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1、Sound time & cartoon time,6B Unit 3 A healthy diet,I can understand, read and act the story in Cartoon time.,Learning Aims,I can use “a lot of”, “a little” , “a few”, “some”,I know the sound of “ou”,a lot of,a lot of,some,a few/a little,a healthy diet,Name,Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner,somenoodles,a lot of

2、 rice some meatsome vegetables,some bread and milk,a lot of ricesome fishsome meat,a lot of noodlesan egg,some meatsome vegetablesa little rice,Lets review.,Marys house,Who is the woman in Marys house ?,Shes Mrs Li.,Whats she doing ?,Maybe (可能)she is cooking some water.,Marys house,But is she happy

3、now?,What does she say?,?,Mrs Li shouts,Get out! Get out!,Why does she shout that?,Theres a little mouse in her house.,Get out! Get out!,Marys house,/au/,Sound time,看到老鼠,用手敲击,大声说Get out,就能赶走地鼠。,house,mouth,about,loudly,found,shout,blouse,mountain,看一看字母组合ou的其他发音,cough,cousin,should,/ /,/ /,/ u /,Tick

4、ing time,判断下列红色部分读音是否一致,T/F about should ( )mouse mountain ( ),T,F,Mrs Li doesnt like the mouse.,Guess, Who are the cats?,So she asks her cats to catch the mouse,Cartoon time,Where do they go ?,Watch and answer.,Task 1,Cartoon time,Where do they go ?,Cartoon time,Where do they go ?,They go to the su

5、permarket.,Cartoon time,Read and underline.,Task 2,Tips:画出不理解的内容或不会读的单词。,Cartoon time,Ask and answer,Task 3,Tips:根据故事情节试着提出一些问题。比如Where do they go?,Do you have any questions,Cartoon time,What do they do there?,Why do they have to go to the supermarket?,There is not much food in the fridge.,They buy

6、some food.,Ask and answer,Task 3,Cartoon time,What do they buy?,cola,a small bottle,How much do they buy?,take,拿,Sam sees some drinks.,Mum,can I have some cola?,Yes,but take a smallbottle.You shouldnt drink too much cola.,shouldnt,Can Sam drink too much cola?,shouldnt=should not 不应该,Cartoon time,How

7、 much do they buy?,a small bottle,a big bag of rice,a big fish,cola,They buy so many things.Is Sam happy at last?,take,重的,休息一下,The fish falls into the river.,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Read in roles ( 按角色朗读),旁白,Sam,Mum,Letretell!,There is not much f

8、ood in Sams _. He goes to the_with his mother. First, he _ some cola, but his mother lets him _a small bottle, and he shouldnt drink _ _ cola. Next, he _ a big fish. Then, Sam _ the big bag of rice. Finally, they go home , but the fish is _, Sam wants to _ _ _. But when they walk onto the bridge, th

9、e fish _ into the river.,fridge,supermarket,wants,take,too much,wants,needs,heavy,have a rest,falls,Ticking time,I know the story of the cartoon.,What will happen after the fish falls into the river ?,Thinking time,To have a_ diet, we should have _ fruit and _. They have a lot of vitamins(维生素). We c

10、an also have_ rice and bread. We can have _ meat and fish in our meals, but we can not eat too _. we can also have _ eggs every week. Milk is _ for our bodies. we can have _ milk every day. Cola is too sweet, we _ drink too _. We should drink a lot of _ every day. Sweet food is nice, but it is not g

11、ood for our teeth. Eat only _ sweet food _ time.,fruit and vegetables,rice and bread,eggs ,meat and fish,milk,sweet food,Look and complete,healthy,a lot of,vegetables,a lot of,some,much,a few,good,some,shouldnt,much,water,a little,at a,Summary,Junk food垃圾食品,Healthy diet, healthy life.,Its bad for us.We shouldnt eat a lot.,Healthy food,Homework,2、Read Cartoon time. 朗读卡通故事。,1、Make a healthy eating table for your family. 为家人制定一份健康饮食表。,Thank you!,


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