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2、的圣殿。11、大小二乘的区别,你能阐述吗?12、那一刻真让人激动而兴奋。13、戒律真那么要紧吗?14、一个人影子无法铺满大地,但有些声音,可以传的很远。15、贫僧既已西来,即便死于途中绝不后悔。16、经律论,三藏已通。17、那烂陀,我来了。18、我是在梦中去西天取经,还是在取经的路上,走进了虚幻的世界。1,RevisionUnit1Unit2,Unit1 This is my day.,单词与词组,do morning exercises,have English class,eat breakfast,get up,play sports,进行体育活动;做运动,上英语课,吃早饭,晨练,起床,

3、去购物,弹钢琴,爬山,吃晚饭,去远足,eat dinner,climb mountains,go shopping,play the piano,go hiking,when evening at,什么时候 夜晚,晚上 在.点钟,通常,一般 中午,正午 周末,usually noon weekend,总是 经常 有时候,always often sometimes,知识点复习,in, on, at的时间用法at;at后常接几点几分如:I usually get at 6:00in;后常接年,月,上午,下午,晚上,白天,季节等 : I can swim in summer.On:后常接某日,星期

4、几,某日或节日等 :My father plays sports on Sunday.,MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday,weekend,on,What do you do on the weekend?,on the weekend,Lily likes fruit. I like fruit, too. 莉莉喜欢水果,我也是。 Lily doesnt like fruit. I dont like fruit, either. 莉莉不喜欢水果,我也不喜欢。,I cant go hiking, either.我也不能去远足了

5、。,either和too都可以当也讲,either用在否定句中, too用在肯定句中.,live in +地方:居住在某地。 live with +人:与某人一起居住live on+楼层:住在几楼,I live in Shaoguan with my parents.我和父母住在韶关。,I live on the second floor .我 住在二楼。,Thank you for telling me about your day.谢谢你告诉我有关你的一天。,Thank you for+名词:感谢某事物: Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助Thank you fo

6、r+动词ing:感谢做某事:Thank you for helping me about my English.,英语中表示时间的表示法:,1.数字+数字 7:30 a.m.8:45a.m.9:15a.m. 10: 20 a.m.8:10 p.m.9:50 p.m.,读seven thirty,读eight forty-five,读nine fifteen,读ten twenty,读eight ten,读nine fifty,顺读法,a quarterqw:t 四分之一a quarter=15 minutes),halfha:f半,这里指30分钟,倒读法,1.分钟past 小时 条件:分钟30

7、分钟5:20 twenty pass five7:15 a quarter past seven2.(60- 分钟) to(小时+1) 条件: 分钟30分钟,9:15am = a quarter past nine10: 20 a.m. = twenty past ten8:10 p.m. =ten past eight9:50 p.m. = ten to ten,When do you do morning exercises?,At 6:00.,What do you do on the weekend?,I usually play football.,1.When do you get

8、 up ? (6:30) 2.What do you do ? (学生)3.What does your father do ?(教师)4.What do you do on the weekend ?(去远足),1.I usually get up at 6:30.2.I am a student.3.He is a teacher.4.I often go hiking on the weekend.,1.do, you, morning, do, when, exercises( ?)_2.I, usually, 8:00, play, piano, at, the (.)_3.I, s

9、ometimes, my, grandparents, visit (.)_4.the, I, evening, watch, often, in, TV (.)_5.what, do, on, do, you, weekend, the ( ?)_,1.do, you, morning, do, when, exercises( ?) When do you do morning exercises?2.I, usually, 8:00, play, piano, at, the (.) I usually play the piano at the 8:00.3.I, sometimes,

10、 my, grandparents, visit (.) Sometimes I visit my grandparents.4.the, I, evening, watch, often, in, TV (.) I often watch TV in the evening.5.what, do, on, do, you, weekend, the ( ?) What do you do on the weekend.,My day Im Amy, Im a teacher, Im 35. I get up at 6:00 .I usually go to work at 7:oo . I

11、eat lunch at noon,.I often play tennis(网球) at 3:00. Then I dance at 4:00. On the weekend ,I often go hiking. I like the nature park. I enjoy my day.,Question: When do I dance?,homework:1.作文一篇.My day,请你把你的一天活动写下来: My day,Unit2 Four Seasons,1.Whats your favourite season?2.Which season do you like best

12、?My favourite season is=I like best.3.Why do you like?,spring,summer,fall,winter,有奖问答,A,B,C,D,Listen and answer,spring,warm,windy,plant trees,fly kites,What about summer?,hot,sunny,swim,eat ice-cream,Please tell me about falland winter.,Listen and finish the dialogue,Tiger: Whats your season, Mr Dog

13、?Dog: .Tiger: Why do you like ?Dog: Because I can eat ice-cream and in the . is the season.,favourite,Summer,summer,swim,lake,Summer,best,Report小组选择一个季节进行归类,并进行一个简短的汇报。,spring,warm, windy,fly kites,Report: is a _ season. We can _ in _ .,Spring,green,fly kites,spring,知识点,Be from=come from,be from=com

14、e fromShe is from Shaoguan.=She comes from Shaoguan.,wear穿着,put on 穿上,like to do=like doing 喜欢做某事He likes to swim.=He likes swimming.,but 但是,表示转折,and 和,表示并列,sound听起来,主语三单时,动词加s。It sounds good.,good to know本意是很高兴知道;幸好知道。在这里是:了解文化背景,.every每个,后面接单数名词,如every year/ month/ day.动词用单数,如:Every year has 12mon

15、ths.,be busy with doing sth.忙于做某事,如:He is busy with picking apples.,1.enjoy享受,enjoy sth=like sth .如:He enjoys ice-cream. =He likes ice cream. enjoy doing sth. = like doing sth.如He enjoys playing sports. =He likes playing sports.,eat a lot吃很多,a lot许多,放在动词的后面。如:learn a lot, do a lot。,come after跟在后面,反义词是come before跟在前面(come是动词有三单形式)。become变得;成为,后面可以接名词。如:become a teacher;也可以接形容词,如:become hot变热。play with snow玩雪,play with water玩水,但玩游戏play games不用with,,作文,根据所学的知识,写一篇关于自己最喜爱的季节的短文,不少于7句话。 My favourite season,总结,四季的天气特征和活动,


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