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1、calculate vt. work (sth.) out by using numbers 计算,e.g. calculate the cost of sth.,calculator n. 计算器,Language points,2. universal adj. existing everywhere or involving everyone普遍的;通用的;宇宙的 universal rules 一般的原则universe n. 宇宙; 万有; 世界; 全人类Our world is but a small part of theuniverse. 我们的世界只是宇宙的一小部分。,3.

2、simplify vt to make something less complicated and therefore easier to do or understand 简化 The English in this story has been simplified to make it easier to understand.,这个故事里的英语被简写了,可更 容易理解。,4. logical adj. 合逻辑的;合清理的 a logical thinker 思想有逻辑性的人 a logical process 合理的程序 logically adv. 逻辑上; 有条理地He acte

3、d logically under the circumstances.在这种情况下他做事仍然很理智。 Logically, the decision is obvious. 从逻辑上,这项决定是明显的。,5. artificial adj. 人造的; 假的 artificial flowers / limbs / pearls 假花 / 假肢 / 假珍珠 artificial intelligence 人工智能,6. intelligence noun U the ability to learn, understandand make judgments or have opinionst

4、hat are based on reason. 智力;聪明intelligence quotient 智商an intelligence test 智力测验an intelligence agent 情报员; 谍报员,intelligent adj. 智能的;聪明的an intelligent reader 理解力强的读者an intelligent being 有智力的动物intelligent reply 巧妙的答复He is an intelligent person.他是一位有才智的人。,7. solvevt. 解决;解答1) I cant solve the problem. 我解

5、答不了这个难题。 2) Help me to solve my financial troubles.请帮我解决经济困难. 3) The greatest scholar cannot solve this difficult problem. 再伟大的学者也没有办法解答这个难题吧。,8. fromon 从时起From then on, the prince andprincess lived happily.从那时起,王子与公主就幸福地生活在一起。,9. as a result 结果1) He didnt work hard, as a result he failed his exam.

6、他不用功, 结果考试不及格。 2) Five hundred jobs were axed as a result of government spending cuts. 由于政府缩减经费的缘故, 有五百人被突然解雇了。 3) He was late as a result of the snow. 由于大雪他迟到了。,10. so that 如此以致于与 tooto 句型的相互转换,e.g. He is so old that he cant carry the box. He is too old to carry the box.,此结构中的that从句表示结果。 The stone

7、is so heavy that no one can lift it. 比较: so that 既能表结果,也能表目的。,so.that.结构的so+形容词/副词位于句 首时,句子用倒装结构。 So hard does he work that he seldom goes home.,11. explore vt. & vi. 探索;探测;探究1) The experts are exploring every part of the island. 专家们正在勘查这个岛的各个部分。 2) He had an itch to get away and explore. 他等不及要动身去探险

8、。 3) Can you explore the market possibility for us? 您能为我们考察一下市场前景吗?,12. anyhowadv. 无论如何;即使如此;至少1) I couldnt think of the name of that man anyhow. 我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。 2) Anyhow, you can try. 至少你可以试试。 3) Anyhow I must tell the truth. 无论如何,我必须说出真相。,13. goal n. 目标;目的;球门 ones goal in life 生活的目标 a common goal

9、 一个共同的目标 keep goal 守球门 win by two goals 以两球获胜 He achieved his goal. 他达到了他的目标。 He kicked a goal. 他踢进一球。,14. human race 人类1) Is the human race threatened with complete extinction? 人类是否会受到完全灭绝的威胁呢? 2) Everything you say seems to be pervaded with a mistrust of the human race. 你说的一切似乎都渗透了对人类的不信任。,15. sig

10、nalvi. & vt. 发信号 n. 信号1) A red lamp is often a danger signal. 红灯常常是危险的信号。 2) The police signaled the traffic to move forward slowly. 警察向来往车辆打信号,示意缓慢前行。,3) Her speech yesterday was a signal that her views have changed. 她昨天的讲话标志着她的观点已经转变。4) He seems to be signaling. 他似乎正在发送信号。,16. type 1) n. 类型 This i

11、s a new type of machine, with lots of meters on it. 这是一种新型的机器, 上面有许多仪表。 I dont think shes the artistic type. 我认为她不属艺术家那类的人。,2) vt. & vi. 打字Will you please type this letter for me? 你帮我打一下这封信好吗?,17. in a way 在某种程度上1) In a way, youre right. 从某一点上看你是对的。2) You should dress in a way that befits a woman of

12、 your position. 你的衣着应与你这种地位的妇女相称。,3) The work is well done in a way. 这工作就算做得不错。4) The scheme rebounded on her in a way she had not expected. 她未曾想到这计谋反倒使她自食其果。,way 常见短语,18. arise (arose, arisen) vi. 出现;发生1) An opportunity has arisen. 机会来了。2) A new difficulty has arisen. 出现了新困难。3) The problem may not

13、arise, but theres no harm in keeping our powder dry. 问题不一定会发生, 但有备无患并无害处。,19. with the help of 在的帮助下 With the help of the teacher, I have made rapid progress in my English study.在老师的帮助下, 我的英语进步很快。,20. electronic adj. 电子的1) This dictionary is available in electronic version. 这部词典有电子版。 2) I like to re

14、ad books on electronic music. 我喜欢读一些关于电子音乐的书。 3) The firm is Britains main producer of electronic equipment. 该公司为英国主要的电子设备制造厂家。,21. deal with 处理;安排;对付1) I have a matter of importance to deal with. 我有要事要处理。2) I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation. 我想我们应该制订出一项行动计划,用来对付这种情况。,22. watch over 看守; 监视They were watched over by three policemen.,watch out (for) 当心; 注意watch for sb./sth. 观察等待keep a watch on 监视under the close watch 在严密的监视下,


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