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1、第二部分 语法专题专题十五 情景交际,精讲必备考点,考点一 问候,考点二 介绍,考点三 告别,考点四 感谢,考点五 道歉,考点六 邀请,考点七 请求允许,考点八 祝愿、祝贺,考点九 提供帮助,考点十 约会,考点十一 打电话及接电话,考点十二 就餐,考点十三 看病,考点十四 购物,考点十五 问路,考点十六 谈论天气,考点十七 语言交际困难,考点十八 警告和禁止,考点十九 劝告,考点二十 建议,考点二十一 表示同意或不同意,考点二十二 喜好、厌恶和和偏爱,考点二十三 表示肯定、否定及不确定,考点二十四 关心和焦虑,考点二十五 赞美、恭维,考点二十六 爱好,考点二十七 询问国籍、籍贯、姓名及职业,考

2、点二十八 表示遗憾、同情,考点二十九 时间和日期,考点三十 意愿、计划和希望,考点三十一 判断和意见,考点一 问候1直接问候的常用语 Hello / Hi. Hello / Hi. Good morning / afternoon / evening. Good morning / afternoon / evening. How do you do? How do you do? Glad / Nice to meet you Glad / Nice to meet you, too. How are you? / How have you been? Fine, thank you. Ho

3、ws everything with you? / How is everything going? / How are you getting on? / Whats up? Pretty well. / Very well. /Everything is OK. / Not too bad.,2间接问候的常用语Please give my regards / best wishes / love to .Please remember me to .Say hi hello to . (from me / us).注意:上述问候都可以用Of course.Sure, I will.来回答。

4、【典例精析】1. Go morning, Miss Zhang! _!A. Good morningB. Good afternoonC. Good eveningD. Good night,解析:good morning的答语依然是good morning。,答案:A。,2. How are you going, buddy? _. A little busy, though.A. Not too badB. Cant be worseC. On my ownD. By train,解析:问句意为“伙计,最近怎么样?”根据答语的第二句意为“尽管有点忙。”可知,答话人对自己最近的状态还比较满意

5、。A项意为“还不错”;B项意为“不能再差了”;C项意为“独自”;D项意为“乘火车”。,答案:A。,考点二 介绍1. 自我介绍的常用语My name is .Im a student / worker / .2. 介绍他人常用语This is .Id like you to meet . Let me introduce you to .Id like to introduce .(to you).I want to introduce . (to you).May I introduce you to .?,考点三 告别1. 告别前的常用语Im afraid I must be off / g

6、oing / leaving now.I think its time for me to leave / go now.Well, its getting late.Im sorry I have to go now.Ive got to go now.2. 双方互相告别时的常用语Good-bye! / Bye! / Bye for now. / Bye-bye! Be seeing you soon. / See you. / See you later.,考点四 感谢1. 表示感谢的常用语Thank you (very much).Thank you for .Thanks (a lot

7、) / (a million).Many thanks.I dont know how to thank you.Im really grateful to you. Thats most kind of you. Its kind / nice of you.Thank you just the same.Thank you all the same.,2. 对感谢的应答Youre welcome.Not at all.Its a / my pleasure. Im glad I could do it.Thats OK / all right.,【典例精析】 Congratulation.

8、 Your performance is excellent! _.A. Oh, noB. Many thanksC. Its okayD. No problem,解析:别人对自己表示祝贺和夸奖,当然要表示感谢。,答案:B。,考点五 道歉1. 表示道歉的常用语Excuse / Pardon me for .Im really sorry for .Im awfully sorry. I dont mean to .Im so sorry. Its all my fault. Im terribly sorry about . It was wrong of me to do . I reall

9、y feel bad about . I regret that .Please forgive me for .2. 打扰或麻烦别人时的常用语Excuse me, please.Excuse me, .,3. 对道歉的应答Thats OK / all right.It doesnt matter.Never mind.Its / Thats nothing (serious).It really isnt worth mentioning. Dont say more about it. Never mind, it doesnt really matter. Please dont wor

