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1、学 科:高中英语,年 级:高二,课 程:The Story of J.K.Rowling and Harry Potter,版 本:外研版,学 科:高中英语年 级:高二 课 程:The Stor,外研版高二英语选修6-module2-Fantasy-literature-The-Story-of-J,外研版高二英语选修6-module2-Fantasy-literature-The-Story-of-J,the elder stateswoman of British fantasy literature,the elder stateswoman of Brit,The Story of J

2、.K. Rowling and Harry Potter,The Story of J.K. Rowling and,A. the Harry Potter effect,Para. 1Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4Para. 5Para. 6,B. Rowlings output,C. her burden while writing,D. the appeal of the books,E. the publishing of the 1st book,F. the idea for Harry Potter,Match each paragraph with the main

3、 idea and divide the passage into two parts.,process,success,A. the Harry Potter effect Pa,the idea came to herwrote down the idea,added flesh to the bones while teaching,developed the format for the whole series,on a train,in Edinburgh,in Portugal,Rowling was_.,Challenge 1: the idea,(Para 1.),the i

4、dea came to heradded fles,Rowling met many difficulties, such as _?,taking care of her baby,A,B,C,D,writing by hand,no money for the heating at home,all the above,Challenge 2: the life burden (para. 2),Rowling was_,taking care of her babyABCDwr,Challenge 3: the time period (para. 2-4),in 1990,in 199

5、7,ten years,J.K. Rowling began the first draft.,It was only in 1997 that she completed the first Harry Potter story.,It took her about ten years to complete the whole series.,Rowling was_.,就是因为她的天赋和努力她成功了。,It was because she was gifted and hardworking that she succeeded.,Challenge 3: the time period

6、 (,Is Harry Potter effect just restricted to the English speaking world ?,55250 million 2005The first,Harry Potter have been translated into more than 55 languages,It has been estimated that more than 250million copies have been distributed around the world .,Rowling was estimated to have accumulate

7、d more than one billion dollars on deposit in her bank .,She has become the first writer to become a billionaire.,Harry Potters Success its effect,(para.6),Is Harry Potter effect just re,The Reason for Harry Potters Success its appeal,_ makes the books so important is that because they _ readers of

8、all ages, they create a special _between parents and children. In an age of computer games and television programmes, it is also claimed that they are responsible for a _. As a result, it has even become part of the school _, much to the _ of the schoolchildren.,What,appeal to,literary bond,renewed

9、interest in reading,curriculum,pleasure,(para 5),The Reason for Harry Potters,Success is not swift, but she was stubborn!Success is automatic, for she was gifted and overcame all the difficulties!1.flv,Success is not swift, but she,Thinking:,What can you learn from the way Rowling sees failure?,Thin

10、king:What can you learn fr,Show time 学以致用我来说罗琳,一家英文报刊最近正准备举行J.K. Rowling 和Harry Potter 的主题演讲,假设你是该报刊的忠实读者李华,准备参加该演讲比赛,请根据以下提示进行口头演讲。友情提示:1. 罗琳在英国玄幻文学上的地位(stateswoman, fantasy literature)2. 罗琳怎样凭借坚强的意志写完Harry Potter series(in 1990, stubborn, overcame, It was only in 1997that,ten years, automatic)3. H

11、arry Potter series 的成功(appeal to, be restricted to, 55, 250, in 2005)4. 我从罗琳身上学到了什么,Show time 学以致用我来说罗琳一家英文报刊最近正准,conclusion,From The Story of J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter, we can learn_,Where there is a will, there is a way.,Chances only favour the prepared minds.,conclusionFrom The Story of J.,assignment:,Compulsory(必做):Write a comment on J.K. Rowling.,Optional(选作):Surf the Internet or read related books to know more about J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter series.,assignment:Compulsory(必做):Opti,


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