人教版高二英语必修五非谓语动词在写作中的应用 ppt课件.ppt

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1、The beauty of writing,“Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an _man.” -Francis Bacon,exact,阅读使人充实,交谈使人机智,写作使人精确。 -培根,阅卷老师喜欢的句子,、同位语结构、with复合结构,使文章简洁、通顺;尽量使用动词短语和词组、定语从句等复合句,修辞润色文章。,使用分词短语(非谓语动词),Non- finite Verbs in writing非谓语动词在写作中的应用,非谓语动词是指在句子中不是谓语的动词,主要包括不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和

2、过去分词),即动词的非谓语形式。非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句子的其他成分,非谓语动词也是动词的一种,他们有着动词的其他特点,可以充当主语、宾语、状语等。非谓语动词与谓语动词是相对的概念,1. Seeing from the top of mountain, the city is beautiful . 2. In my opinion, climb mountain is an enjoyable thing. 3. Which team is good at cooking? A team called itself the supper cook.,Correction,写

3、作中非谓语动词常见的错误,Seen,climbing,calling,1. When she heard the news, she burst into crying._ the news, she burst into crying.2. Australia is located on the west coast of the Pacific. Australia is the largest country in Oceania.Australia, _ _ the west coast of the Pacific, is the largest country in Oceania

4、.,用非谓语结构改写句子,Hearing,located on,3. Though I admit what he has said, I still doubt he didnt do his best. _ _ _ _ _, I still doubt he didnt do his best.4. Because I missed the bus, I went to school late. _ _ _, I went to school late.,Admitting what he has,said,Missing the bus,5.When I was walking in t

5、he street , I saw him. _ in the street , I saw him. 6.If you work hard,_hard , you will succeed.,Walking,Working,7.Although he had failed many times , he didnt lose heart. _many times , he didnt lose heart.8.As she was scolded by the teacher, the girl sat there without lifting her head._ ,the girl s

6、at there without lifting her head.,Having failed,Scolded by the teacher,例文: Getting back what you have lost would be an unforgettable experience. Last Monday, I lost my expensive cellphone, on which my name was inscribed(刻). Fortunately, it was returned. That morning, I rushed out of my house and ju

7、mped into a taxi, for I would be late for the final examination. On arriving at school, I headed to my classroom quickly, not noticing that I had left my cellphone on the back seat.,Enjoy one essay,play music,make,happy,Playing music makes them happy.,make a sentence using nonfinite verbs,_ by the r

8、eporter from CCTV,the man said he was very happy. (interview),Interviewed,Finish the sentence using nonfinite verbs,e.g. Having finished my homework, I went on to help my parents.,listen to / burst out laughing,Having listened to the song called “Gangnam style”, we burst out laughing.,Follow the exa

9、mple and make a sentence.,3. Moyan stood there and was surrounded by many reporters. Moyan stood there surrounded by many reporters.,用非谓语结构改写和美化句子,Combine the following sentences,1. As soon as they arrived at the school. They felt the happy atmosphere.,Arriving at the school, they felt the happy atm

10、osphere.,2. If I am given another chance. I will succeed.,Given another chance, I will succeed.,3. He wants to improve his English(目的). He studies harder.,To improve his English, he studies harder.,4.When he left the classroom, he didnt say goodbye to me.5. Because he is ill, he cant attend the meet

11、ing.,When leaving the classroom, he didnt say goodbye to me.,Being ill, he cant attend the meeting.,Being+n./adj.作原因状语,6.The policeman saw the thief who was stealing a bike.7. The boys who swam in the river were in danger.,The policeman saw the thief stealing a bike.,The boys swimming in the river w

12、ere in danger,8.Because he hadnt seen the film before, he went to the cinema.,Not having seen the film before, he went to the cinema.,用非谓语结构改写和美化句子,1.因为在这国家没有朋友,她觉得要想找到工作是不可能的。用连词becauseBecause she has no friend in the country, she found it impossible to find a job.用非谓语结构Having no friend in the coun

13、try, she found it impossible to find a job.,2.这本用简易英语写成的书很容易读懂用定语从句 The book, is easy to understand.用非谓语结构 The book , is easy to understand,用非谓语结构改写和美化句子,which was written in simple English,written in simple English,3. 他们是来自于几个国家的游客。用定语从句 They are visitors who come from several countries.用非谓语结构They

14、are visitors coming from several countries.,用非谓语结构改写和美化句子,4.发现他好朋友沮丧,他竭尽所能让他朋友开心。用并列句He found his best friend frustrated and he did everything he could to make him happy.用非谓语结构Finding his best friend frustrated, he did everything he could to make him happy.,用非谓语结构改写和美化句子, It is high time we took par

15、t in some activities. We want to make ourselves more healthy.,It is high time we took part in some activities to make ourselves more healthy.,4. 用非谓语结构合并下列句子,用非谓语结构改写和美化句子,Nowadays, some students often cheat in exams .It is popular among students who are lazy and dont work hard at their lessons. The

16、y cheat for they want to get higher marks so that they can be praised or even admired. Also, some students who work hard at their lessons will cheat in exams because they are afraid of failing in exams.,用非谓语结构美化文章,Nowadays, some students often cheat in exams .It is popular among students who are laz

17、y and dont work hard at their lessons.,Nowadays, cheating in exams is popular among students who are lazy and dont work hard at their lessons.,用非谓语结构美化文章,They cheat for they want to get higher marks so that they can be praised or even admired.,They cheat to get higher marks so that they can be prais

18、ed or even admired.,用非谓语结构美化文章,Also, some students who work hard at their lessons will cheat in exams because they are afraid of failing in exams.,Being afraid of failing in exams, some students who work hard at their lessons will also cheat in exams.,用非谓语结构美化文章,Nowadays, cheating in exams is popula

