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1、submit的用法总结大全 想知道submit的用法吗?今天给大家带来了submit的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。submit的用法总结大全submit的意思vi. 顺从,服从,甘受,忍受vt. 使服从,使顺从,提交,呈送,法主张,建议变形:过去式: submitted; 现在分词:submitting; 过去分词:submitted;submit用法submit可以用作动词submit的基本意思是“服从”,指顺从某人的意愿或权威,使自身无法反抗或失去了反抗的念头,强调在抵抗了另一人的意志后确认反抗不会奏效而绝对的服从。submit还可表示“提出”“认为”,作“认

2、为”解时是法律术语。submit可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或that从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。submit用作动词的用法例句We will submit ourselves to the courts judgement.我们服从法庭的判决。We have to submit ourselves to discipline.我们必须遵守纪律。He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.他将城市发展建议提交市议会。submit用作动词的用法例句They refus

3、ed to submit to the unjust decision.他们拒绝服从这个不公正的决定。He submitted unwillingly to his mother.他不情愿地屈服于他母亲。submit用法例句1、I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting.我已请每个人在会议之前提交问题。2、The students must submit themselves to the disciplines at school.学生在学校必须遵守纪律.3、He was losing the figh

4、t but he would not submit.他战败了,但不屈服.submit的用法和例句submit的用法大全:study的用法1:study的基本意思是“学习”“研究”“攻读”“仔细察看”,指通过读书和思索倾注精神而获得知识或比较深入系统地学习或周密地研究。强调注意的连续性和细致性。study的用法2:study可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或带疑问词的动词不定式或从句作宾语,有时还可接“反身代词+形容词”构成的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。study的用法3:study的基本意思是“学习”,表示抽象的行为,用作不可数名词; 表示具体的“学业”时,通常用

5、复数形式; 表示对某一课题的“研究”,一般在其前加冠词并跟介词of连用, of后接研究的内容或对象,用作可数名词; 作“书房”解时,用作可数名词。study的用法4:study也可表示绘画的“习作”“练习曲”,用作可数名词。study的用法5:study还可表示“引人注意的或不同寻常的事物或景象”,常跟不定冠词a连用。submit的常用短语:用作动词 (v.)submit to (v.+prep.)顺从,听命于,使受到 make (oneself) obey (sb or sth); suffer sthsubmit to sb/sth/v-ingThey didnt submit to th

6、e enemy.他们没有向敌人屈服。The people had to submit to the new rulers when they lost the war.战败的人们不得不听命于新的统治者。No country would submit to being controlled by another country.没有任何一个国家甘受别国的控制。submit的用法例句:1. I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting.我已请每个人在会议之前提交问题。2. The students must s

7、ubmit themselves to the disciplines at school.学生在学校必须遵守纪律.3. He was losing the fight but he would not submit.他战败了,但不屈服.4. Never submit to a threat.永远不要屈服于威胁.5. I will not submit to such treatment.我不甘心忍受这样的待遇.6. The minority should submit to the majority.少数应服从多数.7. Joe refuses to submit.乔决不屈服.8. I su

8、bmit that this should be allowed.我想这是可以允许的.9. I submit to your superior judgement.我接受你的明智的判断.10. Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation.学生们遵照这一评语修改了他们的论文,并交上去进行最后的评审。11. Candidates in India are advised to submit their applications through the over

9、seas student office in London.印度的申请人被告知通过驻伦敦的海外学生办公室递交申请表。12. Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work.建筑商们将会收到说明书,并被邀请参与该项目投标。13. They are inviting talented, but unheralded film-makers to submit examples of their work.他们邀请有才气却尚未幸遇伯乐的电影制作人提交作品样本。14. The commission has invited interested parties to submit comments, and these are now pouring in.委员会已邀请各当事方递交意见,现在意见书纷至沓来。15. He estimate his income tax bill by extrapolation from figures submit in previous year.他从前几年的报税数字推算出自己应缴的所得税数额.submit的用法总结大全


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