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1、Review,host hostess2.unsmiling serious3.look up look down upon4. tight tight jeans tights5. fix ones eyes on sb./sth.6. be busy doing sth. / with sth.7. despair & disappoint in despair,Lesson 41,Do you call that a hat?,Discuss,Do you often buy something that you dont really need? What is it?2. Who d

2、o you think are generally more extravagant, men or women? Why?,Do you like wearing a hat?When do you usually put on a hat?,What is the hat used for?,To make her look more beautiful,Do you call that a hat?,Do you call that +a +名词? 表示一种轻蔑的含义。,e.g. Do you call that a house ? Do you call that a vase ? D

3、o you call that a chair ?,rude adj.无礼的 mirror n.镜子 hole n.孔 remark v.评说 remind v.提醒 lighthouse n.灯塔,New words and expressions,1.ruderu:d1)adj.无理的,不礼貌的,冒昧的rudenessru:dnsn.rudely adv.ruderemarks无理的批评Dontbesorudetothetaxidriver.Itis nothisfaultthatthetrafficisheavy.不要对出租车司机那么粗鲁,交通拥挤不是他的错。itisrudeofsbto

4、dosth.Itisrudeofyoutospeakwithmouthfull.满嘴食物说话是不礼貌的。,2)adj.粗鲁的,猛烈的,突然的rudetreatment粗鲁的对待arudeshock猛烈的打击I did not intend to berude.我并不想粗鲁无礼。3)adj.未加工的,天然的rudecotton原棉They are buyingrudecotton.他们正在收购原棉。People of the Stone Age usedrudetools.石器时代的人使用粗糙简陋的工具。,oliteadj.礼貌的,客气的politenessn.礼貌,客气politelyadv.

5、礼貌地,客气地adj. 不礼貌,表示没有注意到礼节性的问题, 所以显得有些不礼貌(polite 的反义词,impolite以p开头的形容词的否定前缀为 im),cheeky adj. 无礼, 没礼貌的(表示小孩对长辈) Dont be cheeky! 不得无礼!,mirror n.镜子,反射镜look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子Shelooked(atherself)inthemirror.arear-viewmirror后视镜afull-lengthmirror全身镜,穿衣镜,2.反映,真实的写照(+of)His novel is amirrorof the t

6、imes.他的小说是当今时代的真实写照。Mark Twains novel is a mirror of his time.马克吐温的小说是他那个时代的真实写照。Cannewspaperbethemirrorofthe timeswelivein?报纸会是我们生活年代的写照吗?,holehuln.洞,孔,坑aholeinthewall墙上的一个洞Theprisonerescapedthrouthaholeinthewall.犯人通过墙上的洞逃跑了。digaholeintheground在地上挖个洞fillupahole填平坑洞Mysocksareinholes.我的袜子上有洞。Mysocksa

7、refullofholes.Ivewornholesinmysocks.Moneyburnsaholeinonespocket.有钱就想花;大手大脚。,remark v.评论,评说,觉察sayorwritebywayofcommentremarkonsth.remarkupon/onsth.评论某事Icouldnthelpremarkingonherbeauty.我对她美的赞扬脱口而出。“Ithoughtitwasstrange”,heremarked.他评论道:“我觉得有点奇怪。”,She remarked how tired I was looking.她说我看上去显得特别累。Severa

8、l people remarked upon the fine quality of the work.几个人在评论这项工作的优异质量。remarkthelikenessbetweenfatherandson.注意观察父子之间的相似之处Did you remark the difference between the twin sisters?,n. 评论,意见,言论criticalremarks批评性的评论The customer made some kind remarks about our service.那位顾客对我们的服务作出了好评。 He has a habit of makin

9、g humorous remarks.他有说幽默话的习惯。,remindrimaindv.使人想起,提醒某人remindsbofsth提醒某人某事Thesecretaryremindedthemanagerofattentionthemeeting.秘书提醒经理参加会议。Heremindedmeofhisfather.他令我想起他父亲。DoIhavetoremindyouofthatuglytie?我需要提醒你那条难看的领带吗?IremindedGerald of his promise.我提醒吉罗德他曾许下的诺言。The storyremindsme of an experience I o

