电话13509991207,Thank you for listening!,


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