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1、雅思写作如何写好开头段 “良好的开端是成功的一半”,有个良好的雅思写作开头段也是相同的道理,今天给大家带来了雅思写作如何写好开头段,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作如何写好开头段?很多国内的考生受到写中文作文或者传统英语教学的影响,写一篇*的开头段时总是想要尽力抓住考官的眼球,不停地摆弄自己还不成熟的词汇和句型,结果非但没有得到想要的分数,反被考官倒打一耙。那么我们要如何在最短的时间内,以最简单以及最能得分的方式写出好的作文开头段呢?其实我们可以把雅思写作题目中的提问方式分成四个大类:观点类(opinion essay)、讨论类(discussion essay)、

2、优劣势类(advantage and disadvantage essay)和报告类(report)。每一种提问方式的题目都有自己不同的开头段写作方法。Part 1 Opinion Essay观察观点类题目的特征,我们不难发现,此类题型的特征是题目有且只有一个观点。而题目要求我们回答的是“同意”或“不同意”的观点。所以只要确定好自己的观点,开头段就可以写出来。 例如:Some people believe that living in big cities is bad for health.Do you agree or disagree?如果,我们选择同意此观点,可以根据“背景句+直接转述

3、题目+个人观点”的公式。These days, it is quite common to see that a growing number of people choose to settle down in large cities. (背景句) But some people argue that leading an urban life would produce negative influences on peoples health. (直接转述题目) personally, I agree with this idea. (个人观点)如果选择不同意题目观点,则可以用“alt

4、hough”的让步状语从句进行改写,得到:These days, it is quite common to see that a growing number of people choose to settle down in large cities. (背景句) Although some people argue that leading an urban life would produce negative influences on peoples health, (although +直接转述题目) personally, I do not agree with this i

5、dea. (个人观点)Part 2 Discussion Essay观察讨论类的题目,可以发现,这样的题目会有两个观点,并且题目要求“讨论双方观点”和“给出自己的观点”。这样的题目中,其实只用在开头段中写出背景句和转述双方观点就好了,至于个人的观点,可以放到personal idea的段落中。如:Some people think citizens should be responsible for their own health costs. Others think it is better to have a health care system which provides free

6、 health services.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.这个题目的开头段就可以写为:People in some countries are paying an increasing amount of money for seeing a doctor, even for a minor illness. (背景句) But, still, some people assert that individuals themselves are supposed to pay for such fees. (一方观点

7、) However, other people disagree and suggest that it is the governments responsibility to undertake the health costs for its citizens. (另一方观点)Part 3 Advantages Disadvantage Essay优劣势的题目,一般而言都会给出一个现象或者是趋势,这又刚好和我们开头段中的“背景句”吻合了,所以在优劣势*的开头段的时候就没有必要再写背景句了,直接转述题目就可以了。但是要表达出自己的“优大于劣”或者“劣大于优”的观点,只需要用一句话就搞定了。

8、如:Shopping online is replacing shopping in stores.Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?开头段可以写为:These days, it is common to see that people prefer choosing online shopping to shopping in physical stores. Although some problems would occur as this trend continues, I believe such development br

9、ings more benefits.Part 4 Report其实report最简单,因为通常题目和优劣势*一样,会给出一个现象或趋势,所以开头段的组成部分就只有改写题目。如:In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes.Why is this happening?What are the possible solutions to solve this problem?开头段可以写为:These days, it is common to see that the rate of

10、youth crime has been increasing dramatically all over the globe and it is a most worrying issue of modern society.雅思写作模板高分句型整理:强调与倒装雅思写作高分句型一、强调形式强调形式总共分成五大类:1. 对动词进行强调(dodoesdid + V)Sitting infront of the screen does damage the eye and physical posture ofchildren.Some people dobelieve that the over

11、use of chemicals (e.g. Fertilizers and pesticides) dopose a threat to the well-being of local people.2. 双重否定可表强调We cannot denythat receiving the distance education is never without drawbacks.It is notunrealistic for the government to reduce the amount of waste.3. 比较状语可表强调Nothing is more important th

12、an to develop the childrens ability of learning on theirown.Students wouldhave greater capability to deal with their academic life than thosewho do not have the gap year spent in working or travelling.Nothing is moreimperative than to learn from the past.4. what引导的主从可表强调What is relatedto the economi

13、c collapse is the failure of the governmentspolicies.What really matters iscooperation.5. 强调句型可表强调It is/was + 被强调的成分 + that/who, 所强调的可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,但必须保证其结构完整。被强调的成分可以是主语、表语、宾语、同位语、状语等,但不能是定语或谓语。It is thegovernment that should shoulder the responsibility toprotect the endangered species.(对主语强调)It i

14、s teacherswho are competent to instruct their students to be a goodsocial member.(对主语强调)It is throughjob training that the young unemployed would have theopportunity to get jobs again.(对状语强调)It is the largecompany which the public think polluting the watersupply.(对宾语进行强调)注:强调句中的时态要根据原句的时态而定。即原句为过去某种

15、时态,则强调句中的be就用过去时;原句为现在的某种时态,强调句中就用be的现在时态。有时还可以用It mightbe/must have been/cant bethat等句式。例句:It is becausepeople are stuck in the traffic that they spendlonger time in travelling.It might be thelack of guidance of parents that leads to the going astray of youngpeople.强调句的判断:强调句型可以通过“还原法”来进行判断,若删除强调句型

