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1、Unit 4 Pygmalion,Words and expressions,1. adaptation n. (adaption)Pygmalion is an adaptation of a classic Greek story. a film/ screen adaptationOnes adaptation to changes is a must in todays competitive society. adj. adaptablevt. adapt (sb/ oneself/ sth) to be adapted for TV/ screen,cn. 电影/电视改编本,un.

2、 适应(性),能 适应的, 可改编的,2. classic adj.Pygmalion is an adaptation of a classic Greek story. a classic novelShakespeares works are commonly considered as English classics.Chinese classics,经典的,一流的,cn. 经典作品,名著,3. fateful adj. a fateful meeting/ day n. fate 命运,天意;命运的安排Men are not prisoners of fate, but only

3、prisoners of their own minds. - Franklin D. Roosevelt suffer the same fate 同病相怜 * destiny n.Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness. - R.M. Nixon,4. whistle v. n.On his way home, George whistled in delight. whistle a

4、 songThe wind whistled sharply through the woods. n. blow the whistle the final whistlea train/ factory whistle,终场哨声,(风)呼啸,鸣叫,鸣笛、汽笛,5. hesitate v. A gentleman passes and hesitates for a moment.Being uncertain, I am still hesitating about it.Dont hesitate to call me up in case of any question. hesita

5、te about/ over sth hesitate to do sth without hesitationadj. hesitant (about),6. outcome n. The outcome of the election will be announced in an hour.The outcomes of global warming cant be underestimated.7. disguise vt.This special agent disguised himself as a doctor.Several policemen in disguise wer

6、e wandering around.,8. mistaken adj. I must apologize to all of you for my mistaken decision.mistaken views/ ideas/ concepts be mistaken about sb/ sth mistake vt. & n.make mistakes/ a mistake make the mistake of doing sth by mistake 错误地,无意中 vt. mistake sb/ sth for sb/ sth 把错认为(误认为),9. brilliant adj.

7、 Wu Yifan is a brilliant young singer.-How was the performance?-(It was) Brilliant!(= It was a brilliant success!)10. classify vt.These books are already classified by subject. classify sth according to/ by classified documents,才华横溢的,很好,很棒;很成功的;印象深刻的,机密的,保密的,11. remark n. v.You can place a man by ju

8、st a few remarks.I am cautious about my remarks for fear of causing negative effects. make a remark/ remarks about/ on/ upon remark on/ upon sb/ sthMany major news media have made remarks on Tiger Mother and Sheep Mother. = Many major news media have remarked on Tiger Mother and Sheep Mother. be rem

9、arkable for (以著称),评论,谈论,12.betray vt.But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.betray oneselfI lied I was a local, but as soon as I spoke I betrayed myself.The escaped prisoner was in disguise. However, he betrayed himself because of the way he walked.Although he was smiling, yet

10、his tears betrayed his sadness. betray sb/ ones motherland/ ones belief (to),无意间露出真面目,原形毕露,暴露出,流露出;背叛,出卖;背弃(理想、信仰等),13. upper adj. (from) the upper class (上流社会,上等阶层) (the middle/ lower class)the upper reaches of a river河流的上游14. extraordinary adj. It was extraordinary that a young hippo teased the fi

11、erce crocodile. make extraordinary achievementsHua Chunying is an extraordinary spokeswoman in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.,意想不到的,令人惊奇的,非凡的,卓越的,15. condemn vt.The English will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days.be condemned to (do) sth 被迫(处于)/做某事Millions of Middle Eastern refugees

12、are condemned to abandon their homes.condemn sb/ sth for (doing) sth指责,谴责The public media condemn the government for its irresponsible decision.,16. pass sb/ oneself off as Once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off as a duchess.In Lost in Thiland, Xu Zheng _ Wang Baoqiang _ _

13、 a local girl of Thiland.17. The Chinese ambassador to the USA is named Cui Tiankai.,passes,off as,18. acquaintance n.And I came to England to make your acquaintance.make ones acquaintance= make the acquaintance of sbI am delighted to make your acquaintance, Miss Baker.Peter has much acquaintance wi

14、th classical music.Hes not my business associate, but a nodding acquaintance.,un. 认识,有交情,结识某人;与某人初次相见,have with sth un.了解,熟悉,cn. 认识的人,熟人,19. fortune un. 机会,运气;cn.大笔的钱(opp.)_ adj. _, _ adv. _, _have the fortune to do sththe road to fame and fortune try/ seek ones fortunemake a fortune cost a small fo

15、rtune be worth a fortune,misfortune,fortunate unfortunate,fortunately unfortunately,20. superior adj. (to sb/ sth)The latest version should be superior to the old ones.Speaking to one superior to me often makes me uncomfortable. cn. 上级,上司,级别更高的人I have learnt a great deal from my immediate superior o

16、ver the past year.opp. inferior (to sb/ sth) senior; junior,21. in terms of 就来说;从角度Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar, spelling, etc.The product of our company is superior to that of other companies, _(就质量而言).in practical/ political terms从实用/政治的角度be on good/ bad/ close terms with sbcome

17、 to terms with sb/ sth与某人和解;适应/接受(困难/不愉快)in the long/ short term/ run从上期/短期来说,in terms of quality,22. compromise vi. n. (with sb on sth)After a long talk, the two sides reached a compromise.In order to get along well with others, I sometimes need to make compromises.reach/ come to/ arrive at a compr

18、omisemake compromises/ a compromise妥协,让步,取得折衷意见compromise with sb on sthNobody can get everything he wants; we must compromise on something in some cases.,23. overlook vt. But you cannot overlook that!忽略;不予理会;视而不见We cannot afford to overlook such unfair behaviour.决不可视若无睹The guestroom overlooks the w

19、hole royal court. 俯视;眺望 a house overlooking the lake,24. fade v. The sound fades out as they go off stage.The picture began to fade out and then a few words faded in. fade (sth) in/ out(让画面)淡入/淡出,逐渐显现/逐渐消失; (让声音)渐强/渐弱Clothes will fade in the sun.The train whistle fades away in the distance.,褪色,变暗,(笑容、机会、可能性)逐渐消失,


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