10、ry about it. Please think nothing of it.Well, its one of those things.Forget (thinking of) it.,【典例精析】1. Im very sorry. I broke your tea cup. _. A. It doesnt matterB. Youd better notC. Take it easyD. Its too bad,解析:根据句意可知,说话人是在向对方道歉,四个选项中只有It doesnt matter.作为答语最恰当。,2. Im sorry that I shouted at you t

11、his morning. _, but please dont get angry so often.A. All rightB. No problemC. Never mindD. With pleasure,解析:对方向自己道歉,自己应该大方接受并表示不介意。,答案:A。,答案:C。,考点六 邀请1. 表示邀请的常用语Will / Would / Can / Could you come to .?Would you like to .?May I invite you to .?What / How about .?Id like you to come to .2. 接受邀请的常用语Y

12、es, Id love / like to. Thanks. / Thank you.Yes, its very kind / nice of you.That sounds good / great / fun / nice.3. 拒绝邀请的常用语Id love to, but .Im afraid I cant. Because .,Its very kind / nice of you. But .Im sorry I cant. I have to .No, thank you.【典例精析】 Would you like to go out to play basketball wit

13、h me? _, but I should finish my homework first. A. Its hard to sayB. Youre welcome C. Id love toD. Youre right,解析:接受对方的邀请时,常用Yes, Id love / like to.作答。,答案:C。,考点七 请求允许1. 表示请求允许的常用语Can / Could / May I .? (直接)Would / Do you mind if I do .? (婉转1)I wonder if I could / can .? (婉转2)2. 表示同意请求或允许的常用语 直接问句的常用

14、答语Yes. / Sure. / Certainly.Of course, you may.Yes, do please.Go ahead, please.Thats OK. / Thats all right., 婉转问句1的常用答语No, I dont mind. Certainly not. / Of course not.No, go ahead. Not at all. 婉转问句2的常用答语Sure, go ahead. / Yes, please do.Yes. / Of course. / Certainly.3. 表示不同意请求或不允许的常用语 直接问句的常用答语No, ple

15、ased dont.Im sorry you cant.Im sorry, but .Youd better not ., 婉转问句1的常用答语Im sorry you cant .Im afraid .Im afraid its not allowed. 婉转问句2的常用答语Im sorry, but .Im afraid not.No, please dont.Youd better not .,【典例精析】1. Cindy, would you mind not opening the window? Its cold outside. _. A. Id like toB. Sorry,

16、 Ill do it right nowC. Yes, that sounds goodD. No, I wouldnt,解析:Id like to.我很乐意;Sorry, Ill do it right away.对不起,我马上照做;Yes, that sounds good.是的,听起来不错;No, I wouldnt.不,我不愿意。根据句意可知,说话人不想让打开窗户,只有B项最符合情境。,答案:B。,2. Can I park my car here, sir? _. You see, theres much traffic here. A. Never mindB. Youd bett

17、er notC. Of course notD. Yes, please,解析:根据句意可知,答话人婉转拒绝了问话人提出的请求。,答案:B。,考点八 祝愿、祝贺1. 祝贺常用语Congratulations (to you).Happy birthday.Happy New Year.Merry Christmas.2. 祝愿常用语Good luck to you.Good luck with your trip.Have a good tripjourney.I wish you a good tripjourney. Good trip to you.Nice journey to you

18、.Have a nicepleasantwonderful time.Have fun.Enjoy yourself.,【典例精析】1. I will have a maths test tomorrow. _! A. Good luckB. Thank youC. Well doneD. The same to you,解析:根据句意可知,说话人要参加考试,希望得到祝福。,2. Mum, Ive got the first prize in the photo competition. _! A. Good luckB. Not at allC. Good ideaD. Congratula

19、tions,解析:根据句意可知,说话人取得了好成绩后希望得到祝贺。,答案:A。,答案:D。,考点九 提供帮助1. 向别人提供帮助的常用语Can / Could / Shall I help you (with that)?Can / Could / Shall I do sth. for you?What can I do for you?Would you like some / any help?Would you like me to do sth. for you?Do you want me to .?Is there anything (else) I can do (for yo

20、u)?Let me do sth. for you.2. 请求别人帮助的常用语Help!Would / Could you help me, please?Could you give me a hand?,Can you do me a favor?Do you mind helping me?3. 接受帮助的常用语Thank you / Thanks a lot / Thank you very much (for your help).Yes, please. / Thanks, please. Thanks. Thats very kind /good / nice (of you).

