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1、Cartoon time,Unit 6 Keep our city clean,We can,Can you talk?,What can we do to keep our school clean?,.,One named Jack and one named Jill.,名叫,Sing a song,Guess!Do they like living in the city?,Look and guess,Why does Bobby like living in the city?Why does Tina like living in the city?What are they d

2、oing now?,Tip:Read the story quickly and underline the answers.快速阅读课文,并划出答案。,Read and find,Why does Bobby like living in the city?Because there are many museums,shops and cinemas.Why does Tina like living in the city?Because its clean and beautiful.What are they doing now?Theyre walking home after s

3、chool.,Read and answer,Bobby and Tina are walking home after school.,I like living in the city. There are many museums, shops and cinemas.,I like living in the city too. Its clean and beautiful.,Look and say,What happened then?,Bobby throws a banana skin on the ground.,扔 果皮 地上,Guess:What are they ta

4、lking?(仔细观察两人表情,猜猜他们在说什么?),I like eating bananas.,Bobby,you shouldnt do that!Pick it up.It makes the street messy.,捡起,拾起,Look and say,What happened then?,Billy slips on the banana skin and falls.,滑倒,摔倒,Guess!他们又在说些什么呢?,.,Ouch!,Look and say,Billy goes to hospital.,Guess:仔细观察图片,猜猜这回他们又在说什么呢?,Im sorry,

5、Billy.,Bobby,you should put your rubbish in the bin.,Look and say,Bobby and Tina are walking home after school.,Bobby throws a banana skin on the ground.,But it is too late. Billy slips on the banana skin and falls.,Billy goes to hospital.,I like living in the city. There are many museums, shops and

6、 cinemas.,I like living in the city too. Its clean and beautiful.,I like eating bananas.,Bobby, you shouldnt do that!Pick it up. It makes the street messy.,Ouch!,Im sorry, Billy.,Bobby, you should put your rubbish in the bin.,四人小组分角色朗读。能够理解故事,上台表演,对话正确,流利,(旁白可以带书) ;能够理解故事,上台表演,对话正确,(旁白可以带书) ;能够带书上台表

7、演, 。,Lets read and act,Imagination:Bobby认识到自己的错误如果你是Bobby,你以后会怎么说,怎么做呢?,I can/cant.I should/shouldnt.makes.,四人小组讨论。,We should keep out city clean.,Bobby and Tina are _ home after school.They both like _ _ the_.Because there are many_,shops and _.Because its _ and _.Then,Bobby _ a banana _ on the _.Billy _ _ the Banana _and _.At last,Billy _to hospital.,walking,living in,city,museums,cinemas,clean beautiful,throws,skin,ground,slips,on,skin,falls,goes,Read and write,Homework,1.跟读Cartoon time三遍并尝试背诵。2.课课练Unit6 Period 3.,


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