10、nce had.这个故事使我想起我的一次亲身经历。,remindsth.+thatSheremindedmethatIhadntwateredtheflowers.她提醒我:我没有给花浇水。He reminded his wife that they needed to buy some coffee and sugar. remindsb.todosth.提醒某人做某事Remindmetomailthisletter.请提醒我去寄这封信。Remind her to come earlier tomorrow morning.reminderrmandn.提示,提醒Thisisonlyarem

11、inder.这仅仅是一个提醒。,lighthouselat,hasn.灯塔Alighthousemust be built at that dangerous place.在那个容易出事的地方一定得修建灯塔。A lighthouse was flashing in the distance. light-fingered喜欢顺手牵羊(口)light-headed头晕眼花light-hearted心情轻松的light-year光年light-ship信号船,Listen to the story and answer,What kind of shopping does the writer e

12、njoy, do you think?2. What does the hat look like when the wife walked out of the shop?,Shopping for himself.,A lighthouse.,Read and answer the questions.1 Was the writer in a shop or a theatre? A shop.2 Who was he with? his wife.3 His wife was trying a hat on, wasnt she? Yes, she was.4 What did the

13、 writer say to his wife? Do you call that a hat?,5 Did she think the writer was being rude? Yes, she did.6 How long had the writer been in the hat shop? Half an hour.7 What was the remark the writer suddenly made? We mustnt buy things we dont need.8 How soon did the writer regret saying it? Almost a

14、t once.,1、 Do you call that a hat? I said to my wife. call 最常用的是“打电话”的意思。 同时,call还可表示 “把叫做、称为”,常用于口语和非正式文体中。,2.You neednt be so rude about it, my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror. neednt表示“不必要、没必要”。 英语中实际上有两个 need。 一个是普通动词need,是表示“需要”的意思。 e.g. I need a car(我需要一辆汽车。); 另一个是情态动词need

15、,是表示“必要” (用于劝告或建议) 。,need,1.做情态动词时,仅用于否定句和疑问句,只有现在时,过去式要用neednt have,疑问式用need+人称+do?否定式用need not (neednt),如: Need we leave soon? Yes, you must.No, you neednt,need,You neednt have hurried. =It was not necessary for you to hurry, but you did. 你当时不必这么匆忙。,need,2.做实义动词时,其变化与一般的实义动词相同,后接带to的不定式need to dod

16、ont need toDo you need to ?e.g.我需要稍微休息下。(一般过去时)I needed to take a short rest.I needed a short rest.,need,我需要稍微休息下。(一般过去时)I needed to take a short rest.I needed a short rest.,Jack, you cant be rude _ the poor.A withB toC about,be rude to sb. 对某人很粗鲁,C,对很粗鲁 be rude about sth.,3、我坐在一张新式的满是网眼儿的椅子上, 等待着.I

17、 sat down on one of those modern chairs _holes _ it and waited.He walked with his hands waving.He walked with his eyes covered.The fish sleep with its eyes wide open.,with,in,translation,4、我们在这家帽店已经呆了半个小时了, 而我的妻子仍在镜子面前. We had been in the hat shop for half an hour and my wife was still in front of t

18、he mirror.,translation,5、“我们不应该买我们不需要的东西, “我突然发表意见说, 但马上又后悔说了这话. We mustnt buy things (that)we dont need, I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it almost at once.,6、You neednt have said that, my wife answered. I neednt remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.,neednt have done 原本不必做, 但

19、是做了You neednt have bought the gifts.,neednt do 不必做 You neednt come.,7、I find it beautiful, I said.你会发现很难和她闲聊。Youll find it difficult to make conversation with her.我觉得张鹤很认真。I find Zhanghe very hard-working,8、A man can never have too many ties.can nevertoocannottoo 无论也不为过再多的领带对一个男人来说也不为过。 e.g.你工作越小心越好

