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1、Unit 2 Last weekend,第一讲:单词及过去时,What did you do last weekend?,do did,What do you do on the weekend?,过去时标志词汇,yesterday last week last weekendlast Monday the day before yesterdaylast night last Friday this morning,every weekend,last weekend,play football,played football,watch TV,watched TV,clean the ro

2、om,cleaned the room,wash clothes,washed clothes,visit grandparents,visited grandparents,I watched TV last weekend.,/t/,watched TV,Guessing game:,I washed clothes last Saturday.,/t/,washed clothes,I cleaned the room last Sunday.,/d/,cleaned the room,I played football last weekend.,/d/,played football

3、,He,visited grandparents last weekend.,/id/,visited grandparents,They,I,read a book,She read a book last Monday.,/red/,saw a film,They saw a film last night.,/s,规则动词过去时变化规律,规则动词的过去式,watch,watched,wash,washed,clean,cleaned,play,played,visit,visited,jump,jumped,listen,listened,help,helped,want,wanted,

4、1、在浊辅音和元音后读d: cleaned played 2、在清辅音后读t: washed watched3、在 t 、d音后读id: visited needed,How to read,1. Chen Jie _ the room last weekend. 2. Wu Yifan _ TV last weekend. 3. Sarah _ homework last weekend. 4. John _ clothes last weekend. 5. I _ my grandparents every weekend. 6. Zhang Peng _ football last we

5、ekend.,cleaned,watched,did,washed,visit,played,Exercise!,A 规则动词的过去式,1、动词+ed watched washed cleaned played visited2、词尾是e的动词+d likeliked, livelived,B 不规则动词的过去式,sumary,did,do,1. Can read and write the words and phrases of black ones. 2. Understand the rules of the past tenses words, and know their tran

6、sformations.,Homework,第二讲:句子和文章,I did my homework.,What did you do last weekend?,She read a book.,What did the woman do yesterday?,What did you do last weekend?,I watched TV.,I washed clothes,What did you do?,What did you do?,I cleaned my room.,Did you see a film yesterday?,No, I had a cold.,Lets re

7、ad,went to a park,went swimming,went fishing,went hiking,read a book,watched TV,washed the clothes,played football,cleaned the room,visited grandparents,cooked dinner,Mike: Grandpa. How are you? How was your weekend?Grandpa: Im fine, Mike. It was good. Thank you.Mike: What did you do?Grandpa: Well,

8、I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV, Mike: I watched TV, too. I watched some childrens shows on TV.Grandpa: Thats nice. Did you do anything else?Mike: Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. Grandpa: You are a good boy!,Lets talk,1. How was Wu yifan

9、s grandpas weekend? It was good. 2. What did grandpa do last weekend? Stayed at home with Grandma, drank tea, watched TV3. What did Wu yifan do? Watched TV, cleaned his room and washed his clothes.4. Circle the past time words or phrases. (圈出表示过去时态得单词或词组),Read and answer,How was your weekend?,It was

10、 good, thank you.It was fine, thanks.I wasnt very good. It was great. / It was OK. wasnt = was not,be动词: am, is, are am wasis was are were,Grammer,John: Hey, Amy. Lets go to the bookstore. I want to buy the new film magazine.Amy: Oh, I read it last night. John: Was it interesting?Amy: Yes, it talked

11、 about a lot of new films. What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film? John: No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.Amy: Oh, Im sorry. Im happy you feel better now.John: Thanks. Lets go by bus. Its faster than walking.,Lets talk,1. What does the new film magazine talk about?

12、It talked about a lot of new films.2. Did John see a film last weekend ? No, because he had a cold. 3. What did John do last weekend? He stayed at home all weekend and slept. 4.How do Amy and John go to the bookstore? They go by bus.,Read and answer,Explanations,1. want to 想要。 后加动词原型。 eg: I want to

13、buy a postcard. I want to have some bread. 2. talk about 谈论。 It talks about the space travel. 3. a lot of=lots of 很多。后面可接不可数名词或可数名词复数。 Eg: I have a lot of comic books. He has lots of money.,CommentsDear sir:Our weekend at your hotel was bad. Our room was big but everything was very old. Our friend R

14、obin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.My mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small. My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen, but they were cold and tasted bad.I wanted to watch TV but the TV didnt work. The people in Room301 listened loud music. I didnt sleep all nig

15、ht.Im sorry, but we didnt enjoyed our stay very much. Wu yifan and family,Read and write,1. Can recite two articles in this unit. 2. Make sentences with the phrases above.3. to be very familiar to the important sentences in this unit.,Homework,单元练习,一、Read and choose.(读一读,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。)(5分)( )1.A.st

16、ayed B. danced C. eating( )2.A.yesterdayB. last Sunday C. Saturday( )3.A. bigger B. madeC. cleaned( )4.A. was B. am C. are( )5.A.went B.got C. lives,二、Read and write.(读一读,写出下列单词的正确形式。)(10分)1.well(比较级) 2.swim(现在进行式 3.stay(过去式) 4.cry(过去式) 5.watch(第三人称单数) 6.live(过去式) 7.have(过去式 8.sleep(过去式) 9.read(过去式)

17、 10.drank(原形),三、Choose the best answer. (选择正确答案,把序号填在括号内。)(10分)( ) 1. Did you clean your room? _. A. Yes, I did. B. No, I dont.C. No, I did.( ) 2.What did Lisa do yesterday? She_ to music. A. listens B. listen C. listened( ) 3. Did John_ _ a cold yesterday? A. has B. had C. have( ) 4. Lisa usually h

18、er homework after super. A. does B.do C. did( ) 5. he football last weekend? A. Did, played B. Did, playC. Did, plays( )6. What did John do yesterday morning? A. He went boating. B. She made the bed. C. He sleep all day.,( )7. I went to the park_. A. tomorrow B. last weekend C. everyday( ) 8.My mom

19、busy yesterday. A. was B. is C. are( ) 9.Sarah funny stories last night. A. readingB. readedC. read( ) 10.What Linda do the day before yesterday ?She visited grandparents with her parents. A. does B. didC. is,四、Rearrange the words.(连词成句。)(10分)1.yesterday , you , what ,do , did ? _2.all , I , home , weekend , stayed , at . _3.now , happy , Im , you , feel , better . _4.have , did , a , he , cold , yesterday ? _5.TV , she , either , didnt ,work . _,


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