21、 Thank you. That would be nice.4.谢绝帮助的常用语No, thanks.Thanks. I can manage it myself.Thank you, but I can do it myself.I can do it, but thank you all the same.,【典例精析】_? Im looking for a pair of google glasses for my grandson. A. How is it goingB. Whos that speakingC. What can I do for you,解析:根据句意可知,对话

22、发生在商店里,很明显,答话人为顾客,问话人是售货员。售货员询问顾客的需要时常说的一句就是What can I do for you?,答案:C。,考点十 约会1. 询问对方是否有时间的常用问句和答语 问句Will you be free tonight / tomorrow / .?Are you free this afternoon / Saturday / .? 肯定回答:Yes, Ill be free (tonight / tomorrow .).Yes, Ill be free then.否定回答:No, I wont be free (tonight / tomorrow .).

23、 But Ill be free .No, I wont be free then.Im afraid not.Im afraid I wont be free tonight / tomorrow .,2. 询问约会的时间、地点的常用语What time / When shall we meet?Where is the best place to meet? How about 5 pm / tonight / tomorrow .? What / How about (meeting) at the gate / outside the station .? Shall we meet

24、at 7:30 pm at the gate? Ill meet you at the theatre at 7:30 pm. I suggest 7 oclock.考点十一 打电话及接电话1. 打电话的常用语Hello, this is .Hello, . (电话号码)Canmaycould I speak to ., please?,Is . inat home?Hello, is that . speaking?Who is (that) speakingcalling, please?WillWould you give a message to ., please?Would you

25、 tell him my telephone number, please?Could you ask him to ring me back, please?Ill call back later / again.Ill ring him / her up again.2. 接电话的常用语This is . speaking.Yes, (this is) . speaking.Yes, its . here.Hold onWait a minuteOne moment, please.Im sorry . is out / not inat home now.Can I take a mes

26、sage (for him / her)?,Does he / she have your telephone number?Ill ask him to call you back.Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number.考点十二 就餐1. 服务员或主人询问客人的用餐意愿时的常用语What would you like to eat / drink?Would you like sth. to eat / drink?Would you like some more .?How about (some more) .?2. 在饭店就餐时回答服务员

27、的常用语Id like .Just a moment, please. Im waiting for my friends.Let me see your menu.,3. 主人劝客人用餐时的常用语Help yourself to .?Let me give you .?Make yourself at home.4. 在别人家就餐时回答主人的常用语Yes, please.Id like .Well, just a little, please.No, thanks.Thank you, Ive had enough. Im full, thank you.,【典例精析】1. Help you

28、rselves to some fish, boys! _. A. Thanks, but were fullB. Good newsC. No, pleaseD. Thank you all the same,解析:Thanks, but were full.谢谢,但是我们饱了。Good news.好消息。No, please.不,谢谢。Thank you all the same.仍然谢谢你。根据句意和常识可知,A选项最符合语境。,2. Would you like some dumplings for lunch? _. Im full. A. Yes, please B. Sure,

29、Id love toC. No, thanks,解析:根据答语可知,答话人做了否定回答。,答案:A。,答案:C。,考点十三 看病1. 医生诊断时的常用语Whats wrong / the matter / the trouble with you? Is there anything wrong with you?(Lie down and) let me look over / exam you.Does it hurt here?How long have you felt like this?Have you taken your temperature.You have a high