20、。You cant be too careful in doing your work.,can nevertoocannottoo,I can never thank you too much. 感激不尽。Drinking water can never be too clean. 饮用水越干净越好。A wife can never complain too much. 妻子怎么罗嗦也不为过。You cant be too careful in doing your work. 你工作越小心越好。,Translation,9、十分钟以后, 我们一道走出了商店. 我妻子戴着一顶像灯塔一样的帽子

21、. Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse!,remark & observe & notice P188,1) remark与observe都可以表示“说,评论说”,它们比say要正式:You look good in this suit! She remarked /observed.,2) notice和observe都可以表示“注意到,察觉到”,但有一定区别。notice指无意中“察觉到”Did you no

22、tice her ring? Did you notice how she was dressed?I didnt notice his leaving.,3) observe则可以指有意观察、仔细地看,比notice更正式他仔细地看着我. He observed me carefully. The police have been observing the thiefs movements.,Grammar focus,neednt have done本不必做的,却做了,shouldnt +have done本不应该做的,却做了,摩拳擦掌 练练手,There was plenty of t

23、ime. She_.A. mustnt have hurried B. neednt have hurriedC. didnt need hurryD. mustnt hurry,摩拳擦掌 练练手,You _ me about it earlier, but you didnt.A. should have told B. would have told C. must have told D. should tell,摩拳擦掌 练练手,They _ the plane, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reas

24、on.A. can have missed B. may have missedC. can have lost D. may have lost,摩拳擦掌 练练手,Need we leave soon? Yes, you _.A needB mayC mustD do,摩拳擦掌 练练手,May I go now? No, you _. A. mustnt B. neednt C. mightnt D. wont,摩拳擦掌 练练手,- That must be a mistake.- No .it _ be.A. cant B. isnt able to C. can D. was able

25、to,摩拳擦掌 练练手,Did he need _ then? A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left,摩拳擦掌 练练手,One of the few things you _ say about English people is that they talk a lot about the weather.A. need B. must C. should D. can,摩拳擦掌 练练手,This printer is of good quality. If it _ break down within the first year, we woul

26、d repair it at our expense.A. would B. should C. could D. might,摩拳擦掌 练练手,She _have left school, for her bike is still here.A. cantB. wouldntC. shouldntD. neednt,摩拳擦掌 练练手,Although this _ sound like a simple task,great care is needed.A. mustB. mayC. shallD. should,摩拳擦掌 练练手,Im sorry. I _ at you the oth

27、er day.Forget it. I was out of control myself.A. shouldnt had shoutedB. shouldnt have shoutedC. mustnt shoutD. mustnt have shouted,Important phrases of this text: look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子 the chair with holes 带网眼的椅子 in front of 在前面 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事remind

28、 sb. thatcanttoo再也不过分 walk out of 走出 wear a hat 戴帽子 look like 看起来像,爱丽丝漫游奇境Hatter 帽匠,其实就是做帽子的人。as mad as a hatter极度疯狂,Panama hat 巴拿马帽,baseball cap 棒球帽,Beret 贝雷帽,Top hat大礼帽,Chef cap 厨师帽,Picture hat 大边女用帽,cloche hata womans closefitting hat that resembles ahelmetCloche hat 指的是钟形女帽。这种帽子高度较深,而帽沿的宽度比较窄小,搭

29、配合适的话,秋冬戴起来很漂亮,安吉丽娜朱莉。,Lierihattua brimmed hatLierihattu 指的是宽边的帽子,一般夏天带的宽檐的藤帽都属于这类。,fedora hata hat made of felt with a creased crownFedora hat 指的是爵士帽,一般是男式的,不过也有帅气的女孩子喜欢戴这种帽子。,Cap本来指的是没边或者有帽舌的帽子,我们图上的这种很常见的鸭舌帽,也叫做cricket cap,Kipathe cloth skullcap or yarmulke traditionally worn by male JewsKipa 也写成 kippah,意思是犹太小圆帽。,Helmeta protective headgear made of hard material to resist blowsHelmet 就是头盔。这个不需要我再多说什么了吧。,


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