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1、,宾语从句The Object Clause,主语从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句,名词性从句,定语从句,状语从句,宾语从句在初中英语语法中有着相当重要的地位,几乎每年的中考都有对宾语从句不同角度的考查。近年来有关宾语从句的中考题的重点一般都集中在以下几个方面:一、引导词二、语序三、时态,中考考点诠释:,什么是宾语,宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者。宾语由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词、短语来担任。,I like my teacher.,(名词作宾语),I enjoy playing basketball.,(动名词作宾语),I decide to study hard.,(不定式作宾

2、语),I know him .,(代词作宾语),我们 知道 姚明We know Yao Ming,我们 知道 他是一个著名的篮球运动员We know,宾语从句就是由一个句子来构成主句的宾语,并有一个连接词引导。,一 什么 是宾语从句?,宾,宾,主,谓,he is a famous basketball player,that,连接词,谓,主,宾语从句三要点,语序,A,引导词,B,时态,C,有哪些句子可以做宾语?,1,陈述句,He is a famous basketball player.2, 一般疑问句, Is he a famous basketball player?3,特殊疑问句,Wh

3、ats his job?,My name isMy favorite sport isI amI speak/have/likeI can play,Are you?Can you play?Do you do?Where are you? What can you do? How do you do?,陈述句,-,-,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,结构比较,将下列句子改成陈述句语序: 1.Is there a bank near here? 2.Are they doing homework?,There is a bank near here.,They are doing homework.,

4、3.Wheres your pen pal from? 4.Where does he live? 5.Why do you like pandas?,Where your pen pal is from,Where he lives,Why you like pandas,宾语从句三要点,语序,A,引导词,B,时态,C,宾语从句三要点,引导词,由that引导的宾语从句。that只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语和非正式文体中可以省略。例如:He said (that) he wanted to stay at home.She doesnt know (that) she is serio

5、usly ill.I am sure (that) he will succeed.,练一练,1.This is a book.2.You like singing.3.He worked last night.4.They will go home.5.Jim has been to Beijing.6.She sings well.,用以下开头与下列句子连成宾语从句:1. I know 2. She says 3. Tell your friend ,(that),一般疑问句做宾语,我问他是否想去游泳,1, 改为陈述句语气,2,用if/whether连接,I ask,Does he wan

6、t to go swim?,he wants to go swim,if/whether,I ask,宾语从句三要点,引导词,由if或whether引导的宾语从句。If和whether在句中的意思是“是否”。 I want to know if (whether) he lives there. He asked me whether (if) I could help him.,练一练,1.Is he reading ?2.Do you get up at six?3.Does Tom work hard?4.Did you watch TV ?5.Will they read books

7、?6.Can you sing ?,用以下开头与下列句子连成宾语从句:1.Do you know 2.I want to know 3.The teacher asks ,if/whether,特殊疑问句做宾语,Which coat did you like best?,I wonder which coat you like best.,用疑问引导,改为陈述语气。,我想知道你最喜欢哪一条领带?,Which tie do you like best?,特殊疑问句变成 陈述语序连接词就是疑问词本身,I wonder,I wonder,ATTENTION,which tie you like be

8、st.,宾语从句三要点,引导词,由连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which和连接副词when, where, why, how引导的宾语从句。这些连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个成分。 Do you know who (whom) they are waiting for? He asked whose handwriting was the best. Can you tell me where the No.3 bus stop is? I dont know why the train is late.,练一练,What is this ?What are

9、 you doing ?Where do you live ?When does he get up ?How did you go to work?Who will you play with?,用以下开头与下列句子连成宾语句:1.Do you know 2.I want to know 3. Can you tell me 4. The man asked ,宾语从句三要点,语序,A,引导词,B,时态,C,宾语从句的时态的变化,1.当主句是一般现在时,宾语从句的时态不作限制,我们可以根据句子的意思来使用需要的任何一种时态。,was,is,will cook,is singing,has b

10、een,was playing,had learned,2.当主句是一般过去时的时候,宾语从句必须运用相应的过去的某一种时态,从而达到主句和从句的相互一致。 e.g He said ( that ) he would go to Xian . He said ( that ) he was ill yesterday . He said ( that ) he was reading a book . He said ( that ) he had had supper already . 3.当宾语从句说明的是客观存在的事实或者是客观存在的真理时,就不用受到主句时态的限制,仍是用一般现在时态

11、。 e.g He said that the sun is much bigger than the moon . The teacher told the students that no news is good news . The PE teacher said that doing morning exercise is useful to our health .,2.当主句是一般过去时的时候,宾语从句必须运用相应的过去的某一种时态,从而达到主句和从句的相互一致。(呼应性原则),1) He will go to Hong Kong .2) He is sick.3) He is r

