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1、swell的用法总结大全 想知道swell的用法吗?今天给大家带来了swell的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。swell的用法总结大全swell的意思vt. vi. 增强,肿胀,膨胀,充满(激情)n. 汹涌,重要人士,(尤指身体部位)凸起的形状,声音渐强adj. 极好的,了不起的,非常棒的变形:过去式: swelled; 现在分词:swelling; 过去分词:swollen swelled;swell用法swell可以用作动词swell的基本意思是“增大,膨胀”,指由于受外力的作用使物体在原有的基础上变大或处于增大的状态,或指由于疼痛、哭泣等原因而使身体的某一部位

2、肿大或处于肿大的状态。也可用于硬度或力量的增强,含有“快要涨破了”的意味。引申还可指“河水上涨”或“人群扩大”。swell可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。swell的过去式是swelled,过去分词是swollen或swelled。swell用作动词的用法例句The hills swell gradually up from the plain.山丘逐渐由平原膨胀起来。Tom had a fall and his under lip began to swell up.汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。The budget deficit c

3、ould swell further over the next few years.未来几年内财政赤字可能会有更多增长。swell用法例句1、Offers from other countries should swell the force to 35,000.其他国家的支援将可使兵力增至35,000人。2、She could see her two sons swell with pride.她能看出她的两个儿子充满了骄傲。3、Its body plumage suddenly began to ruffle and swell.它全身的羽毛突然竖了起来,胀得鼓鼓的。今天你Swell了吗

4、?、简义:vt. vi. 增强;肿胀;膨胀;充满(激情)n. 汹涌;重要人士;(尤指身体部位)凸起的形状;声音渐强adj. 极好的;了不起的;非常棒的2、短语:swell outvi ( protrude ) 膨胀;胀大;鼓出A cold draught eddied, so that the curtain over the door swelled out like a sail filled by the wind.一股冷风打着旋儿刮过,门帘被吹得胀起,像一张鼓满了风的帆。vt sep ( cause to protrude )to swell sth out | to swell ou

5、t sth使膨胀;使胀大;使鼓出swell upvi ankles, arm, face, eye+ 肿胀;膨胀Her whole arm had swollen up.她整条胳膊都肿了起来。3、例句:1. Shes a swell kid.她是个了不起的孩子。2. The boat was heaving in the swell.小船在起伏的波浪间摇晃。3. We had a swell time.我们过得开心极了。4. Do your ankles swell at night?你的脚踝在夜里会肿吗?5. A swell caught the raft and lifted it.一股浪

6、赶上了木筏,将其抬高起来。爱尔兰 冷暖之间的音乐:The Swell SeasonArtist:The Swell SeasonSong:In These ArmsUse the truth as a weaponTo beat up all your friendsEvery chink in the armourAn excuse to cause offenceAnd the boys from the hallwaysCalling out your nameAnd true love will find them in the endYou were restlessI was so

7、mewhere less secureSo I went running to the roadAnd so now theresA long list of places I wasI quit my rambling and I came homeCause maybe I was born to hold you in these armsMaybe I was born to hold you in these armsUse your saintsAnd your mantraAnd your things to keep you calmIf you stay with that

8、assholeHes gonna do you harmTheres a voice singing loudly on the radioJust for youAnd good fortune will find him in the endMaybe I was born to hold you in these armsMaybe I was born to hold you in these armsMaybe I was born to hold you in these armsMaybe I was born to hold you in these armsswell的用法总结大全


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