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1、,Matthew BGM: New Media, M&G Online,future web trends innovation series 2007 with jimmy wales,IMG SRC: Flickr,资料PPT中国PPT资源网收集提供,版权归原作者所有,http:/,the thing about predictions.,IMG SRC: Flickr,Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons. Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of

2、 science, 1949,I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943,640K ought to be enough for anybody. Bill Gates, 1981 apocryphal,There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipmen

3、t Corp., 1977,internet connectivity,Dirt cheap, lightening fast & “always on” internetComputers light, dumb terminals: need net connection to workMost applications web-based for best efficiency,IMG SRC: Flickr,all digital devices will be connected & networked,From your car, radio, phone, fridge. “al

4、ways on”An unconnected digital device will be a strange thingWiMax connected sunglasses with voice prompted HUD?,rise of the mobile internet,Rapid improvements in connectivity & screensMobile to be dominant platform for connecting to net worldwideJapan: happened already (mostly surf web through phon

5、es)Voice calls powered by internet & SMS/Texts - IM Cellphones electronic wallets & banks = main method of paymentCitizens vote for first time in elections via mobile phones?,rise of individual & entrepreneur,Open source = unprecedented access to code & applicationsCheap to create business online &

6、make own mediaTeenager in basement same opp. as worker in big companyEXAMPLE: New mobile operating system (Android)?,strides against digital divide,Developing world joins digital ecosystem via mobile phonesAlso become part of economy via cellphone walletMobile phones cheap & broadband ubiquitousIlli

7、teracy issues overcome by video & audio streamsCreates new areas of collaboration and education,almost no privacy on the web,Your data will be out thereIt will be ok because everyone will be in the same boatSeeing already with soc. networking services like FB,the rise of the virtual universe,Virtual

8、 worlds like Second life go mainstreamCome to fore as graphic cards & broadband improvePotentially a visual alternative to the world wide webStandards: different worlds connect to each other seamlesslyVirtual coup detat by SL citizens?Linden Labs cedes SL to democratically elected virtual govt,infor

9、mation pollution & overload,Next big challenge is how to manage masses of informationPeople will complain about digital fatigue“ & digital noiseFocus on developing filters & aggregators“Switch-off holidays regularly prescribed by your doctorRise of anti-digital movements urging “get back to basics”I

10、n response to clutter, a second world wide web announced,more googles & facebooks,Google & Facebook finally get good competitionMicrosoft releases OS code and goes open sourceMS makes revenue by selling advertising & giving supportAdvertising is main bus. model (connecting sellers & buyers)Facebook

11、becomes a virtual OS/desktop, with MS influence,decline of the nation state?,Govt has less influence & control than ever beforeTechnologies threaten existing power & economic relationshipsAlso: music industry has resisted digital audio and NapsterBut oppressive regimes clamp down on internetSome cou

12、ntries regress into dark ages,.and media?,media distribution & production,All media eventually delivered via internet Hardly any specialist print, tv, radio media companies leftAll fully converged, broadcasting & publishing via the netMedia on many digital platforms,MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MED

13、IA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA,fragmented media environment,Non-media players become de facto media companiesMedia world filled with new competitorsCellphone operators, handset makers - media companiesVodacom stop aggregating, start producing own contentOperators already big media comp

14、anies (Voda: 1,4m users)Battle between media & cellphone companies looming,MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA,now everyone is a media player,Barrier to entry drops even more dramaticallyRise of the reader and the consumer Readers: publishers, broadcasters:

15、competitors & collaboratorsSmall, converged media challenge media conglomerates,MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA,role of media changes,Also content aggregators, facilitatorsBusiness model: capture audience via all meansMedia companies look to own channels

16、: deals for own phones?Content portals - web applications & servicesSocial networks as well as content hubs,MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA,is this the end of print?,Books, newspapers magazines.Read on flexible digital boards, always connected Websites &

17、 digital newspapers become “same thing”Newspapers smaller & niched, but not extinctNewspapers become expensive, luxury itemsA lifestyle item: buying an “experience”, part of “offtime”,MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA,IMG SRC: WANN,.other developments,othe

18、r trends fornow & the future,Semantic web entrenchedArtificial intelligenceAttention economy in full swingSophisticated personalisation of contentLocation-based/mapping services common -),SRC: Read Write/Web, Jaxon Rice, My blog,Forget capitalism and the class struggle. the digital revolution is cha

19、nging things far more dramatically than the hypemongers ever imagined. the move from a society dominated by print and broadcast mass media to the age of interactivity is at least as dramatic as the move from feudalism to capitalism. Netocracy, by Jan Sderqvist and Alexander Bard (2001),IMG SRC: Flic

20、kr,Driven by internet and mobile communications, networks are turning into the major means of doing business. Simply put, networks will make the world go round. So controlling the networks of this world will soon count for more than controlling the capital.Netocracy, by Jan Sderqvist and Alexander Bard (2001),thank you & questionsalso available ,


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