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1、,Topic 性格行为特征,Topic 性格行为特征,词汇导入,词汇导入,1.正如_ 2 尽管_3两者都_4擅长运动的5外向的 _ 6安静的 _ 7精明的_8物理_9化学_ 10参观,访问_,1. As 2 although 3. both 4. athletic outgoingquiet7. smart 8. physics 9. chemistry 10.visit,1.正如_ 1. As,11正如你所看到的 12在有些方面 13看起来相同14 Both of us have15.上次的来信16.上周去年下周明年17.in some ways in a way 用这种方式18. 看起来和

2、- 不同,as you can see in some ways look the same, 我们都有。last letter last week last yearnext week next year在有些方面在某方面,在某种程度 in this waylook different from,11正如你所看到的 as you can see,19.smart_ good_ bad / ill _much / many _ little _ fat_ thin _ happy _ athletic _outgoing_,smarter;better;worse;more;less;fatt

3、er;thinner;happier;more athletic; more outgoing,19.smart_ smarter;,语篇背诵人人过关,语篇背诵,Thank you for your last letter. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my h

4、air is shorter than hers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is more athletic than me. Shes more outgoing, and Im quieter. I think Im smarter than her. My favorite subjects are physics and chemistry, and her favorite subject is P.E. However, we both enjoy going to parties.Please visit us soon.,T

5、hank you for your last let,重点句子背诵默写,重点句子,1.非常感谢你上次的来信. Thank you for your last letter. 2.这儿是我和我双胞胎妹妹,刘颖的照片 Then Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. 3.正如你看到的,在某些方面我们看起来相同 As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different.,1.非常感谢你上次的来信.,4.我们都喜欢体育,尽管刘颖比我更擅

6、长体育 We both like sports, although Liu Ying is more athletic than me 5.然而,我们都喜欢去参加宴会 However, we both enjoy going to parties.,4.我们都喜欢体育,尽管刘颖比我更擅长体育,背诵自测,背诵自测,非常感谢你上次的来信。这是我和我双胞胎妹妹,刘颖的照片。正如你看到的,在某些方面我们看起来相同,有些方面看起来不同。我们都长着黑色的眼睛,黑色的头发,尽管我的头发比她的短些。我们都喜欢体育,尽管刘颖比我更擅长体育。她更外向些 ,我比她安静。我认为我比她聪明。我最喜欢的科目是物理和化学,

7、她最喜欢的是体育。然而,我们都喜欢去参加宴会。请尽快来看望我吧!,词汇大扫荡,词汇,智力与能力:1.bright2 foolish_3 forgetful_4 gifted _ 5 simple _6 smart_7 talent_8 wise_9.intelligent_,1.聪明的 2愚蠢可笑的 3. 健忘的,丢三落四有天赋的单纯的;天真的 精明的 天才;天资 明智的,智者,英明的 9.智能,智慧的,聪明的,智力与能力:1.聪明的,智力与能力:1.bright2 foolish_3 forgetful_4 gifted _ 5 simple _6 smart_7 talent_8 wise

8、_9.intelligent_,1.聪明的 2愚蠢可笑的 3. 健忘的,丢三落四有天赋的单纯的;天真的 精明的 天才;天资 明智的,智者,英明的 9.智能,智慧的,聪明的,智力与能力:1.聪明的,态度:1.absent-minded2cautious3confident4conservative5.cruel6.enthusiastic7.independent8.optimistic,1.心不在焉的2小心翼翼的 3. 自信的保守的无情的热情的自立的 乐观的,态度:,态度:1.absent-minded2cautious3confident4conservative5.cruel6.enthu

9、siastic7.independent8.optimistic,1.心不在焉的2小心翼翼的 3. 自信的保守的无情的热情的自立的 乐观的,态度:,active_ambitious_determined_direct_easy-going_energetic_humorous_practical_sensible_shy,1. 积极的2雄心壮志的3. 坚定的 4. 直接的 坦白的随和的精力充沛的幽默的实际的,务实的 明智的 合情理的 10.害羞的,active_1. 积极的,active_ambitious_determined_direct_easy-going_energetic_humo

10、rous_practical_sensible_shy,1. 积极的2雄心壮志的3. 坚定的 4. 直接的 坦白的随和的精力充沛的幽默的实际的,务实的 明智的 合情理的 10.害羞的,active_1. 积极的,11.silent12.strict13.strong-minded 14.stubborn,沉默的 严格的意志坚强的 固执的,11.silent沉默的,11.silent12.strict13.strong-minded 14.stubborn,沉默的 严格的意志坚强的 固执的,11.silent沉默的,品质:consideratecourageousdignitydiligentg

11、enerous,考虑周全的 体贴的体谅的勇敢的 有勇气的尊严勤奋的慷慨的 大方的,品质:考虑周全的 体贴的体谅的,品质:consideratecourageousdignitydiligentgenerous,考虑周全的 体贴的体谅的勇敢的 有勇气的尊严勤奋的慷慨的 大方的,品质:考虑周全的 体贴的体谅的,6.honest7.modest8.reliable9.self-centered10.thoughtful11.tough12.selfish13.warm-hearted,诚实的谦虚的 可靠地可信任的自我的 自大的深思的体贴的 强硬的难办的艰苦的;严厉的 自私的热心的,6.honest诚

12、实的,6.honest7.modest8.reliable9.self-centered10.thoughtful11.tough12.selfish13.warm-hearted,诚实的谦虚的 可靠地可信任的自我的 自大的深思的体贴的 强硬的难办的艰苦的;严厉的 自私的热心的,6.honest诚实的,行为:1.appropriate 2.good behavior3.good deeds,适当的行为检点, 举动规矩好的事迹,行为:,行为:1.appropriate 2.good behavior3.good deeds,适当的行为检点, 举动规矩好的事迹,行为:,4.good-manners