30、temperature.2. 病人诉说病情时的常用语I feel terrible / bad / ill sick.I dont feel well.Im not feeling well.Im not in good health.,There is something wrong with my .I have / have got .My back / nose hurts / aches.This place hurts.I dont feel like eating.3. 医生对病人提出医嘱时的常用语Its nothing serious.Youd better have a go

31、od rest.Take this medicine three times a day. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. Youd better stay in bed until you feel better.Take 2 pills now and 2 more in 4 hours time.I advise you (not) to .I suggest you .Youll be / get well / all right soon.,【典例精析】_? I have a headache and I dont feel l

32、ike eating anything. A. How are youB. What can I do for youC. Whats the matter with youD. How do you like it,解析:根据答语“我头疼,不想吃任何东西。”可知,上句应该是问“你怎么了”。,答案:C。,考点十四 购物1. 售货员的常用语Can / May I help you?What can I do for you?What color / size / kind of . do you want?Anything else?Is that all?Here it is.2. 顾客的常用

33、语Id like . (for .)I dont like this color.Its too small / big.Its not suit me.Do you have any other color / size / kind of .?,Its a little expensive.Can it be cheaper?Ill take it / them.Heres the money.考点十五 问路1. 问路的常用语Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to .? Excuse me. How can I get to .?Excuse me, p

34、lease, where is .?Excuse me, which bus goes to .?How far is it from here (to .)?2. 指路的常用语Its about . meters from here. Its about . yards / meters down this street.,Go straight ahead till you see .Go down / along this street. Take this street / road.Go through the gate and youll find the entrance to

35、.Go down / along this street till you get to .Turn right / left at the first / second crossing.Youd better take a taxi / minibus / No. 5 bus .Sorry, I dont know. Im a stranger / newer here, too. / Youd better ask the policeman over there.【典例精析】_, please. Could you tell me which BRT I can take to get

36、 to Jinan Railway Station? Take No.15 bus and transfer to No. B1 BRT. A. Excuse me B. Yes C. Sure D. Hello,解析:在向别人求助时,常先说Excuse me以引起对方的注意和表示自己的礼貌。,答案:A。,考点十六 谈论天气1. 询问天气情况的常用语Whats / Hows the weather like today?Whats the weather going to be like tomorrow?Hows the weather like in Dongguan?2. 陈述天气情况的

37、常用语It is raining / blowing / snowing, (isnt it)?Its rather hot / cold / . today, (isnt it)?Lovely weather, (isnt it)?It is + fine / cloudy / sunny / . (today).What a heavy rain!What a cold day today!Its getting cool / hot / warm / cold.,【典例精析】 TV says there will be a storm tomorrow. _. I planned to

38、go climbing with my classmates. A. I hope soB. Im afraid soC. Sounds goodD. Bad luck,解析:根据句意可知,答话人的计划不能完成了,他应该感到很难过,觉得自己很倒霉。,答案:D。,考点十七 语言交际困难1. 听不懂对方说话时的常用语Pardon? / Beg your pardon? / I beg your pardon.Please say that again / more slowly.Would you mind repeating that?Could you say that again?Would

39、 you please say that again?Would you please say that more slowly?Im sorry. I didnt quite follow / catch you.Im afraid I didnt follow / catch you.2. 怕对方听不懂自己说话时的常用语Is that clear?Have I made myself clear?Do you understand?Do you see what I mean?,3. 不知道该如何表达时的常用语Im sorry, I know only a little English.I

40、 dont know how to say it in English / I dont know the exact word in English, but it is something like . 考点十八 警告和禁止Look out! / Be careful! / Take care!You cant do that.Dont do sth. or .If you . youll .Dont smoke! / No smoking!Dont be late! Dont take pictures here! / No photos.No parking! No spitting!

