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1、Be healthier, be happier , and be better!,Left and right,left left right right go turn around go go go left right left left right right left left right right go go go left left right right go turn around go go gojumping grooving dancing everybody rooling moving singing night&day lets fun fun togethe

2、r lets play the penguings games smacking beating clapping all together,I can !I can! I sure can!,生命不息,奋斗不止!,为中华之强大而读书,我能!我能!我一定能!,Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,Self-study guide自学指导,Learning tasks自学任务,1. 自学单词18-19页单词、短语及be allowed to do语句 2. 构思在家中及学校生活中被允许及不被允许做的事情。,

3、语言目标:Talk about what you are allowed to do; Agree and Disagree 重 点:be allowed to 的结构运用。 难 点:should be allowed to do能力目标:熟练运用目标语言表达被允许及不被允许做的事情, 并发表见解。 情感目标:引导学生遵守家规、校规,做一个好孩子、好学生。,1,Happy Rubik cube快乐魔方,每组选择一个题号,并派出三名队员进行答题。(注意:如果选中幸运题号,不需要答题并且每个队员直接加上幸运分3分。),2,3,4,根据音标拼读单词 (1分), pis ,pierce,看图用be a

4、llowed to 说一句话(3分),_,get ears pierced 的中文是(2分):,扎耳眼,Students are not allowed to get ears pierced., laisns ,license licence,翻译短语(2分):驾照 _,根据音标拼读单词(1分),driving/ drivers license,_/_,看图用be allowed to说一句话(3分),Children are not allowed to drive., sili _,silly,(2分) 比较级_最高级_,根据音标拼读单词(1分),sillier,silliest,补全句

5、子(3分):The earrings are the _ I have ever seen. 这副耳环是我见过的最蠢的耳环。,silliest,你真幸运!为自己加三分吧!,Children are not allowed to work.,Students are not allowed to sleep in class.,Teenagers are not allowed to smoke.,Students are not allowed to use mobile phones in class.,“学生守则”知多少 (B级 2分),What are we allowed to do?

6、What arent we allowed to do?,choose my own clothes.,I should be allowed to,青春“读”白,(B级 2 分),Guess what he thinks he should be allowed to do?,I should be allowed to,go out with my friends.,青春“读”白,青春感悟,(B级2分),Ask and answer like this:A: I dont think teenagers should be allowed to drive. B: I agree. The

7、y arent serious enough. / I disagree. I think they are old enough.,我的未来不是梦,你心目中的家规、班规、校规等是什么样子的? (A级全组展示 3分; B级3-6人展示2分; C级3人以下展示1分),For example: My dream class rule I think I should be allowed to choose my favorite teacher.,新视听,Enjoy a movie , then talk about what you know bout it?,(B级 2分),新视听,We h

8、ave the right to educate. We have the right to play.We have the right to know.We have the right to protect our human rights.,(B级 2分),What do you know bout it?,Time goes by, everything is changing including the rules. What rules do you think should be changed?随着时间流逝,一切都在改变,有些规定已经不适应社会发展,你有没有为了做的更好而与旧

9、规斗争呢?(当你不满意班规,当你不喜欢父母给你买的衣服,当你不被允许做兼职、考驾照的时候,你会怎么办?)请与小组合作表演展现你们抵抗旧规的风采。 (等级:A;分值:5;各组全员参与,优胜组双倍加分),我的青春我做主,Before you do anything, Please think of others more. Then the rules will be your rules. You will have a happy life.,幸福密码 The Secrets of Happiness,Listen and circle “T” or “F”.,Anna can go to t

10、he mall with John. ( ) 2. Anna wants to get her ears pierced. ( )3. Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes. ( ) Fill in the blanks. (A级3分)4. The woman doesnt think _should be allowed to drive.5. John has just got his _license.,T,F,T,sixteen-year-olds,drivers,1b.,(B级2分),The secret of listening 听力口

11、诀听力训练,每天不断;听后朗读,先易后难;分清重点,速记要点;轻取所需,听力不难。,数风流人物,还看今朝!,Super Star,Super Team,Super Group,When you were 4 years old, she bought you some color pens, but you drew ugly pictures on the white wall. When you were 5 years old, she bought you a beautiful suit, but you played in the mud in it. When you were

12、7 years old, she bought you a ball, but you broke the neighbors window. When you were 13 years old, she advised you to cut your hair, but you thought she was out of style. When you were 14 years old, she sent you to a summer camp, but you never sent hera message during the whole month. When you were

13、 15 years old, she was waiting for you there, but you went into your room without any words.,献给母亲的诗 A poem to Mother,Harvest time 收获时刻:1.Open yourself to your mother. 向母亲敞开心扉今天的你,是否了解母爱的伟大?请你敞开心扉,给母亲写一封信,向她表达你自立自强的意愿。词数80左右(A级 5分) 参考句型: I should do I should be allowed to do 2.写出含有be allowed to do句型的5个句子。 (B级2分),


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