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1、Unit 2 Working the land,基础知识自测,一、单词识记,1._ n.&v. 饥饿,渴望2._ adj.晒黑的3._ v.斗争,拼搏,努力4._ adj.令人不安的5._ v.详述,扩张6._ n.自由,自主,hunger,sunburnt,struggle,disturbing,expand,freedom,7._ adv.thus8._ v. 使迷惑,使为难9._ n.& v.遗憾,懊悔10._ v.减少11.statistic n. _12.circulate v. _13.battle n. _,战争,战役,therefore,puzzle,regret,reduce

2、,统计,数据,循环,14.equip v. _15.occupation n. _16.chemical adj. _17.bacteria n. _18.nutrition n. _ment n.& v._20.root n. _,装备,职业,化学的,细菌,营养,评论;发表评论,根源,核心单词,struggle for. 为斗争struggle against/with. 同作斗争struggle to do sth. 努力做某事 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来,1.struggle vi.斗争,奋斗n.斗争;拼搏, She struggled _ the inde

3、pendence of her country all her life. We all struggle _ the pollution of environment. The old man struggled _ his feet,walking out of the room. Try to stop the children_ fighting_ each other.,with,for,against,to,from,用struggle及其短语的适当形式完成下列句子。1. We should be brave to _ (同做斗争) the difficulty. 2. The _

4、 (斗争) for independence was long and hard. 3. Three brothers _ (为争取而斗争) the possession of a jewelry box.,struggle with/against,struggle,struggled for,The children talked so loudly at the dinner table that I had to struggle _. A. to be heard B. to have heard C. hearing D. being heard 【点拨】 选A。I与hear之间构

5、成逻辑上的被动关系,再根据struggle to do结构可知选A项。,A,The working people have never stopped their struggle_ unfair treatment. A. against B. for C. from D. to 解析:选A。struggle against意为“同作斗争”;struggle for意为“为了而斗争”。由句意知应选A。,2.expand vt.& vi.使变大;伸展,派生:expansion n. 展开;膨胀;扩展,expand (sth)into (把)扩展为.expand on/upon 细说;阐述,运用

6、:根据汉语意思完成句子。 金属受热膨胀。Heat_. 在写作课上,老师要求孩子们把一个句子扩展成一个故事。The teacher asked the children _ in the writing class. 你能详细说一下你的观点吗?Could you please_?,expand on your point of view,expands metal,to expand a,sentence into a story,即学即练2(1)Metals _ when they are heated.金属受热会膨胀。(2)Weve _ _ _ by opening two more sto

7、res. 我们增开了两个商店以扩展业务。(3)I repeated the question and waited for her to _.我把问题重复了一遍,等着她进行充分阐述。,expand,expanded,the,business,expand,3.thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为(=because of),运用:根据汉语意思完成句子。 由于校长的努力,我现在又能回学校上学了。_,I can go back to school now. 由于天气很糟糕,露天表演取消了。 _,the open-air show was cancelled.,Thanks to the bad we

8、ather,Thanks to the headmaster efforts,It was _ your timely help that we accomplished the task on time. A. because B. thank C. thanks to D. as解析:选C。because 和as 虽然也表示“因为,由于”,但后面需连接句子,而句中是短语,故应用thanks to。句意为: 幸亏你及时帮忙,我们才按时完成了任务。,运用:说出下列句中划线部分的意思。 You must rid yourself of these old-fashioned ideas . Pa

9、ul finally rid himself of debt . Bad habits are hard to get rid of .,4.rid sb/sth of sth 使摆脱;除去 =free sb/sth of/from sth,摆脱这些陈腐观念的束缚,还清了债务,消灭,消除,完成句子,使其与所给的句子意思相同或相近。1. It is not easy for him to get rid of the bad habit. It is hard for him to _ _ _ the bad habit.2. He plans to give up smoking in two

