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1、雅思写作如何积累语料 雅思大作文需要形神兼备,既要有颜值(行文架构),又要有内涵(内容表达),今天给大家带来了雅思写作如何积累语料,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作如何积累语料01.雅思写作中,应该积累哪些词?02.雅思写作,如何积累语法结构?03.雅思写作,如何积累个性化观点?01雅思写作中应该积累哪些词?总原则:正式词汇雅思写作的语言风格偏向于学术性,因而要求所用词汇应该是比较正式的书面语,因此雅思写作中不应该出现:? 缩写形式(Ill )、缩略词(BBS、VIP.)? 情感语气词(amazing,fabulous,pretty.)? 俚语表达( give a

2、shit,hit the book.)? 口语化词汇(keep,kid,make sure.)同义词、同类词雅思写作评分项之一的lexical resource要求我们掌握多样化的词汇,可以进行替换表达。因此我们需要重点识记:同一概念下的同义词如下所示,这些词大部分来自雅思阅读,大家平时在做阅读题时,要注意总结和整理同义词,便于替换。(完整图解版同义词替换参见:weibo/1565726780/EEB24raG6)主题延展下的同类词雅思写作的题目是分类别和主题的,如教育类、文化类等,若想扩大词汇积累,可以按照同一类别和主题进行记忆,从而在支撑段落中做细节替换。下面以“政府”为主题,我们可以系统

3、地去积累词汇和词组:Government当局:authorities规范,管理:regulate, monitor实施:implement严禁:strictly prohibit监督:monitor, scrutinize拨款: invest in;allocate money to sth.; dedicate money to sth.预算:budget税收:tax revenue政府开支:government spending/expenditure on sth.把当成当务之急:give priority to sth.自卫:self-defense国土安全:national secu

4、rity缺乏远见的政策:short-sighted policy生活节奏加速:The tempo/pace of life is accelerating导致人与人之间疏远:create alienation between people最求最大限度利润:pursue maximum profit交通堵塞:traffic jams/congestion阻碍:hinder/hamper/impede the development of贫穷的:poverty-stricken, impoverished富裕的:wealthy, affluent, well-off扶贫:poverty allev

5、iation就业机会:employment opportunity行人:pedestrians下岗工人:laid-off workers基础设施:infrastructure交通肇事者:traffic accident perpetrators居民:resident, city dwellers高楼:high-rise buildings摩天大楼:skyscrapers城乡差距:the disparity between the city and the countryside贫富差距:the gap between the wealthy and the impoverished城市的:ur

6、ban乡村的: rural搬迁:relocate人口爆炸:population explosion/boom;控制人口:family planning; birth control词群搭配要注意积累词组搭配,如rules and regulations,以及动词词组,比如establish/ obey / break / violate the rules and regulations。坚持这样的“拿来主义”,可以防止自己考试时胡乱搭配,从而有利于考官理解。02雅思写作,如何积累语法结构?词汇层面的积累达标后,并不能保证你拿到高分,因为很多考生会陷入雅思写作5.5的怪圈里!雅思写作5.5的怪

7、圈:词都对,却不是一个合格的句子!举个栗子:I think solve drug abuse is the government build some rules”, uh, well.一般考生会按照中式思维进行直译,但只是词语堆砌,不符合英文文法和逻辑,表达混乱。那么该如何改进,搞定语法结构呢?储备个人写作模板所谓模板,就是能够保证基本的句法配置,不会出现大的错误。大家可参考高分范文,积累一些常用表达句式,比如描述解决方案的个性化模板:Government should take the initial responsibility, and a possible / the most ef

8、fective solution for drug abuse is to .积累引导连接词写作的首要目标是要让考官很清楚地了解你表达的重点,因此必须借助引导词和连接词,简明地突出重点信息,使整体的*结构一目了然。解释观点:To put it another way补充观点:Similarly; Coupled with.附带说明:In view of/in light of总结内容:All things considered03雅思写作,如何积累个性化观点?在面对大作文时,很多考生都会无话可写,不会组织观点。解决这个问题,最重要的一点是输入积累真正地道的语料。那么具体怎么做呢?抛弃万年梗将一

9、些通过汉语思维直译过来的观点或者各类网上总结的“宝典”通通抛弃!譬如在谈论一件事物的好处时,90%中国考生总是会写到:It can broaden a persons horizons.分析:这是雅思考官最不愿看到的表达,过于老套刻意,一般在形容看到非常震撼的事物时,用这句话比较合适,使用learning more 就很自然。外网资源的输入为了获取更多地道的语料,可以在谷歌、维基百科、Quora(国外知乎)、Reddit上搜索关键词,比如 “cause of drug abuse”, 你会得到成千上万条观点,这些观点与你自己编造相比,更加符合英语思维和逻辑结构,建议大家学会整合利用。在这里给大

10、家推荐几个免费在线的雅思写作教程网站:1.ieltsbuddy/ielts-essay.html2.https:/ieltsforfree/ielts-writing-practice-test-academic-module-1/3.ieltsliz/ielts-writing-task-2/这些均为专业的雅思写作国外网站,上面不仅有每一篇作文的构思流程,而且内容语料更加native,值得借鉴。分块拓展每一个写作主题的idea可以从这几个方面积累:FunctionAdvantage and disadvantageCause and effectSolution下面以“教育类”主题下的一道题