19、r among students who are lazy and dont work hard at their lessons. They cheat to get higher marks so that they can be praised or even admired. Being afraid of failing in exams, some students who work hard at their lessons will also cheat in exams.,用非谓语结构美化后的文章,要求:1. 用2- 3句话表达表格内容 2. 2- 3句话要有连贯性,nece

20、ssary,an effective way to improve our learning in the class.,the basis for our further study and work.,高考临近,保持良好的心态有助于减轻焦虑,还能增强克服困难的勇气 。,Having a try,翻译: 高考临近,保持良好的心态有助于减轻焦虑,还能增强克服困难的勇气 。,高考临近。 (National College Entrance Examination) 保持良好的心态很重要。 (have a right attitude)它有助于减轻焦虑(relax)和勇敢地克服困难。,Step2:

21、分别翻译这几个简单句,National College Entrance Examination is coming., It is important to have a right attitude., It helps us to relax and overcome difficulties bravely.,Having a try,Step1:拆分成几个简单句(中文),Step3:合并句子,With National College Entrance Examination coming, it is important to have a right attitude to re

22、lax and overcome difficulties bravely., National College Entrance Examination is coming., It is important to have a right attitude., It helps us to relax and overcome difficulties bravely.,Sentence1:,Having a try,Step3:合并句子,With College Entrance Examination coming, it is important to have a right at

23、titude which helps us to relax and overcome difficulties bravely.,College Entrance Examination is coming., It is important to have a right attitude., It helps us to relax and overcome difficulties bravely.,Sentence2:,Tip: Try to use differentways to express.,Having a try,要求:1. 用2- 3句话表达表格内容 2. 2- 3句

24、话要有连贯性(2019高考模拟),Having a try,necessary,an effective way to improve our learning in the class.,the basis for our further study and work.,Having a try,It is necessary to have enough sleep .Having enough sleep is necessary.,It will be an effective way to improve our learning in the class.,Keeping heal

25、thy is the basis for our further study and work.,To Keep healthy is the basis for our further study and work.,Passage: Having enough sleep is necessary, because it will be an effective way to improve our learning in the class. Moreover, to keep healthy is the basis for our further study and work.,Ti

26、p: Never ignore the conjunction.,Having a try,With College Entrance Examination coming, it is important to have a right attitude which helps us to relax and overcome difficulties bravely. Having enough sleep is necessary, because it will be an effective way to improve our learning in the class. More

27、over, to keep healthy is the basis for our further study and work. Besides, doing exercise regularly is of great benefit to our health. Last but not least, it is very important to keep a balanced diet.,二. 使用非谓语动词使句子简洁高档,三. 巧用倒装增强句子表现力,四. 尝试多 样化表达方式,一.使用较高级词汇使文章增加吸引力,强调句,With短语复合结构,定语从句,名词性从句(主宾表同从句)

28、,各种状语从句,被动语态,A beggar,1. beggar, lie, sleep2. Mr. Li, hurry, pay no attention to3. stick out,trip over(绊倒) , angry4.take out, note 5. blow, jump, run after6. surprised, stood ,mouth open,1. 一天,一个乞丐躺在路边睡觉。李先生匆忙赶路回家,没有注意到那个乞丐。2. 这个乞丐突然伸出拐杖,差点把李先生绊倒了,这使得李先生很生气。3. 意识到他是个残疾人,李先生想给他一些钱。4.于是他拿出了一张百元钞票,突然一阵

29、风把钞票吹到了空中。5. 看到被风吹到空中的百元钞票,乞丐迅速跳起来去追那张钞票,使李先生非常惊讶。,实战演练:用五个句子写出下列信息点,注意非谓语和复合句的运用。,1. 一天,一个乞丐躺在路边睡觉。李先生匆忙赶路回家,没有注意到那个乞丐。,One day, hurrying home, Mr. Li paid no attention to the beggar who lay on the ground, sleeping.,2. 这个乞丐突然伸出拐杖,差点把李先生绊倒了,这使得李先生很生气。,Suddenly, the beggar stuck out his stick, almost

30、 tripping Mr. Li over, which made him very angry.,3. 意识到他是个残疾人,李先生想给他一些钱。,Realizing the beggar was a disabled person, Mr. Li began to search for some money in his pocket to give him.,4.于是他拿出了一张百元钞票,突然一阵风把钞票吹到了空中。,He took out a 100-yuan note, which was suddenly blown into the air by the wind.,5. 看到被风

31、吹到空中的百元钞票,乞丐迅速跳起来去追那张钞票,使李先生非常惊讶。,Seeing this, the beggar jumped quickly to run after the note, making Mr. Li so surprised that he stood there with his mouth open.,A beggar One day, hurrying home, Mr. Li paid no attention to the beggar who lay on the ground, sleeping. Suddenly, the beggar stuck out

32、his stick, almost tripping Mr. Li over, which made him very angry. Realizing the beggar was a disabled person, Mr. Li began to search for some money in his pocket to give him. He took out a 100-yuan note, which was suddenly blown into the air by the wind. Seeing this, the beggar jumped quickly to ru

33、n after the note, making Mr. Li so surprised that he stood there with his mouth open.,基础写作:,用英语写一篇关于四川地震的简介: 写作内容: 2019年5月12日,一场特大地震袭击了四川省,造成了成千上万人无家可归。大量的人员受伤,甚至丧命。为了营救那些受困和被埋的人,政府及时采取有效的措施,派遣士兵到受灾地区。听到这个噩耗后,全世界的人们都伸出了援助之手。 尽管他们失去了一切,但他们正全力以赴,克服重重困难,重建家园。参考词汇: 袭击:hit/strike 受灾地区: the earthquake-stricken area,Exchange and discuss your partners composition, following the criteria.,Pair work,


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