10、 months.He plans to _ _ _ smoking in two months.,get rid of / rid himself of,rid himself of,类似用法动词:remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事warn sb of sth 警告某人inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事cure sb of sth 治愈某人(某种疾病)rob sb of sth 抢劫某人的.被动语态:be robbed of sthrelieve sb of sth解除某人的(负担或责任);减轻某人的(压力,痛苦),The sales manager asked

11、 his men to inform him of everything concerning the sales in time. 销售部经理让他手下的人把关于销售量的情况及时报告他。, 她从来不满足于现状。Shes never _ the present situation. 你对他的解释满意吗?Are you _?,5.be satisfied with.对感到满意 be content with. be pleased with.,satisfied with his explanation,satisfied with,6.would rather 宁愿;宁可宁愿做某事would r

12、ather do sth.宁愿做A事而不愿做B事would rather do A than do B=would do A rather than do B=prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿某人做某事would rather(that)sb.did /had done sth本(不)想做(而实际上未做或做了)would rather (not) have done,运用:用所给词的适当形式填空。 I would rather _ (stay) at home. I would rather you _ (go) to the cinema now. I wo

13、uld rather you _ (come) tomorrow. I would rather fail than _ (cheat) in the examination.,cheat,stay,went,came,George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he _ more on its culture. (江苏2010)A. focus B. focused C. would focus D. had focused【点拨】 选 B。句意:乔治将要谈他的国家的地理,但是我宁愿他能更

14、多地谈一下文化。本题中would rather后跟从句,用虚拟语气。,高考链接- Shall we go skating or stay at home?- Which _ do yourself? (05 全国) do you rather B. would you ratherC. will you rather D. should you rather,答案B would rather do sth. 更喜欢做,Id rather _ the basketball match last night. Otherwise, I would have finished my paperwor

15、k by now. (2010徐州检测)A. not have watched B. not watchC. hadnt watch D. havent watch解析:选A。would rather not have done表示“本不想做(实际却做了)”。后一句句意为:否则我现在已经完成了我的文件。 所以前句表示“本不想看球赛却看了”,故选A。,7. therefore adv.(as a result of that)因此He was very tired and _ he fell sound asleep.He was very tired. _ he fell sound asle

16、ep.He was very tired, _ he fell sound asleep.他累得很,因此睡得很熟。,therefore,Therefore,so,therefore是副词,不能直接用来连接两个简单句,and therefore 相当于so. 还有therefore常表示很强的推断,用法比较正式,so则是一个并列连词,它常用来连接两个简单句,后一个句子通常表示结果,多用于口语,比较随便。,8.equip v. 装备,配备;使有能力 _ n.U设备 _adj.准备好的,装备好的_搭配给(某人/物)配备/装备_搭配使某人准备好做某事,equip sb.for sth./to do s

17、th.,equipment,equipped,equip sb/sth.with .,be equipped with sth. 装备有,sb. be equipped for sth/ to do sth.,a piece of equipment 一件设备a set of equipment一套设备 作主语时,谓语动词由piece和set的单复数决定。类似用法的不可数名词还有:a piece of furniture 一件家具a set of furniture 一套家具a piece of advice一条建议, Our school offers good _(equip) and y

18、our training here will equip you _ your future job. The room is equipped _ home appliances (家用电器).,with,equipment,for, It was a modern,bright and well _ (equip) hospital. Education and travel have equipped him _ (deal) with all sorts of people.,to deal,equipped,即学即练4(1)Our classroom _ _ _ a TV set a

19、nd a tape recorder.我们的教室里配有一台电视和一台录音机。(2)A good education should _ _ _ _.良好的教育能使你受用终生。(3)Our school has been given _ _ _.我们学校有了一些赠送的新设备。,is,equipped,with,equip,you,for,life,some,new,equipment,All classes of this school are _ with modern _. A. equipped; equipment B. equipped; equipmentsC. equipping;