11、目为例:Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the present. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.有些人认为,历史对我们来说用处很少甚至没有用处。 其他人则认为,学习历史有助于我们认识现在。 讨论这些观点并给出你自己的意见。我们分别列出学习历史的功能、优缺点、存在问题的原因和影响、对应的解决办法,各列3条,并展开叙述,举例说明,这篇*

12、的内容基本上就搞定了。雅思写作增加表现力的五种方法一、避免使用语意弱的“be”动词。1、把句中的表语转换为不同的修饰语。这个技巧并不是那么容易掌握,但是确实是一个能够提高雅思写组成绩的非常实用的技巧。例如:Weak:The trees are bare. The grass is brown. The landscape seems drab.Revision:The brown grass and bare trees form a drab landscape. (转换为前置定语)Or:The landscape, bare and brown, begged for spring gre

13、en. (转换为并列结构作后置定语)2、将作表语用的形容词或名词变为行为动词。例如:1) Weak:The team members are good players.Revision:The team members play well.2) Weak:One workers plan is the elimination of tardiness.Revision:One workers plan eliminates tardiness.3、在以“here”或“there”开头的句子中,把“be”动词后的名词代词变成改写句的主语。例如:1) Weak:There is no opport

14、unity for promotion.Revision:No opportunity for promotion exists.2) Weak:Here are the books you ordered.Revision:The books you ordered have arrived.二、多用语意具体的动词,保持句意简洁明了。这样的具体描写可以让*看起来更具说服力,当然也就可以提高雅思写作成绩了。例如:1、Poor:My supervisor went past my desk.Better:My supervisor sauntered (=walked slowly) past

15、my desk.2、Poor:She is a careful shopper.Better:She compares prices and quality.三、尽量运用主动语态。之所以要这样做,是因为很多人不明白什么时候该用主动,什么时候该用被动。用错了,当然也就谈不上提高雅思写作成绩了。例如:1、Weak:The organization has been supported by charity.Better:Charity has supported the organization.2、Weak:The biscuits were stacked on a plate.Better:

16、Mother stacked the biscuits on a plate.四、防止使用语意冗长累赘的词语。想要提高雅思写作成绩就得使写作的用词简单,生动。例如:1、Wordy:My little sister has a preference for chocolate milk.Improved:My little sister prefers chocolate milk.2、Wordy:We are in receipt of your letter and intend to follow your recommendations.Improved:We have received

17、 your letter and intended to follow your recommendation.3、Redundant:We had a serious crisis at school yesterday when our chemistry laboratory caught fire.Improved:We had a crisis at school yesterday when our chemistry laboratory caught fire.4、Redundant:My sister and I bought the same, identical dres

18、s in different stores.Improved:My sister and I bought the same dress in different stores.五、杜绝滥用陈旧词语或难懂的专业术语。这是语言考试,不是专业考试,提高雅思写作成绩的关键点在语言上,是*的表现力上!例如:1、Weak:They will not agree to his proposals in any shape or form.Improved:They will not agree to any of his proposals.2、Weak:I need her financial inpu

19、t before I can guesstimate our expenditures next fall.Improved:I need her financial figures before I can estimate our expenditures next fall.要提高雅思写作单纯从这五个方面提高的确会相对单薄,但熟练掌握这五个技巧在雅思考试中写作部分也会有相应提升。束手无策的同学提高雅思写作可以从上述内容入手。雅思考试写作高分替换短语雅思写作高分替换短语1. Be in the air 将要发生的事情The feeling or idea that something ne

20、w is about to happen or is going to change.Example: Baseball is beginning to be in the air in China. 棒球运动在中国风行起来。2.Clear the air 消除误会To settle a dispute and restore good relationsExample: If they clear the air, they will be able to see more clearly and solve their problems. 当真相被澄清,误会被消除,他们就能够更清晰地看待问

21、题并恰当处理。3.Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵To be very expensiveExample: She saw a beautiful coat but it cost an arm and a leg. 她看到了一件漂亮的上衣,但它的价格昂贵。4.A bad egg 缺乏道德的人;坏蛋Somebody who has no moral principles and should be avoidedExample: At first I trusted him, but soon I found hes a bad egg.起初我信任他,但不久就发现他是个坏蛋

22、。5.In the Bag 稳操胜券Said of an achievement which is secureExample: Our basketball team has been training for quite a while. They have the game in the bag. 我们的篮球队训练了一个阶段,这场比赛他们是稳操胜券了。6.In the balance 未知的,不可预测的;悬而未决Said when the outcome of a situation is unknown or unpredictableExample: Nevertheless, th

23、e future of Italy hangs in the balance. 不过,意大利的前途还是未知的。7.Drive a hard bargain 极力讨价还价To have the negotiating strength and skills to get the most advantageous price and conditionsExample: His ability to drive a hard bargain has often brought conflict. 他讨价还价的能力经常引发冲突。8.Ring a bell 看上去或听起来非常熟悉To look, s

24、ound or seem familiarExample: James Carson-the name ring a bell, Ive heard it before.詹姆斯卡森这个名字听起来很熟悉,我以前听说过。9.Tighten ones belt 节衣缩食To cut down on spending because there is less income than beforeExample: Theres only one way out of this. Youre going to have to change your lifestyle, tighten your bel

25、t and keep tightening it. 这种情形,只有一种出路。你必须要改变你的生活方式,节衣缩食,并且这样继续下去。10.Kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟;一举两得To complete two tasks together, with less effort than doing them separatelyExample: I always get my nails manicured while I get my hair cut, that way I can kill two birds with one stone. 每次我去剪头发的时候都会修指甲,这样我可以一举两得。


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