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1、Welcome to my class.,Topic: 连词,Teacher: Wang KepingFrom : No.2 middle school,第四讲:连词,连词,word,word,phrase,phrase,sentence,sentence,连词,连词,连词的作用:把词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子连接起来。它不能在句中单独作句子成分。,二、连词分类:并列连词从属连词,连词:and, but, or, so, (for),连词词组: eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, bothand, (as well as),that,whether

2、, if, unless, while / when, until, because, so that, sothat, though/ although, even if, asas 等,连词按其性质可分为:从属连词并列连词,联合,转折,选择,因果,(1)表示联合关系,联合的双方是对等的,意义上趋向一致。常用连词有:and “和”both.and “两者都”neither.n or “既不也不”n ot onl y.but a lso “不但而且”as well as “也”,Eg:我喜欢苹果和香蕉。I like apples and bananas.I like both apples a

3、nd bananas.I like not only apples but also bananas.我不喜欢苹果和香蕉。I like neither apples nor bananas.,Eg:你和Tom都是我的好朋友。You and Tom are my good friends.Both you and Tom are my good friends.Not only you but also Tom is my good friend.你和Tom都不是我的好朋友。Neither you nor Tom is my good friend.,就近原则,就近原则,那些学生和她都喜欢音乐。

4、The students as well as she music.,like,(2)表示转折关系,连接的双方构成对比,意义上有转折。常用连词有buteg:You can watch TV, but you must finish your homework first.,(3)表示选择关系的连词,连接的双方只取其一。常用连词有or “或者”either.or “或者或者”,eg:你今天或明天可以去北京。You can go to Beijing either today or tomorrow. You can go to Beijing today or tomorrow. 你必须早点起床

5、,否则你就会迟到。 You must get up early or you will be late.,Eg:或者你或者他是中国人。Either you or he is Chinese.或者他或者你是中国人。Either he or you are Chinese.,就近原则,eitheror,小试牛刀,1._Lily_Lucy can go with you,because one of them should stay at home.2._Lily_Lucy can go with you, because they should do their homework tonight.

6、 3._Lily_Lucy can go with you, _they should finish their homework at first.,Either,or,Neither,nor,Both,and,but,(4)表示因果关系,连接的双方,互为因果,或者前因后果,或者前果后因。常用的连词有: for “因为” so “所以”,+原因,+结果,Eg:一定已经下过雨了,因为地面是湿的。It must have rained, for the ground is wet.刚才下雨了,所以地面湿了。It rained just now,so the ground is wet.,例1:C

7、ome tomorrow, I will give it to you.Aor Band CthoughDif提示:and在此处解释为“那么”,表示递进关系。,例5:The teacher his students likes football.Aand Bas well as Cand alsoDalso提示:as well as 连接两个主语用靠前原则。,用法例析 1.并列连词 - 连接具有并列关系的词,短语或句子。 常见的有:(1)表并列关系的and, bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor,as well as(也,和)等。(2)表选择关系的or,

8、eitheror等。(3)表转折关系的but, however等。(4)表因果关系的for, so等。,考点一:1)判断改错: They sat down and talk about something. They started to dance and sang. I saw two men sitting behind and ate there.,F,F,F,eating,sing,talked,and (“和,并且”) 与 or (“否则”),“and” 连接平行结构。,(1)肯定句中用“and” 表“和”;(2)否定句中用“or”表“和” 。,2)翻译: 我喜欢英语和数学。 我不

9、喜欢英语和数学。,I like English _ math.,I dont like English _ math.,and,or,= Study hard, _ your math will be worse.,3)用 “and” 或“or” 填空: Study hard, _ your math will be better.,and,or,“and”意为“这样,那么”; “or” 意为 “否则” 。,表转折的连词but 和however: e.g. (他努力工作,但以失败告终。) He worked hard, _ he failed at last. He worked hard.

10、_, he failed at last.区别: but 后没有逗号,直接连接分句; however 后有逗号相隔,可放句末。,but,However,考点二 :,观察句子 : (1)Although he is over sixty, but he works as hard as others.改为:Although he is over sixty, he works as hard as others.或 He is over sixty, but he works as hard as others.(2)“Because John was ill, so I took him to

11、 the doctor.”,*although/ though 和but这两个关联词不能同时用。,?,同样,此句错误, because 和 so 等关联词都不能同时使用。,考点三 :,either A or B “或者A或者B”neither A nor B “既不A也不B”not only A but also B “不仅A而且B”,- 连词词组 :,Either you or I _ going to the party.(或者你或者我将去晚会。)Neither I nor he _ seen the movie.(我和他都没有看过这部电影。)Not only you but also h

12、e _ French.(不但你而且他也讲法语。),【连接主语时“就近原则”】,am,has,speaks,考点四,2. 从属连词-用来引导从句。常见的从属连词有:(1)引导时间状语从句的after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as等。(2)引导条件状语从句的if, unless等。(3)引导原因状语从句的because, as, since等。(4)引导目的状语从句的so that, in order that等。(5)引导让步状语从句的though, although, even if等。(6)引导结果状语从句的

13、so that, sothat, suchthat等。(7)引导比较状语从句的than, asas等。(8)引导宾语从句的that, if , whether等。,Mr. White was taking a shower _ the UFO landed on the street. A. where B. while C. when D. whether,C,While Mr. White was taking a shower,the UFO landed on the street.,考点六,“when” 和 “while”,when引导的状语从句的动作多为终止性动词,也为可持续动词;

14、但while只能是可持续动词。,考点七,我父亲直到我们吃完饭时才回来。,My father _ come back until we had supper.,notuntil/ till 直到才till 直到为止,翻译:他直到3岁才会讲话。,He _get up until his mother wakes him up.,didnt,他经常等到妈妈叫他才起床。,He _ speak until he was 3.,couldnt,doesnt,He took the MP3 player with him _ he could enjoy music during the trip.A. b

15、ecause B. so that C. when,B,考点八,他起早是为了赶上早班车。(表目的),He got up early so that he could catch the early bus.,He got up early so that he caught the early bus.,他起早,结果赶上了早班车。(表结果),He got up so early that he caught the early bus.,sothat,so that:为了; 所以,结果,如此以致,Funny Husband (H) & Wife (W) about Shopping,情境对话

16、:,H:“What are we going to do, my dear?” W: “Go shopping.”H:“We can do nothing _shopping.”W:“In fact, _ you _ I like shopping.”H: “Why must you do the things _ you dont like?” W: “_ my skirts are out of style, _ I want to buy a new one.”W:(In the clothing shop.)I dont know_ they fit me. ”H: “I dont k

17、now _ you really like. Just go inside and try them on.”H:(对seller笑笑)“Can you talk to me for a few minutes?” S:Why?H:Because _my wife sees (that) I am talking to other ladies, she will be angry at once and leave.S: “Then why do you let her go?”H: “I want to leave _ I wont pay for them.”,根据对话内容,填入适当连词。,except/but,neither,that,Because,so,if,what/ which,if/when/ as soon as,and/ so that,nor,The end!Good bye!,


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