16、结构后,句子能还原为一个完整的句子,就是强调句。强调句可以看作是用固定的表达-It is/wasthat(which, who, whom, where, when), 将句子的某个成分(除了谓语)进行重点强调。但是,去掉这个固定的句型部分,句子本身并无任何变化。雅思写作高分句型二、倒装形式倒装共分两类:全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是指将全部谓语动词都放在主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词,系动词或情态动词放在主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did, 并将其放在主语之前。A. 全部倒装:把全部谓语放在主语前。1. there be句型(特

17、殊的全部倒装句型)There be是一种较为常见的句子结构,通常用于表达“某地有某人或某物”,在使用此句型结构时,应注意下列问题:1) 主谓一致例句:There is littleopportunity for children to stay at home until the age of 7 because theirparents are both working.There are manyreasons why we should not slaughter animals for their fur or leather.2) be动词可以是任何时间状态例句:There have

18、 beenmany government which invest a large sum of money in researching the space.There has beena discussion over whether children should be sent to school at a young age.3) 在There be结构中除了运用动词be之外,还可以用seem, appear, happen, exist等。在这种句型中,谓语的单复数形式根据靠近谓语的主语而定。例句:There seemed tobe no permanent solution to

19、 the disappearance of minority languages andcultures.2. there here now then放在句首时,句子进行全部倒装。Now is the time to realize the seriousness of this problem and takeactions immediately.3. 方位状语开头时,句子进行全部倒装。On the internetare provided all kinds of entertainment activities.In books areembalmed the greatest tho

20、ughts of all ages.4. 主语与表语互换位置(当主语过长而表语过短时,可以把主语与表语互换位置从而构成全部倒装)Well-known isthat energy crisis poses a threat to the society.Important isthat the government raises peoples awareness of the environmental protection.5. 伴随状语开头(With或Along with放在句首时,句子应该全部倒装)Along with thepopulation expansion comes the

21、housing shortage in big cities.Withglobalization have come many problems.B. 部分倒装:只将情态动词、助动词或系动词放在主语前1. only +单词、词组、状语从句位于句首,句子进行部分倒装。Only in thisway can we deal with the unemployment of young people.Only througheducation can we rise in the world.2. 以否定意义状语开头,句子进行部分倒装。Never hasthis topic failed to fa

22、scinate people.3. neither nor开头,句子进行部分倒装。The financialincentive is not the only factor in encouraging employees, neither is ahigher position.Economicsuccess is not the only factor in achieving happiness, neither is socialstatus.4. so开头,句子进行部分倒装。The averagepeople need privacy. So does the sports play

23、er.Success teachesus something about ourselves. So does failure.5. 让步状语从句由though或as引导时可用倒装,将表语放在句子最前面。Convenient as thetele-education is, it cannot replace the traditional education as themainstream form of education.6. so that引导的结果状语从句可用倒装。So common isthe phenomenon that we should adopt harsh measu

24、res to resolveit.实例讲解雅思写作句子组合的方法将这些句子编号是为了能够识别每个句子的写作方法;将他们集中在一起可以形成一篇完整的*。1.1 大量的中国人不断移民海外这件事在今天非常普遍。It is quite common these days that a large group of Chinese people are constantly emigrating.1.2 当在陌生的地方安顿好后,他们很自然地要选择适合的生活方式。包括:设法融入当地社会或者组成自己的圈子。When setting down, they have got to make a choice o

25、f new lifestyles including getting into local community or making a group of the people with a cultural context.2.1那些偏爱前者的人认为与当地人结交并像他们那样生活将有助于他们自己适应新的环境。Those who prefer the former believe that making local friends and living like natives are very helpful in adapting to a new condition.2.2 众所周知,当地人

26、了解很多事情,比如:如何成功地找到工作,如何更经济的生活等等。这些正是新移民所需要的。It is broadly acknowledged that the local understand many things including how to find a good job successfully, live at a low cost and so forth, which are the real needs of new immigrants.2.3 此外,如果他们能够尽量学习当地的习俗和文化,他们也可能会受到更少的文化冲击。Besides, new immigrants wil

27、l be least bothered with culture shock if they are trying to learn local tradition or custom.2.4 当然,良好的语言水平以及社会交流技巧是必须被新移民所具备的,否则他们很难与当地人相处并学习新的文化了。However, a good language skill and social skills are required to be obtained by new immigrants, or they might have difficulty in getting along with the

28、native and even adopting local things.3.1 选择后者的人相信与拥有同样背景的人交流会更容易些也是实际的。The people preferring the latter hold the statement that communicating with the ones with similar background is much easier and practical.3.2 原因在于他们可能有共同的境遇,并会分享共同的感受。The main reasons may involve the recognition that they have c

29、ommon condition, probably sharing a feeling.3.3 但是,这样做就失去了移民的意义。But, to doing this loses the significance of emigration.3.4 在一个新的环境生活,人们应该尝试适应新的环境。In a new condition people should try to accept.3.5 否则,他们就应该呆在自己的国家,而不是移民了。Otherwise, they should stay home instead of living overseas.4.1 我始终认为新移民应该被鼓励去学

30、习新的东西,因为这样有利于他们更好的在今后生活。My position is still that new immigrants should be encouraged to study new things, because it will be good for them to live much bette in the future.4.2 为了能够更轻松的学习,他们应该尽快采取行动利用传统课程或在线课程提高外语水平和培养交流能力。In order to study easily, instant action should be taken to improve language competence developing communication in regular classes and online curriculum.雅思写作如何写好开头段


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