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1、The Catcher in the Rye,麦田里的守望者,The Catcher in the Rye is a novel by J. D. Salinger in 1951.It has been listed as one of the best novels of the 20th century.麦田里的守望者是美国作家塞林格唯一的一部长篇小说,该书迄今全球发行量超过6000万册,是公认的美国现代文学经典。,Jerome David Salinger,Jerome David Salinger (杰罗姆大卫塞格林) born wealthy Judean trader famil

2、y and grew up in the fashionable apartment district of Manhattan, New York on January 1,1919.(纽约曼哈顿) After studies in prep schools, he was sent to Valley Forge Military Academy (1934-36)(瓦拉弗格军事学院),About the author,He served in the U.S. Army in World War II and participated in the invasion of Normand

3、y on D-Day, 1944.After gaining international fame with this novel, Salinger spent the rest of his life avoiding publicity.Salinger died at his home in New Hampshire on January 27, 2010.,我是谁?写书就是写自己,1953年,塞林格亲口对来访的高中生说,在一定程度上,麦田里的守望者就是自己的自传:“我的少年时代和书中的那个少年非常相似我把这些经历一股脑儿说了出来,心里就像是卸下了一个大包袱。” 1999年,塞林格曾


5、样做是为塞林格的 作品打广告。1981年,欣克利刺杀里根总统前,特意把一本麦田里的守望 者留在旅馆的房间里。,Characters,Holden Caulfield(霍尔顿考尔菲尔德)narrator and protagonist(主角),a seventeen year-old high school junior flunked out of prep school several times rebellious decadent but kindPhoebe (菲比,Holden的妹妹)clever and naiveHolden deeply love and respect Sa

6、lly Hayes(萨莉,Holden的女友)attractive girl but he doesnt respectHolden dated her for a long time.Mr. Antolini(安东里尼先生 H的老师)Holdens best respected teacherbelieves hes a guardian of moralitySunny (珊妮)The young prostitute that Maurice sends to Holden room.she seems very young, businesslike and hardened.,Plo

7、t Summary,It is a story about a rebellious teenage schoolboy from rich family and his quixotic(唐吉坷德式的) experiences in New York, taking place in December 1949.Holden Caulfield expelled from the school Pencey Prep (预科学校)for fout times for his poor academic performance。He criticizes people for superfic

8、ial, he would say, “phony.” His brother died, hes sad. He packs up and leaves the school in the middle of the night after a physical altercation with his roommate. He takes a train to New York and dare not to return to his family and checks into the perverted(使堕落) Edmont Hotel .,Plot Summary,*Holden

9、 spent three days in the city, he trying to join club ,drink, smoke,take drugs and acquaint other girls.*When back to hotel,elevator operator offers to send him a prostitute for five dollars.Holden, depressed and flustered, accepts.*Sally came to seduce him but fail,soon Holden left her 5 dollar and

10、 ask her to go,but Maurice and sally back beated him and took 10 dollar away.*But he isnt decadent in natural, he feels sympathy to the ducks in winter, he donates money to the nuns.He so missed his sister Phoebe and died brother Alie,Plot Summary,*Once he ends up at a museum, where he contrasts his

11、 life with the statues of Eskimos on display. For as long as he can remember, the statues have been unchanging. These concerns may have stemmed largely from the death of his brother, Allie.*Hes sad and drunk called Sally but she show indifference to him,he hanging out alone in frozen park. He though

12、t he may die of disease. Eventually, he sneaks into his parents apartment while they are away, to visit his younger sister, Phoebe, who is nearly the only person he can communicate with. Since he Phoebe views Holden as a hero, and she is naively unaware that Holdens view of her is virtually identica

13、l.,Plot Summary,*Holden makes the decision that he will head out west, he mentions these plans to his little sister, He is about to go, he found phoebe came and decided to go with him. *Holden declines her offer and refuses to have her accompany him. This upsets Phoebe, so Holden does her a favor an

14、d decides not to leave after all.Holden tries to reverse her saddened mood by taking her to the Central Park Zoo. He realizes his mistakes as she rides the carousel(旋转木马) that lies within the zoo. While watching Phoebe, Holden realizes that he cant be the “Catcher in the Rye and that he is in need o

15、f help.,Plot Summary,Holden decides not to mention much about the present day, finding it inconsequential. He alludes to getting sick and living in a mental hospital, and mentions that hell be attending another school in September.The last words of the novel are, Dont ever tell anybody anything. If

16、you do, you start missing everybody.,Why does Holden show this character?,The first reason is the historical backgroud .二战后,西方非理性主义思潮广泛传入美国,非理性主义是精神危机的哲学,它把人作为研究的主体和主要内容,高扬主题性,在某种意义上体现了现代人的意义和精神,具有积极的意义。麦田里的守望者创作于1951年,正是“垮掉的一代”运动兴起时,是社会转型期和非理性主义哲学在文学中的反映。二战后,美国人民的不安、苦闷、孤独及对传统的叛逆等情绪在此作品中有着鲜明的反映。美国在二

17、战中发了横财,物质生活水平显著提高,金钱成为了社会生活的中心,传统文化、道德标准以及价值观念都在趋于瓦解,功利主义取代了人们对理想的追求。安逸和富裕把年轻人的注意力引到了现代世界的玩乐之上,社会中人与人之间也变得虚伪和冷漠无情。,The influence of the adult false and cold world,身处彷徨时期的霍尔顿作为一个少年,他渴望成长,在虚伪冷酷的成人世界里受到了一定的影响。 主人公霍尔顿看不惯成人世界那套“假模假式”的玷污学校里,学生们整天只谈论“女人、酒和性”,校长“像娼妇一样巴结人”,他尊敬的两位老师也迂腐无能,且有一个还是同性恋者。旅馆里有变态者,没有

18、头脑的姑娘们,皮条客、妓女,看到他们更感到了社会的腐败,冷酷虚伪。面对如此虚伪冷酷的成人世界,他不得不选择以堕落的外表来隐藏自己,即伪装的“堕落”来表达对这个充满欺骗的社会的厌恶。由此,它形成了反叛、妥协的性格。,麦田里的守望者中主人公霍尔顿正处于从童年到成人过渡的关键青春期。然而现实中的儿童世界并不是霍尔顿想象中的那么纯洁美好,环境也让其窒息。面对如此冷漠的世界,霍尔顿内心充满了孤独,极其渴望纯真的童心和心灵的慰藉。因此形成了他软弱,趋近于逃避的性格。,The influence of pure childhood.,书的书名来自于霍尔顿同他妹妹菲比的对话: 我将来要当一名麦田里的守望者。有



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