12、eading a book . 4) He has finished his work.,1) He to Hong Kong .,2) He sick.3) He a book . 4) He,辨一辨,would go,was,was reading,his work.,had finished,宾语从句三要素,that(陈述句 ),ifwhether(一般疑问句 ),特殊疑问词(特殊疑问句),主句为一般现在时从句可为任何时态,语序,宾语从句的语序都为陈述句语序,客观真理 自然现象公式定理 名言警句 时态不变,小结,.Find out the mistakes and correct the

13、m.1 Could you tell me where do they live? 2 She knew that Danny is a student.3 He told me that winter was colder than autumn. 4 Do you know who car it is?,找错误,was,is,whose,注意一下情况只用whether,不用if。,1. whether引导的从句常可以与连词or或or not直接连用。如: Let me know whether you can come or not. Let me know if you can come

14、 or not. 2. 当宾语从句提到句首时,只能用whether引导。如: Whether it is true or not, I cant tell. If it is true or not, I cant tell.,3. whether可以引导带to的不定式。如: I dont know whether to accept or refuse. I dont know if to accept or refuse. 4. whether及其引导的成分可放于介词之后,作介词的宾语。如: I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. I worr

15、y about if I hurt her feelings.,If 与whether 的区别,I dont know _ he will come or not.I dont care of _ he is handsome.He wondered _ to stay here the next week._ he will come is not decided.,与or not 连用只能用whether,介词后只能用whether,与to do 不定式连用只能用whether,作主语只能用whether,当主句的谓语动词是think,believe, guess, suppose等表示“

16、认为、相信、猜想、期望”等意思的动词时,主句的主语是第一人称,且时态一般现在时,从句的否定一般要转移到主句上来。,(2017安徽中考)Do you know _ Ann goes to work every day?Usually by underground.A. why B. how C. when D. whether(2016安徽中考)Look at the stone bridge! Do you know _ it was built?In the 1860s. It is quiet old.A. when B. how C. where D. why,中考链接,(2014安徽中

17、考)Its so late. Why nor write the report tomorrow?But I dont know _ I can do it if not now.A. why B. when C. how D. where(2013安徽中考)I still remember the college and the teachers _ I visited in London years ago.A. what B.who C. that D. which(2012安徽中考)Could you tell me _ he came here?He drove here himse

18、lf.A. how B. why C. when D. whether,1.What did Tom say to you just now, John?He asked_.A. why I am so happy todayB. what will I do for the weekendC. who did I play football with after schoolD. if I could go to the movie with him tonight2. Mr Black, could you tell me _?At 10:00 tomorrow morning.A. wh

19、ere well go hikingB. when well have a meetingC. whether youll come to my birthday party,及时练习,3.Do you know_?Tomorrow afternoon.A. when will the headmaster give us a talkB. where will the headmaster gibe us a talkC. when the headmaster will give us a talkD. where the headmaster will give us a talk4.

20、Could you tell me _ youll go to Paris?Next month.A. why B. where C. when D. how,5. The girls asked if they _ some food and drink with them.,A. took B. take C. takes D. will take,6. Linda said the moon_ round the earth.,A. travelled B. has travelled C. travels D. had travelled,7Do you know _?A. where

21、 does she live B. she lives whereC. where she lives D. where she live8. His parents wanted to know what he _at that time. A. is doing B. was doing C. has done D. will do,9.We dont know _. It is said that he was born in Canada.A. what he is B. when he was born C. where he comes from D. if he lives he

22、re10.Lilys mother looked for her for half an hour, but could not find _?A. what Lily was B. what was LilyC. where Lily was D. where was Lily,练一练,( )1. Miss Green didnt tell us _ in 2002. A. where does she live B. Where she lives C. where did she live D. where she lived( )2. Would you please tell me

23、_? A. when did he come home B. where would he play football C. if had he seen the film D. why he didnt watch the game( ) 3. Do you know _ I could pass the exam? A. that B. whether C. what D. which( )4. I want to know_. A. what is his name B. whats his name C. that his name is D. what his name is,D,D

24、,B,D,( ) 5. I dont know when _. A. will the train leave B. the train will leave C. would the train leave D. the train leave( ) 6.-We dont know _. -It is said that he was born in Sweden. A. what he is B. if he lives here C. where he comes from D. which country is he from( ) 7. Do you know _ during the coming summer holiday? A. what will Tom do B. what did Tom do C. what Tom will do D. what Tom did( ) 8. Could you tell me _ she is looking for? A. that B. whose C. who D. which,B,C,C,C,


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