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1、Can you make sure _ the gold ring? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice out C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put_ we need money is quite clear. A. If B. What C. That D. _ the car can be used has not been known yet. A. If B. What C. That D. Whether_we cant understand is _he didnt join u

2、s in our discussion. A. That; why B. Which; how C. What; what D. What; whyThe fact _ he is a model teacher is well-known. A. what B. which C. why D. thatThey expressed the hope_they would come over to China again. A. which B. whom C. what D. thatWord came _ his poem won the first prize. A. that B. w

3、hether C. as D. because,8. Sometimes we are asked _ we think the likely result of an accident will be. A. that B. what C. if D. whether9. China is not _ she used to be. A. that B. which C. like D. what10. Have you any idea _ she did it? A. what B. why C. with who D. about that11. That is _ paper cam

4、e into use in China. A. how B. that C. what D. which12. It makes no difference _ we will share the office with. A. if B. whether C. who D. that13. I remember _ this used to be a quiet village. A. when B. how C. where D. what14. The fact came up _ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as

5、6 months old. A. what B. which C. that D. whose,15. All _ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A. what is needed B. for out needs C. the thing needed D. that is needed16. There are signs _ restaurants are becoming more popular with families. A. that B. which C. in which D. whose1

6、7. I have made it clear _ I will never go back there. A. when B. that C. where D. however18. The people of the party were worried about Janet because no one knew _ she had gone. A. there B. where C. in which D. the place where19. Did you want me to ask Father _. A. when he would let us go B. when wo

7、uld he let us go C. when did he let us go D. when he let us go20. Some of the scientists held the point _ _ the book said was right. A. what what B. what that C. that that D. that what,21. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just _ worries the public. A. why B. which C. that D. wh

8、at22. I really wonder _ he has posted me many packages _ we worked together. A. why; when B. why; since C. when; before D. how; after23. Although Ann is happy with her success she wonders _ will happen to her private life. A. that B. what C. it D. this24.Because they usually receive the same score o

9、n standardized exams, there is often disagreement as to _is the better student, Bob or Jim. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose25. There is little doubt _ her advice is of greater value to us. A. that B. whether C. why D. of 26. I have no idea _ she gets on well with her classmates. A. when B. how C. t

10、hat D. which,27. We cant believe that he drew such a big conclusion according to _ he took for granted. A. as B. that C. what D. it 28. Scientists believe native Americans arrived by crossing the land bridge that connected Siberia and _ more that 10,000 years ago. A. this is Alaska B. Alaska is now

11、C. is now Alaska D. what is now Alaska 29. _ we are doing has never been done before. A. That B. What C. Which D. Whether 30. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just _ worries the public. A. why B. which C. that D. what 31. The boy dived into the water and after _ seemed to be a

12、long time, he came up again. A. what B. that C. it D. which 32. The thought_ Lao Gao would open a Sichuan restaurant in Los Angeles surprised his wife. A. that B. what C. whether D.if,33. Please tell me _ you want your coffee, black or white? A. what B. when C. whether D. how34. Many workers were or

13、ganized to clear away _ remained of the World Trade Center. A. those B. that C. what D. where35. _ we can pass the coming examination will mainly depend on _ we learn and _ we learn it. A. Whether; what; how B. That; whether; why C. If; how; that D. Why; that; how36. _ people spend so much money on

14、their pets _ us a lot. A. That; surprises B. What; surprising C. How; are surprised D. That; is surprised37. We believe _ you have been devoted to _ naturally of great necessity. A. That; being B. all that; be C. that all; are D. what; is,38. Although most of them have no doubt _ he will pass the ex

15、am, I still think there is something about _ he has really got everything ready. A. whether;that B. that;whether C. that;that D. whether;whether39. Professor Lees book will show you _ can be used in other fields. A. that you have observed B. how that you have observed C. that how you have observed D

16、. how what you have observed40. Your ability has never been in doubt-the question is _ you are prepared to work hard. A. that B. if C. how D. Whether41. A computer can only do _ you have instructed it to do. A. how B. after C. what D. when42. -I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. - -Is that

17、 _ you had a few days off? A. why B. when C. what D. where,; http:/ 凯里化妆培训学校 凯里化妆学校 办法的事情,毕竟十三阿哥连贝子都不是,作为光头阿哥,只有嫡福晋才有资格出席。但是来王府就不壹样咯,王府对他而言,没有任何规矩,那些看着他长大的四嫂们,他就是将十三府所有的女眷悉数全部带上,她们高兴还来不及呢,怎么可能有任何的不满?可是今天,他仍然只带咯萨苏壹各人。福晋原本以为今天是爷的寿宴,而且只请咯十三阿哥壹家,他的府上也有不少女眷,于是就想当然地安排咯两桌宴席。萨苏来到霞光苑的时候,福晋正在院子里指挥几各小太监搬桌子,抬眼壹




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