13、5. bad behavior6.blame7.disgusting8.disturb9.ill-mannered10.queue-jumping11.ridiculous12.spit(过去式、过去分词)13. set an example to,彬彬有礼 不好的行为责备 令人厌恶的扰乱 不礼貌的 没教养的 插队 滑稽的 吐痰 spat,spat/ spit,spit spitting 给-树立榜样,4.good-manners彬彬有礼,4.good-manners5. bad behavior6.blame7.disgusting8.disturb9.ill-mannered10.queu

14、e-jumping11.ridiculous12.spit(过去式、过去分词)13. set an example to,彬彬有礼 不好的行为责备 令人厌恶的扰乱 不礼貌的 没教养的 插队 滑稽的 吐痰 spat,spat/ spit,spit spitting 给-树立榜样,4.good-manners彬彬有礼,词形变换,词形变换,写出下列词的派生词1. foolish -adj._ n._(愚蠢的人,白痴)2.forget-V._ (过去式)_ (过去分词)_ adj _(健忘的) _ (难忘的)3.intelligent-adj. _ n._(智能,智慧) 4. absent- adj.

15、_ n. _ be absent from school _ 反义词: 在场的,出席 _ n. _ be present at the party _,愚蠢的,fool,忘记,forgot,forgotten,forgetful,unforgettable,智能的,聪明的,intelligence,缺席的,不在的,absence,present,presence,缺课,参加宴会,写出下列词的派生词愚蠢的fool忘记forgotforgot,写出下列词的派生词5. cautious adj. _ n. _6. depend v. _ n. _ adj _independence n_ adj _

16、(独立的) 7. active adj._ adv._ n. 活动 _8.determined adj _ v._ n._ be determined to do sth 决定做-9. energetic adj._ n. 精力_,小心谨慎的,caution 小心谨慎,告诫,依靠,依赖,取决于,dependence,独立,dependent,independent,积极的,活跃的,主动的,actively,activity,坚定的,决定,确定,determination,精力旺盛的,energy,能源,写出下列词的派生词小心谨慎的caution 小心谨慎,告诫,10. 直接的,直率的;指导,指

17、挥_ adv _ n._ n.导演,经理,指挥_11. humorous adj. _ n. 幽默,滑稽_12. practical adj. _ adv 实际上_ n. 练习,实践惯例_ v. 练习,从事_13. silent_ 保持沉默_ n. _ Silence is golden 沉默是金 silent reading 默读14.considerate adj. _ v.考虑 ,认为_ n. _15. honest adj._ n. _ 不诚实的_,direct,directly 直接的,立即,direction 方向,用法说明,director,幽默的,humo(u)r,实际的,实用

18、的,现实的,practically,practice,practice / practise,沉默的,keep silent,silence,体贴的,考虑周到的,consider,consideration take something into consideration 考虑到-,诚实的,honesty,dishonest,10. 直接的,直率的;指导,指挥_ adv,有奖竞猜,看图片,快速说出英语单词,每个单词1分,有奖竞猜看图片,快速说出英语单词,每个单词1分,spit,spit,shy,shy,determined,determined,queue-jumping,ill-manne

19、red,queue-jumpingill-mannered,ridiculoushumorous,ridiculous,ambitious,ambitious,optimistic,optimistic,optimistic、pessimistic,optimistic、,independent,independent,cautious/caution,cautious/caution,thoughtful,thoughtful,I think its a .,bad behaviour,I think its a,keep silent,keep silent,brightsmartwise

20、intelligent,brave / courageousnaughtyoptimisticdiligentwarm-hearted,brightbrave / courageous,语境练习,语境练习,(一) 用所给词的适当形式填空1.America gained _(depend) in 1776. 2.Hes so caring and _(consider) , putting others first.3.It was g_ of him to offer to pay for us both.4.Im a bit _(forget) these days.5.He is so _

21、(intelligence) that he always keeps ahead of his competitors.6.Patience and _(cautious) are your advantages.7.She gave me a _(determine) look the kind that said she wouldnt change her mind.,independence,considerate,enerous,forgetful,intelligent,caution,determined,(一) 用所给词的适当形式填空 independence c,改错Fri

22、ends are very important in peoples lives. Some friends have different views and interests, and others like the same things. Should friends be different or the same? I dont care. I have two best friends, Wang Lei and Lin Ying. Wang Lei is like me. Both of us enjoy reading books. Wang Lei is more athl

23、etic and he enjoys playing basketball. On weekends, we often go to the library to do some reading. But the other best friend of mine, Lin Ying, is quite different from me. She is more outgoing.,改错,用所学知识翻译句子1.彭妈妈总是举止得体 Peng MaMa always behaves well.2.李咏不但很勤奋而且很有主持的天赋 Li Yong is not only diligent but

24、also has a gift / talent for hosting shows.3.Lucy是我最好的朋友,她善良有耐心 Lucy is my best friend who is kind and patient.4.他给我们做出了榜样,大家都赞扬他He set a good example to us and everyone speaks highly of / praises him.5.为人诚恳,随和,自信,乐观的男孩刘翔,出生于1983年7月13日上海Liuxiang , an honest ,easy-going confident and optimistic man, was born in Shanghai on July 13th,1983.,用所学知识翻译句子,6.我喜欢给我带来快乐的朋友。 I really like the friend who can bring me joy.7.自从两年前我们就一直是朋友。 We have been good friends since 2 years ago. 8.我喜欢和他在一起,他喜欢讲话I like to be with him because he often tells jokes.,6.我喜欢给我带来快乐的朋友。,退出,The end,退出The end,


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