41、,考点十九 劝告Youd better (not) do sth. .You should do sth. You need (to) do sth. Dont hurry / run / rush .Please stand in line.【典例精析】 Would you mind if I sing here? _. Look at the sign. It says “Be Quiet”. A.Of course not. B. Better not.C. Not at all. D. I dont mind.,解析:根据答语的中的Be Quiet可知,说话人所在的地方是不允许喧哗的。

42、所以答话人劝问话人最好不要唱。,答案:B。,考点二十 建议1. Why dont you do sth.?以反问的方式提出劝告或建议,含有“建议对方去做某事”的意思,而不是询问对方为何不去做某事的原因。2. What / How about + 名词或动名词 .?有征求对方意见的意思,多数情况下是建议和对方一起做某事。3. Shall we .?用于建议对方与自己一起做某事。和Lets ., shall we?句型可以互换。4. 用suggest作谓语的陈述句这种句子用于表达比较正式的建议。suggest后面常跟名词、动名词或that从句作宾语。注意跟从句时,从句中的谓语用“should +

43、动词原形”。,考点二十一 表示同意或不同意1. 表示同意的常用语Certainly. / Sure. / Of course. No problem. Yes, I think so.I agree with sb.I agree to (do) sth.I agree that .Good idea! / Thats a good idea.Its a good idea to do sth. Yes, please.You are right. Thats true. / OK. / All right.,Thats just what I think. Thats my opinion,

44、 too.Theres no doubt about it.2. 表示不同意的常用语No, I dont think so. I dont agree with sb. I dont agree to sth. I dont agree that. Im afraid not.考点二十二 喜好、厌恶和偏爱1. 表示喜好的常用语I like / love sth. / sb.I like / love doing / to do sth.I enjoy sth. / doing sth.,2. 表示厌恶的常用语I dont like / love sth. / sb.I dont like /

45、love to do / doing sth.I hate (to) .I dont enjoy sth. / doing sth.3. 表示偏爱的常用语I prefer sth.I prefer A to B.I prefer to do sth.I like sth. / sb. better.【典例精析】 Which one of these do you want? _. Either will be OK.A. No problem B. Im sure C. Come on D. I dont mind,解析:根据答语的第二句可知,答话人觉得都可以,需要表示“不介意”的一项。,答案

46、:D。,考点二十三 表示肯定、否定及不确定1. 表示肯定的常用语Sure. / Of course. / Certainly.Im sure of / about .Im sure that .Thats sure.2. 表示否定的常用语No.3. 表示不确定的常用语Im not sure of / about .Im not sure whether / if . Maybe. / Perhaps.,考点二十四 关心和焦虑Whats wrong the matter (with) .?(Is there) anything the matter?We are anxious worried

47、about .There is no need to be worried.There is nothing to worry about.考点二十五 赞美、恭维1. 表示赞美、恭维的常用语Its beautiful. Its a lovely picture! Im glad / pleased you did . How clever of you!I like the way you did .Ive never seen such a .,What a nice coat you have! You look very smart today!What a wonderful hous

48、e!It matches your suit perfectly. Thats a very nice suit youve got on.Youve certainly given us a very excellent lecture.You have a beautiful smile. You have a good sense of humor.Your car is nice.This is a lovely dinner. / The dinner is great. You look wonderful this evening! Well done! Im so happy

49、for you!,2. 对赞美、恭维的应答Thanks for saying so.Thank you. / Thanks.How kind of you to say that. Im glad to hear that.【典例精析】1. What a beautiful dress you are wearing today! _. Its nice of you to say so. A. Not at allB. Never mindC. Oh, noD. Thanks,解析:对别人对自己的赞美要首先表示感谢才最礼貌。,答案:D。,2. What do you think of the

50、 documentary A Bite of China. _. It has attracted lots of TV audiences.A. Enjoy yourselfB. Many thanks C. Pretty goodD. Its hard to say,解析:根据答语的第二句可知,纪录片舌尖上的中国吸引了很多观众,说明答话人对这个节目很满意,用了一些赞美之词。,答案:C。,考点二十六 爱好1. 询问对方的爱好的常用语What are your hobbies?What do you often do in your free / spare time? What is you


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