20、equipments D. equipping; equipment解析:选A。equip .with .意为“用装备”,被动形式为be equipped with;equipment意为“装备;设备”,是不可数名词。,9.confuse v.使困惑;混淆;搞乱 _n.混乱;紊乱;混乱状态 _adj.令人困惑的;使人混乱的 _adj. 感到困惑的;被弄糊涂的 _搭配把混同;辨别不清,confuse A with/and B,confusion,confusing,confused, He was really _(confuse) by the_ (confuse) problem which

21、 also confused other people for a long time. When the earthquake occurred everything was in _ .(confuse) Im always confusing John _ Paul.,confused,confusing,confusion,with/and,词汇拓展,10.regret n.& v.懊悔,惋惜,遗憾 _adj. 后悔的,遗憾的 _adj. 无悔的,没有遗憾的 _搭配 后悔已经做了某事 _搭配遗憾地要去做某事,regret to do sth.,regretful,regretless,

22、regret doing/having done sth,regret to say/tell/inform. 很遗憾地说/告诉/通知,with (much) regret 后悔地,遗憾地(much) to ones regret=to ones (great) regret令人遗憾的是feel regretful for.对感到后悔regretthat后悔,遗憾, The King always felt _ (regret), for he regretted _ (kill) the man who committed no crime at all. I regret_ (tell)

23、you that my friend is ill.,to tell,regretful,killing,(1)He regretted _ _ careless.He regretted _ _ _ _ careless.他对于自己的粗心大意感到懊悔。(2)I regret _ _ you that we are unable to offer you employment. 我遗憾地通知你,我们不能雇用你。(3)_ _ _ _, I must leave now.令我很遗憾的是,我现在必须离开了。 (4)We heard _ _ that you were not successful i

24、n your plan. 听到你的计划不能顺利进行,我们觉得很可惜。,having,been,that,he,had,been,to,inform,Much,to,my,regret,with,regret,They failed to pass the exam last time. I regretted_ them. A. to be not able to help B. not being able to helpC. being not able to help D. not be able to help解析:选B。句意表示对过去的事情感到遗憾,故用regret doing形式,

25、动名词的否定形式是在doing前加not。故选B。,11.build up vt.&vi. 逐渐增强;建立;开发运用:说出下列句中划线部分的意思。 You need more protein to build you up. Im very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually building up .,在逐渐增长,使你强壮,build oneself/sb. up使自己/某人健康或强壮build( sth.) up逐步获得发展增加或增强某事物,来往的车辆在通往市区的道路上越聚越多。Traffic is _ _ _ roads into

26、the city.该公司已建立起良好的信誉。The company has _ _ a fine reputation.你在病后必须要增强体力。You must _ _ your strength after your illness.答案:building up on built up build up ones strength/body 强身健体用法点拨: build up可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词,意为“逐步建立;逐步扩大”,build sth.up的意思也是我们需要特别注意的。,理解:指出句中划线部分的意思。 His carelessness led to the acc

27、ident. This road leads to that mountain village. Einstein did many experiments,which led him to this conclusion .,12.lead to 导致;造成(后果);通向联想: result in 导致,引起(某种结果),使他得出了这个结论,导致,通向,条条大道通罗马。All roads lead to Rome. lead sb to +n. 引导到lead sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事,(1)The bank has offered a reward for any inf

28、ormation _ the arrest of the men.银行悬赏任何能将这些人绳之以法的情报。(2)What _ acting as a career?是什么让你开始从事演艺事业的?,leading to,led you to take up,focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于focus sth on. 使集中于focus ones attention on. 集中注意力于focus ones eyes on. 目光集中到 focus ones mind on. 把心思集中到上注意的焦点 the focus of attention,13.focus n.焦点;中心点 vt.

29、集中;聚焦,运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 作为学生,我们应把心思主要集中在功课上。As students,we should_. 今天,我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。Today were going to _ of homeless people. 把注意力集中在你的工作上。 _your work.,Focus your attention on,focus our minds mainly on our lessons,focus on the problem,(1)Her beauty makes her _ _ _ _.她长得漂亮,很惹人注意。(2)She felt all the

30、eyes _ _ _ her.她觉得所有人都在注视着她。,the,focus,of,attention,were,focused,on,专心于., 把思想集中于还可表达成:concentrate (ones attention) on. fix (ones attention) on.,14.reduce v.减少;降低;缩小(尺寸,数量,价格等),reduce/fall/drop sth by . 减少了.reduce/fall/drop sth to . 减少到,派生:reduction n.降低,减少,温馨提示:reduce还可表示“使陷入某种更糟的状态” 。be reduced to

31、沦落为;简化为,运用:用适当的介词填空。 Its said that prices of oil will be increased _ more than 7yuan. Because of the pressure from people,housing prices has reduced _ 10% since the beginning of this year.,by,to,(1)He persuaded them to _ the price _ $1 000.他设法使他们的价格降到1 000美元。(2)Production costs have _ _ _ one third.

32、生产成本下降了1/3。(3)The fire _ the forest _ a few trees.大火把森林烧得仅剩下几棵树了。,reduce,to,been,reduced,by,reduced,to,运用:翻译下列句子。 我们把书放进书柜以避免落上灰尘。We put our books in bookcase _.,15.keep.free from. 使免受(伤害);使不含(有害物),them free from dust,to keep, 我们必须尽力使这条河流免受污染。We must try our best_ . 这是能让你远离疾病的最好方法。That is the best w

33、ay _.,to keep you free from sickness,to keep the river,free from pollution,ment v.评论;谈论 _n.评论,意见,解释,批评 _搭配 对某事做评论,make a comment/comments on sth.=comment on sth.,comment,comment that.评论到No comment. 无可奉告, I wont comment _ what people say.,on,(1)Have you any _ _ the proposals?你对这些建议有什么意见吗?(2)It create

34、d _ _ in the press.这引起报界广泛的评论。(3)He made some useful _ _ my work.他对我的作品作了一些实用的评论。 (4)He _ that it was an excellent film.他评论这部电影很精彩。,comments,on,wide,comment,comments,on,commented,三、词组互译,1.努力拼搏做某事_2.幸亏,由于 _3.摆脱,除去 _4.宁愿,宁可 _5.使某人迷惑 _6.后悔做了某事 _,regret doing/having done sth.,struggle to do sth.,thanks

35、to,get rid of/rid. of,would rather,confuse sb,7. 导致,造成 _8. 集中注意力于 _9. 使免受伤害等 _10. 对某事进行评论 _11. 对满意 _12. 有做某事的自由 _13.in the following decade_,在后来的十年里,lead to,focus on,keep. free from.,make a comment on sth.,be satisfied/content with,have the freedom to do sth.,14.according to the statistic_15.be root

36、ed in _16.be fertile in _17.the underlined phrase _18.organic farming _,有机农业,数据表明,根源于,盛产,画线的短语,四、词组运用,1.I am so tired that I cant_ (pay full attention to) anything today.2.A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldnt _ (make sb. /sth .free from)him.,get rid of,focus on,3.I_ (prefer

37、to) remain poor than get money by dishonest means.4.You might guess that Dr Yuan,who is now rich and famous,_ (满意) his life.,is satisfied with,would rather,5.The exposure of the diary _ (导致) many officials being caught.6._ (because of) his strong constitution,Jack was able to pull through his recent

38、 serious illness.,Thanks to,led to,7.Nowadays women _ (有更多的自由) to do anything they want to do.8. _(根据) an immigration statistic,the number of illegal immigrants in United States is currently over 22,000,000。,According to,have more freedom,9.Every Day is Valentine Day if you _ your heart _ (使远离) hate

39、 and every Day is Valentine Day if you stay away from worries.10.Art _(源于) life while reflects it.,is rooted in,keep,free from,六、语法专练,1.No one enjoys_(laugh) at.2.Where is my passport? I remember _(put) it here.You shouldnt have left it here.Remember _(take) it with you all the time.,being laughed,putting,to take,3.Its no good _(cry) over spilt milk.4.She was praised for_ (save) the life of the child.5.He came to the party without_ (invite).,crying,saving,being invited,Thank you !,


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